Horrortale Comic Dub | Voice Actors Needed

Project Overview

Voice actors needed for a comic dub of the Horrortale comic created by Sour Apple Studios. 

The comic takes place 8 years after the neutral run where Undyne usurps the throne from Toriel. The Underground has become a dark place due to the magic dwindling. The monsters are all blood thirsty for human flesh due to starvation. Now a new human named Aliza has fallen and needs to try to survive the terrifying conditions of the Underground. 

(Warning: This comic can get pretty dark and gory at some points)

Original Comic: https://www.deviantart.com/sour-apple-studios/art/Horrortale-01-Fallen-recolored-604118390 

Original Comic Creator: https://www.deviantart.com/sour-apple-studios 

The dubs will be uploaded to this Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYlfLEWQSFlSMxboY1fY09A


- Have a discord account

- Have a PayPal

- Older than 15 Years Old

- Good Microphone quality

Payments will be received once the chapter the character is most prominent in is completed (character descriptions have which ones these are) 

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Latest Updates

  • Chapter 2 of Horrortale is complete!

    The longest chapter of Horrortale is done! Now for Chapter 3 Here's where you can find it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xk6CrAE0sOI&t=8s Expect Chapter 3 casting soon.
  • Chapter 1 has been released!

    Chapter 1 of the dub is complete. You can watch it at this link, or check it out in the video above: https://youtu.be/Dmgi_UMXv6k You can still audition for future chapter's though, as characters are still available for them.
  • Casting for Chapter 3 and the Grillby scene incoming

    I will begin casting for Alphys and the Grillby customer's now. This is due to the many Alphys auditions, and Chapter 1 of the dub being halfway done. There have been many great auditions so far. Listening to them all and deciding who I like the most may take a bit, so I'll be contacting some of you either later today or tomorrow. Remember, even if you're not casted that doesn't mean you did bad, it just means I found someone who fits the role better.
  • New Roles!

    Hey there everyone! There are some news roles available for auditioning now. We need some VA's for a bunch of monster's hanging in Grillby's (along with Grillby himself) in Chapter 2. We also need a Monster Kid, Mettaton, and Temmie in Chapter 3. And finally, we need some Royal Guard's and a crazy mother in Chapter 4. Most of these roles aren't paying. They're only if you want to be a part of the project and help make this dub feel more alive!
  • Chapter 2 Casting Incoming

    There have been many auditions for the chapter 2 characters. As such I will begin the casting process for Undyne and Mayor Bear. There are lots of great auditions, so it may take me a bit to cast. Along with this, the over all casting call's deadline will increase to the chapter 3 and 4 characters deadline. There may be some additional chapter 2 characters added to the casting call as well, due to there being a Grillby's scene. I'll think over it, nothing is confirmed yet but there could be a bunny added and maybe a few other characters with small roles to give that scene an overall busy feeling. Anyway, I'll begin the casting process. I'll be in contact with some of you either tonight or tomorrow. And remember, if you're not casted for the role you wanted it doesn't mean you did bad, it just means I found someone better for it.
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: ShyRenn

The main character of Horrortale. Instead of Frisk, it's a skinny and frail girl who goes through what must be eternal suffering in the Underground. She has a tendency to be killed quite a lot. Make sure you are able to scream when playing her. (And with how much she does it, make sure you don't hurt yourself when doing the screams.) Most of her dialogue is going to be in her head though.

(Payment will be given after chapter 1 and 2 lines are complete)

  • (scared) You've recovered from the poison. And yet... You can still see them. The ghosts. They're showing you the way.

  • (determined) You run down the stairs. Down the hall. And there it is. The way out. (observation) Her deformed shadow screams. (Confused) What? Who is San-(pain)SSS!!!

  • (Panicking) Freebie!! I want to use a freebie! I-I can't flash the sign! I-I'm sinking! (Pleading) Please! Help me!!! (Narration) It's dragging you deeper and deeper. So cold... (Last cry before death) Freebie!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: CytheVI

Flowey has been in the underground a long time at this point. Seems he has pretty much given up on trying to be evil. If anything he's pretty depressed in his new one eyed state. He does have a tendency to be killed in the comic though, so make sure you're able to scream really well.

(Payment will be given after chapter 1 and 2 lines are complete)

  • (Soft/ Frail but with a bit of sass) Howdy. Looks to me like you're here by mistake. Another human, right? Fell down by accident? That's a surprise. I guess that makes you the clumsy, stupid type. Not to be mean or anything.  

  • (Hopeful) Put me in your pocket. Maybe together we can find a way out of this place. Seeing as neither of us want to be here. What do you think friend?

  • (Warm) Aw. You look kinda cute when you smil- * a scream of agony*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Toriel is still a motherly figure, though she is more willing to be violent when she feels like it's needed. She drugs the human a couple of times and kills flowey at the beginning. She's become more crazed in the story. Her voice should be warm when she's being nice but harsh when she's being cruel or crazy. 

(Payment will be given after chapter 1 lines are complete)

  • (happy) Here we are! Cinnamon and butterscotch pie. I mustn't send you back on an empty stomach!

  • (aggressive) What a shame. I hoped you'd be well behaved. Now I must do what's best for you. (crazed) This was your choice little one. Not mine.

  • (Urgent) NOW SANS! DO IT NOW!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: YetiWilson

Papyrus is still relatively his goofy self, I'd say he's even goofier. His new appearance has more tooth and less eye. His specialty is spaghetti he makes from his old human buddies. Also his puzzles tend to be a bit on the sadistic side. That and he's more snarky to his brother. His voice should be a more crazy version of what he would usually sound like 

(Payment will be received after chapter 2 and 3 lines are complete)

  • (Papyrus introduction dialogue. Only Papyrus' voice is necessary)

    Papyrus: (annoyed) You know what's "'sup" brother. It's been eight years and you still haven't-

    Sans: There's a human hiding behind that body.

    Papyrus: (Overjoyed) Whhhat!? Really!?

    Sans; Yep. Better go check it out.

    Papyrus: (Excited) HUMAN!!!!

  • (skeptic) How unusual for you to be such an easy target. Unless... (realization) Of course!!! Cunning Human!!! (Accusing frantically) She is feigning weakness to lower my guard!!! Pretending to be limp and useless is just the start of her devious plan to outsmart me!

  • *Old self* (Papyrus' dialogue with Sans about eating human. Only Papyrus' voice is necessary)

    Papyrus: (sad) I'm sorry Sans. I've made up my mind. No one is eating human. That is final.

    Sans: Oh man. Yo Paps. I got somethin for ya... 

    Papyrus: (shocked) Sans where-!?!

    Sans: It's the last of what I've been saving bro. Howzabout you cook us up a big feast. One last time?

    Papyrus: (tearing up happy) Yes! Yes of course!

    *New self* (happy) I. Like. This recipe.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Alex-isnt-shouting

Grillby is a being of pure fire. Unfortunately in Horrortale the magic is depleting and as a result his flames are burning him alive leaving him in a constant state of agony. He's a normally silent guy but he has a couple lines in the comic, (the majority of them are in the audition dialogue.)

Grillby's voice should be mid-range or deep and sound weak. 

This isn't a paid role because it's so small. 

  • (agreeing) ... ... ... ... With pleasure...

  • (The context for this is that the lack of magic has just affected Grillby and his flames are now burning him alive) *scream of agony*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: SullyTheLich

This is one of the characters in Chapter 2's Grillby scene. They're a monster that appears to only have a mouth. They're pretty upfront about wanting to eat the human though. I think their voice should be based on Audrey 2 from Little Shop of Horrors, the little screentime they have gives off that vibe. 

Due to this being such a small role, it is not paying. It is simply for people who want to be a part of this project. 

  • *fit of laughter*

  • (joy) Perhaps she'd like to know how much I enjoy human food these days. 

  • (excited) Let's eat!!!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Donkey Monster
Role assigned to: jlite201

This is one of the characters in Chapter 2's Grillby scene. They're a donkey-like monster that hangs out in Grillby's. I think they should have a southern-ish voice. 

Due to this being such a small role, it is not paying. It is simply for people who want to be a part of this project. 

  • *fit of laughter*

  • D'ya hear that Tooth-ache? Little Alice wants to know more about the creatures of wonderland!

  • (excited) Let's eat!!!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: ShannonHarper

This is one of the characters in Chapter 2's Grillby scene, but they also appear in Chapter 3. Dogaressa's husband is nowhere to be found in the comic (at least not in Chapter 2) so it's just her. Her voice should sound assertive. 

Due to this being such a small role, it is not paying. It is simply for people who want to be a part of this project. 

  • *fit of laughter*

  • (excited) Let's eat!!!

  • (wondering) Hey Sans, the queen called another meeting. You coming with us to the core?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: AdamationsYT

This is one of the characters in Chapter 2's Grillby scene. These are bird like monsters that hang around in Grillby's. This are 2 roles in one, so try to make both of the bird's voices distinct. For group talking scenes, please record your audio twice, one for bird 1 and one for bird 2. Bird 2's voice should be higher than bird 1's. 

Due to this being such a small role, it is not paying. It is simply for people who want to be a part of this project. 

  • *fit of laughter*

  • Bird 2: Look how small she is.

    Bird 1: She smells good. 

  • Bird 1: (panicking) GRILLBY SAYS HURRY THE FUCK UP!!!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Crazy Rabbit
Role assigned to: Ryan H

This is one of the characters in Chapter 2's Grillby scene. They're a crazy alcoholic rabbit with spiraling eyes, but they haven't had a drink in a while. They tell Aliza what life was like before Horrortale. I don't have a preference on gender for this character. No one makes it clear on whether they're female or male, so they could be either. 

This character only has a few lines, so this isn't a paying role. It's just for someone who wants to be a part of this project! Even if it's a short part. 

  • (depressed) You want to know more about "them". Don't you... ...If only I had... one more drink... So I could forget this nightmare. Until then... I'm forced to remember.

  • (happy/ reminiscing) Papyrus had such energy and cheer. He would visit our homes, delivering food and hope for a future worth living for. And my Sansy~ So plump and fun.

  • (annoyed) Grillby, you can't burn her like that.  (ecstatic) Cook her slloww. I like then j-j-j-juicy!!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
(Not) Mayor Bear
Role assigned to: scissorboy

Despite being a minor character. The (Not) Mayor Bear actually has a fair amount of lines. He's used in the flashback chapters to help sans, and in the Grillby scene he gives exposition as to some information regarding Sans. His past self should talk in a friendly, deepish voice, while his crazed self can be more on the Mad Hatter or Old Man Mcgucket side of things. 

(Lines will be received after chapter 2 and 3 lines are complete)

  • (shocked) Accident!?! That was no accident!!! (crazy) Ha ha! Lend me your ears, little one. As mayor I will share with you what really happened.

  • (Building suspense) But as soon as I came up to that cursed door... What I heard my friends... Was monstrous.

  • *Old self* (Cheery) Ha ha ha! Of course not! I should've known you have everything under control. At least let me walk you to the edge of town. What do you say?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: MeghanMcConnellVA

Undyne is the queen of the underground. When the story begins she is treated like a ruthless ruler, though there's little we see of her in that state. Her past self (which is seen throughout chapter 3 and 4) is depressed from the years of being in the underground. Now the stress of dwindling magic faces her. She has to make a big decision in this time, and it drives her crazy. 

(Payment will be received after chapter 3 and 4 lines are complete)

  • (cold) Which one of you selfish freaks took the last piece of candy.

  • *old self* (depressed) If I'm so cool, how come we're still down here, huh? How come it's been years and we're STILL trapped while that murderer still dances above our heads... ...(angry) Let's face it. Unless the final human walks past us in the next five minutes, we might as give- (realization) -uh. um... We... What I mean is... (happy) Ah, what am I talking about? Being queen isn't all bad. How about some nice cream? My treat!

  • *old self*...(panicking) Don't look at me. Don't look at me. Don't look at me. (screaming) I SAID DON'T LOOK AT ME!!!... (firm)...Sans I gave you your chance. As queen I gotta do what's best for everyone. (ordering) Guards. Pin him.  

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Monster Kid
Role assigned to: ForestMVO

Monster Kid is still his old self. He hangs around Undyne a lot, and tries to cheer her up. They should sound energetic and child-like. Innocent and kind. 

  • (amazed) This has got to be the best view down here, no doubt! They like outnumbered you 10 to 1 and you were all like "Oh yeah?" And BAM, You had em kissing the ground! 

  • (worried) Does this mean no nice cream?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: deleted283240

Mettaton is back in their old square body. This time it's a bit more broken up though. They still have their usual dramatic flair to them. It's a small role with only a few lines, but I think it'll be a fun one. They should have a flamboyent and dramatic voice. 

  • (Panicking overdramatically) YOU'RE MAJESTY!!! OH IT'S HORRIBLE!! HORRIBLE!!!

  • (angry/ sarcastic) OHHHHH!!! GO ON, LAUGH IT UP. BUT WHEN YOU SEE WHY I'M HERE... (aggressive) THAT WILL END. 

  • (explaining) The monsters of waterfall haven't found any defects on the upper level my queen. They're ready to run an engine test.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Claradactyl

Only her old self has been seen so far. So that's who she is. Though she does have a fixed sensation on Sans due to her theory that his magic eye could save them all. 

(Payment will be received after chapter 3 and 4 lines are complete)

  • (timid question) A new power source. That's what you need, right? A source strong enough to reboot the core? (firm) I know one.  

  • (sorrow) Your majesty. Please try to understand. I would never suggest such a terrible solution if there was any other way. But the horrible truth is there isn't. How could I keep this information to myself, knowing that it could be our last hope?

  • (Angry) I-! don't... believe this!!! You just saw a mother lose her own child, and you still think you can save everyone!?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: PiperJG

The Temmie's have gone feral in the Horrortale world. They're resorting to cannibalism. Their voices should be high pitched, but crazed. 

The Temmie's only have about 2 short lines, which is why the audition lines are all from the game. It's not a paying role because it is so short. If you want to be a feral Temmie though and help with the project, this is a good role for that.

  • (introduction) hOI!!! I'm tEMMIE!!

  • (sad) NO!!! So hungr...

  • (joy) OMG!!! humans TOO CUTE

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Royal Guard('s)
Role assigned to: HeWhoKnocks

This is a short role, but a neat one. In chapter 4 Sans meets one of  Undyne's Royal Guard's (There's 2 towards the end, but there's only one for most of it.) He helps escort Sans to Undyne and then holds him down for Undyne to extract his magic. 

The guard's should have deep voices, as they are a husky bunch. 

(Payment will be given after Chapter 4 lines are complete)

  • (friendly) No, I don't think so Sans. Your help would've only delayed the inevitable. I'm afraid we're far past the occasional snack to stay alive. No, if we want to live, I believe we must rely on a more long-term solution.


  • Second Royal Gaurd: (Sad) So that's it. No more power.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Crazy Mother

This is a mother who pleads with Undyne and then witnesses her child die before her eyes. After that she begins planning a revolution to overthrow the queen. 

Due to this being such a small role, it is not paying. It is simply for people who want to be a part of this project. 

  • *old self* (distraught) LOOK! LOOK AT HER! MY DAUGHTER IS DYING!!

  • (smiling through the anger) You're sorry?

  • (crazed smile) I'm sorry Sans. Did I scare you? I've been busy... Planning a revolution. 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

This is a short role that only appears in a comic that is loosely related to Horrortale called 'Pick Me.' It's created by Sour Apple Studios (the same creator as Horrortale.) It's a pretty dark 2 part comic as we see Papyrus fail to win Frisk's love over, and Sans talks to them about a recurring problem hes been having.

Frisk's voice should sound more grown than childish here. 

Pick Me comic (viewer discretion advised): https://www.deviantart.com/sour-apple-studios/art/Undertale-Creepypasta-Pick-Me-770721221 

  • (happy) A gift? For me? That's so sweet of you! (wondering) Sans, did you know anything about this?

  • *scream of shock and horror* (horrified) It's- It's a-... ...(urgent) Sans! Wait! Please wait!... ...(distressed) He gave me a human heart?? Is he insane? Please. Help me. I-I can't accept this. What should I do?

  • (thinking) Well... I hope you find a solution.. (realization) Wait... "Kept?" (interrogating) So what did you do- To fix this problem?


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