IDW Sonic The Hedgehog Dub (Metal Virus Arc and beyond)

IDW Sonic The Hedgehog Dub (Metal Virus Arc and beyond)

Project Overview

On behalf of Roguedubs, we'd like to invite you to join us as we dub the Sonic the Hedgehog IDW comics. The roles listed below are for characters that appear in the Metal Virus saga as well as Chao Races. Before you audition, here are some rules to consider

1. Must be 15 years or older to audition

2. Must have a decent mic with very little background noise or peaking

3. It's called voice acting for a reason. Being able to do a voice is one thing, but it's also super important that you are able to emote with it while still being in character. We're looking for more emotional depth than accuracy. Have fun with it. 

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Jewel the Beetle
cast offsite

Well-mannered, bright sense of humor, timid but willing to help others as much as she can. She easily succumbs to stressful situations, which makes it difficult for her to concentrate and often leaves her in need of emotional support. We’re looking for a high voice with an accent if applicable. Capacity to panic

  • (Calm) "Only because I was looking out for you. You're the antithesis of 'look before you leap.’"

  • (Offended) "I'm a beetle!” 

  • relieved) "Thank goodness. I was afraid this was going to get violent"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Jet the Hawk
Role assigned to: Kolt | Ronnie Meza

The Leader of the Babylon Rouges, Quick on his toes, a true rouge through and through. Highly arrogant, confident, and possessing a massive ego. Extremely condescending to everyone around him, even his own team. Looking for a nasally and shrill voice with a bit of growl in it. (Voice reference:

  • (Excited) “Wave! You take the top floor! Storm! smash and grab! I got the ground floor!"

  • (Offended/defensive) "Back off, wave! Storm made us look Incompetent! We HAVE to save face!"

  • (Cocky) "Well if that's the case, who am I to deny the world their savior? Come on! Tell me what I can do that Sonic can't”

    (Though not a requirement, say any two lines from either the games or the comics. Your choice)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Wave the Swallow
Role assigned to: Moon J

A member of the Babylon Rouges, she’s the brains of the group as well as the voice of reason. With that said, she has a sly attitude and a snide sense of humor. She’s more outgoing than the rest of the group and has no problem publicly insulting others. Looking for a medium to high-ish voice for her similar to her voice in the games. (voice reference:

  • (Happy) "What a haul! Who knew some podunk backwater would be swimming in so much treasure."

  • (Angry/annoyed) "Jet! Are you out of your mind?! We're THIEVES, not kidnappers! Just let her go"

  • (concerned/serious) "Jet! If we don't help them out. Where are we going to refuel? How are we going to eat? Who are we going to steal from?"

    (Though not a requirement, say any two lines from either the games or the comics. Your choice)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Storm the Albatross
Role assigned to: BingBongVO

The muscle of the Babylon Rouges. Storm is dim-witted, forgetful, easily mislead, and can trip over even the simplest of words. He often gets happy and upset in a childish manner. However, what he lacks in brains he makes up for in power. Looking for a nice and deep voice similar to the games (voice reference:

  • (Excited) "Wait'll the boss sees you!"

  • (Proud) "You ever seen a jewel THIS big?"

  • (Blunt) "Back off Wave, if the boss says we ain't gonna do it, we ain't gonna do it!"

    (Though not a requirement, say any two lines from either the games or the comics. Your choice)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Smithy the Lion
Role assigned to: JakeTheSilent

One-off role. We’re looking for a gruff, deep, and caring voice that gives off a commanding presence.

  • (commanding) "Lock and load, diamond cutters. Let's cause some property damage"

  • (curious) "What in the world? I've heard of Metal Sonic, is this...whoa!"

  • (Surprised/angry/scared) "Fire at will!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Claire Voyance
Role assigned to: Snoozy

One-off role. Wise, down to earth, but “above it all”. Looking for a voice that best depicts her personality. 

  • (worried) "listen...hang back like you always do, okay?.....I'm....not sure. I've just got a bad feeling about this"

  • (Happy) "No, Mimic's right, we can't let this opportunity pass. We'll just have to be extra careful, and I'll scry really hard."

  • (In distress, being attacked) "Mimic! Where are you!?"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Slinger the Ocelot
Role assigned to: MicahBlaze17

One off role. Looking for a voice that is excitable, but serious too.

  • (Skeptical) I don't like this. Eggman's ready for us this time.

  • (in distress, being attacked) "Mimic! Whisper! We need to evac!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Cream the Rabbit
Role assigned to: krysdolly

Cream is a very sweet, naive, lovely, polite, and well-mannered young girl. Must be capable of carrying her familiar high pitch as well as emotional depth. (Voice reference:

  • (Happy) "But I'll have Cheese with me! He'll help look after me! He always does!" 

  • (pissed off and snapping) "I HATE fighting! I HATE seeing my friends hurt and scared! And I HATE how MEAN you are! 

  • (crying, sad, in tears, on her deathbed) "I'm sorry Gemerl….I got sick. I....don't want to make the others sick. S-so you have to go back on your own. I-I'll...I'll...I'll be brave. I'll just hide my eyes. Like it's a scary movie." 

    (Though not a requirement, say any two lines from either the games or the comics. Your choice)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

A friendly and caring Chao. Kind-hearted and loyal to Cream. Brave and won’t hesitate to protect their friends in times of need, even at the risk of their own being. Voice is rather self-explanatory: High-pitched Chao sounds, but able to convey emotions. 

  • High-pitched “Chao” sounds, but make sure to differentiate them emotionally.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Chocola Chao
cast offsite

A well-mannered Chao. Calm but cautious in dangerous situations. Although not as brave as their twin, Chocola will still offer to help others in need. Similar to Cheese, high-pitched Chao sounds, but able to convey emotions.

  • High-pitched “Chao” sounds, but make sure to differentiate them emotionally.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Vanilla the Rabbit
Role assigned to: kittyhatemachine

A calm, gentile, well-mannered, and pacifistic person. Vanilla is a very polite and motherly person, caring towards friends and strangers alike, especially her daughter Cream. She’s cautious and overprotective of Cream. Looking for a motherly and occasionally flirtatious voice for her. 

  • (Worried, scared) "This isn't like your adventures with Amy Rose or the others! You're still a little girl, and we're NOT heroes like them!" 

  • (Motherly, but worried and serious): "You're a brave and noble little girl, and I know you've done some amazing things. But I can't allow you to go out there. Stay in here and protect our home, okay?

  • (Crying, fending off zombots knowing you are going to lose) "Ms. Rose! PLEASE! Get my little girl to safety"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Emcee Voices

A learning robot that can grow wiser and develop with each new experience. Gemrel is capable of independent decisions. A gentle and caring robot towards his adopted family. Willing to do whatever it takes to protect Cream and her family. Even if it involves lethal forces. The best way to describe what we’re going for is a pissed-off Baymax. Have fun with it. Although not required, you can use the robotic filter if you want. Just also send the raw audio as well if you plan on using a filter.

  • "Request acknowledged. Proceeding to assist village defenses to protect Cream, Vanilla, and Family" 

  • "Sonic. Designation: Friend. Analysis: Infected with same material as villagers. Assessment: You will transform too. Highest level threat to Cream's safety. I will not allow that."

  • (Badly damaged) "I will stay with you are well"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
E-123 Omega
Role assigned to: JakeTheSilent

Omega is a warlike and direct robot. Driven by a vengeful desire to hunt down and destroy Eggman and his robots using deadly forces. A metallic warmonger ready to rip and tear through flesh and metal. He also has a sense of deadpan sarcasm and a superiority complex. Omega speaks using a robotic and computer-based speech pattern with a lack of expressive emotions. Very direct and matter of fact-ly as well as displaying a macabre mindset. (Voice Reference: Although not required, you can use the robotic filter if you want. Just also send the raw audio as well if you plan on using a filter.

  • (Angry) “Hostiles are resilient, heavier ordinance may be required. All Eggman robots MUST be eliminated.”

  • (Very ‘to the point’) “Is this a robot? Was it created by Eggman? Destroy all Eggman robots! Nature and origin are irrelevant!”

  • (filled with murderous intent) “We are not friends, you are in the way of my massacre”

    (Though not a requirement, say any two lines from either the games or the comics. Your choice)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

The leader of the Deadly Six. Power hungry and a conqueror with a strong mind and will, only caring for power and his pack. He refuses to give up, even in situations where he already lost, fueled with ferocity and hatred. He is both a massive brute and a cunning, quick-thinking apex predator. Looking for a deep and growly beast-like voice. (Voice reference:

  • (cocky) “Tsk tsk. Honestly doctor. You KNOW we can control your robots. And yet you send one to attack?”

  • (Angry and upset) “You attempted to enslave me and my pack. There is NOTHING you can offer that will convince me to follow you.”

  • “I assure you, I am not resting on my laurels, master. I will see to it we’ve infected everything from coast to coast by tonight…”

    (Furious, letting it all out with this one strike) “WITH THE LAST OF MY STRENGTH, I WILL CRUSH YOU-!”

    (Though not a requirement, say any two lines from either the games or the comics. Your choice)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: MicahBlaze17

Zazz is a malicious bezerker with a masochistic enjoyment of feeling pain and a sadistic determination to keep fighting to the point of exhaustion or death. A vengeful lunatic that will do anything to get his way. Looking for a medium/high and crazy voice. (Voice reference:

  • (Taunting) “WHAT?! Awww~~you’re not trying that invisibility trick again, are you?! LAME!

  • (Crazy) “heh. Not bad, But Zavok’s done way worse. Ready for round two?”

  • (Angry) “You coward! Get back here! I’ll show you the real power of--the chaos emerald?”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: kittyhatemachine

A sassy and sarcastic zeti. Although not one to get her hands dirty directly, she will if push comes to shove. She’s selfish and egotistical. She is also lazy and flirtatious. Should have a medium voice, we’re also interested in giving her a “valley girl” type accent.

(Voice reference:

  • (Condescending) “You brought a robot to fight me when you knew I could control machines? Honestly, how stupid are you?”

  • (annoyed) “ugh--THIS is all this town has to offer? It was a wasteland before I even got here.”

  • (maliciously) “I know your type. The good little girl who works so hard to please everyone. You think you’re so much better than me because you’ve got the moral high ground, huh? Look where all that got you, sweetie. Hahaha! What’s the matter? I thought you’d be friends with everyone!”

    (Though not a requirement, say any two lines from either the games or the comics. Your choice)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Master Zik
Role assigned to: SparkzTheIceLad

A calm and zen-minded individual with a no-nonsense attitude towards everyone. A firm believer in survival of the fittest. Proficient in his work and craftier than the rest of the Deadly Six, Zik is wise with a sage-minded disposition. He is tactical and knows how to keep his vile-mindedness from blinding him in order to focus on his goal. Looking for an elderly, raspy, scratchy, sinister, and wise voice. (Voice reference:

  • (Angry) “Brash young fool. Only now do you begin to understand the consequences of threatening your elders.”

  • (condescending) “You don’t sacrifice your own unless it will gain you the advantage. Now all I need to do is utter a single command, and you’ve lost everything. Humor an old man and beg for mercy? It’s been so long since I’ve crushed the enemy under my own heel.”

  • (Scheming) “The naive fool. He has no idea we will take Eggman’s unruly army and turn it against him.”

    (Though not a requirement, say any two lines from either the games or the comics. Your choice)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Darthsven16

Big and…lacking in intelligence. Stupid and gluttonize and can fall for the simplest of lies. Zomnom is also very short-tempered, especially towards people who get in between him and his meals. Looking for a medium/highish voice that is very dumb, clueless, and always hungry. (Voice reference:

  • (Angry) “It’s simple! I’m hungry! Feed me or I feed you to the zombots! Now get cookin’!”

  • (Excited) “Ohh! Where?! Where?! I’m starving!”

  • (Hangry and enraged) “Now you made me hungry AND angry! I’m HANGRY! You wouldn’t like me when I’m hangry!”

    (Though not a requirement, say any two lines from either the games or the comics. Your choice)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Zor is a sad emo boy who can’t find any happiness in his life, his only source of joy is through seeing and causing misery for others. He also finds enjoyment in his own agony as well. Always sees the downside in things and has given up on hope, happiness, joy, etc. Looking for a high-pitched, low-energy, depressed, and pessimistic voice. (Voice reference:

  • (Condescending) “How long have you been practicing that line, kid? So what I’m doing now leads to a future of misery and destruction? It’s all I could ever hope for.”

  • (annoyed) “Tch. How can you be so disgustingly heroic and selfless.” 

  • (depressingly)  “Nothing else quite pleases me as an unanswered mercy plea. The crying, screaming, frantic wails as all light of hope flickers and fails.”

    (Though not a requirement, say any two lines from either the games or the comics. Your choice)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Big the Cat
Role assigned to: Benabas

As the name implies, Big the Cat is big and a cat. A simple-minded that loves resting and fishing and his best friend Froggy. Big’s not very bright and often misses important things, but that’s because he’s slow to process things and is more concerned with finding Froggy and somewhere to fish. Looking for a laid-back, relaxed, and dumb voice. Something similar to his voice in Sonic Adventure and Sonic Heroes (Voice Reference:

  • (Relieved): “I’m so happy to have you back, safe and sound! Now all our troubles are over!”

  • (protective, willing to kill for Froggy) “I’m not gonna let you get my best buddy”

  • (Tired) “You must be pretty tired, ‘cause you haven’t said much since we got back.”

    (Though not a requirement, say any two lines from either the games or the comics. Your choice)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Belle the Tinker
cast offsite

A wooden robot created by Dr. Eggman (Mr. Tinker). Ditzy, a little shy, but sweet as a button. She’s a pacifist who cannot fight nor wants to fight and tries to avoid conflict whenever possible. Voice should be in the medium to high range with something out of place. Like either an accent or a lilted way of speaking. 

  • (introjection) “If there’s something that could use a little tinkering, I’m your girl.”

  • (self-motivating) “Get yourself together, Belle! You were built for this kind of work, so stop worrying what people think of you!”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Clutch the Opossum
cast offsite

A sly and highly composed individual who loves partaking in Chao Racing. He takes great pride in his champion status, however, he is cruel towards his Chao. He only treats Chao well when they bring him victory, the one that fails him are treaty horrible, often abused and locked in cages without remorse. Looking for a posh voice with a touch of authoritativeness and cleverness. In the lowish-medium (Think something close to what Troy Baker may do)

  • (calm and composed) “Good, you found me…some of my guests get a bit lost in the collection.”

  • (Persuasive) “I’m a Chao trainer and a good one. I only want the best and that Chao you were racing today...I could make them LEGENDARY. So here’s the pitch: If that diamond-in-the-rough of yours can come out on top in tomorrow’s races, I’ll give you anything you want from my collection….in trade for the Chao”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: J Ros

Omochao is a fine, approachable, polite, and fast-talking robotic Chao. They usually explain the rules and encourage others to follow them in a proper fashion. They also have emotions and get scared when threatened. They can also be very talkative and overexplain the simplest of things. Looking for a high-pitched, fast-talking, and energetic voice similar to games (Voice Reference: Although not required, you can use the robotic filter if you want. Just also send the raw audio as well if you plan on using a filter.

  • (Energetic) “The Grand Prix qualification race will be beginning soon. If you wish to compete, please register your Chao immediately”

  • (apologetic) “I’m sorry, we don’t allow children to race.”

  • (Excited) “Chateau guests. The qualification race is about to begin!”

    (Though not a requirement, say any two lines from either the games or the comics. Your choice)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Thea Solone

A high-spirited, carefree, energetic raccoon with an adventurous spirit. She’s super talkative and doesn't know when to stop talking. She has a love for the sea and is eager to explore new frontiers. Voice should be in the medium to high range and must have an Australian accent

  • (Concerned) “I dunno what you’re so upset about. We’ve been huntin’ pirates for forever. Now we can finally have a vacation!”

  • (trying to convince Blaze to take it easy) “We won! Everything’s fair dinkum now and you of all people have earned some time off!”

  • (Crying) “Yeah--nah--yeah…I’m really happy you’re treatin’ yourself right…but I’m gonna miss you so much!”

    (Though not a requirement, say any two lines from either the games or the comics. Your choice)

Singer (Soprano/Alto)
Role assigned to: Moon J

We're looking for a Soprano/Alto singing voice. Preferably one focused in either rock or musical theater.

  • Please sing up to 30 seconds of any song of your choice. Submit without an instrumental. 

Singer (Tenor/Bass)

We're looking for a Tenor/Bass singing voice. Preferably one focused in either rock or musical theater. 

  • Please sing up to 30 seconds of any song of your choice. Submit without an instrumental. 

Video Editor
Video Editor
Role assigned to: DiamondWarrior

Our editing staff can always use more members, feel free to send us your stuff. This is a big project and we can use all the help we can get.

  • Say something you think would fit


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