Hatoful Boyfriend Dub

 Hatoful Boyfriend Dub

Project Overview

Hello everyone! I am currently looking for some people to help out with a dubbing of the Hatoful Boyfriend Visual novels. We already have some of the characters casted from an earlier casting call, so that's why they aren't listed in this one.

Now for those of you that do not know what this game is.

The game is initially a dating sim set in a version of Earth populated by sapient birds, and its main story follows the player character and protagonist—the only human attending St. PigeoNation's Institute, an elite school for birds—as she finds love among her avian acquaintances. But there's also a deeper story that gets revealed as you go through the different routes. And there is also a sequel that has stories that are a bit outside of the canon of what happens in some of the main storylines. 

If you are interested in participating there are a few things you will need to take into consideration:

1. Have a decent quality mic

2. Be able to do this long term as there are different routes to it

3. be able to use Discord if you're casted

4. Don't add any voice effects to your voice, cause that's not necessary at all.

5.  Just have fun with it.

6. Minimum age requirement is  16

(Casting Call reopened to recast some people)

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Hiyoko Tosaka
cast offsite

Hiyoko Tosaka *(Name can be changed to whatever the VA wants once casted) is the protagonist and the playable character of the Hatoful Boyfriend franchise. She's the only human attending St. Pigeonation's, due to a special arrangement with the school.

Looking for a medium to high range voice. I'm looking for a fairly typical teenage girl voice here, like something girly, but can also inflect aggressiveness when needed. (also, picture is just a fan representation, you don't see what she actually looks like in the game)

  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • St. Pigeonations A school blessed with extensive curricula and facilities. It's already been a year since I ended my ordinary life and walked through these gates. I should probably say... This school is known for one thing in particular. This school is Japan's-- no, the world's, greatest gathering- place for gifted birds. Birds who want to study the arts, the sciences, even sports all come to St. Pigeonations.

  • But we can't just let him break the rules like that, sir! The system will collapse and we'll all turn into kulaks and dissenters!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Yuuya Sakazaki

Yuuya is a fantail pigeon and the half-brother of Sakuya Le Bel Shirogane. He is the Chairman of the Health Committee and assistant to doctor Shuu Iwamine. As such, he can typically found helping out in the infirmary. He is an upperclassman who is infamous at St. Pigeonation's Institute for being something of a flirt.

Looking for a medium to upper-low range (as in, not super bassy), mature and suave sort of voice, smooth and calm and playful, but can also get super serious.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • french
  • Come on, Sakuya-- what kind of thing is that to say to your own brother? After all these years!

  • *serious* I'll let you decide. Do you want to come with me into a world of darkness, or would you rather live a normal life? Of course, if you want to stay, I'll assign agents to protect you.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Sakuya Le Bel Shirogane
cast offsite

Sakuya Le Bel Shirogane is a French transfer student to St. Pigeonation's Institute. He is a fantail pigeon; a bird of high blood and even higher class. Considering his lineage, he is admittedly snobbish, looking down on even his half-brother Yuuya Sakazaki for being a "mongrel". He is the president of the St. Pigeonation's student council.

Looking for a middle ranged voice, the french accent is not required. The important part is sounding indignant over the baffling scrabblings of his peers, and cocky and self-absorbed the rest of the time.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • french
  • What is the point? I have no wish to speak with commoners. Do not think I'm here because I wish to be.

  • *annoyed* Haunted House? A waste of time. Nothing but a foolish charade of commoners, by commoners, and for commoners. *flustered but regaining composure* Erp. ...I suppose it might have some value. Since I have no other pressing matters to which I must attend, I shall accompany you.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Azami Koshiba
cast offsite

Azami Koshiba is a Java sparrow who sells takoyaki in Littledove Hachiman City. She possesses excellent fighting skills and an extreme amount of cool, plus a whole lot of caution when it comes to traveling the roads on her trusty pink scooter.

 Looking for a mid to low range female voice, young adult, a woman that can sound tough and commanding.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • Hmm. I like the cut of your jib. Anyone that determined deserves a ride home.

  • Carve it into your soul, kid!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Kazuaki Nanaki
cast offsite

Kazuaki Nanaki  is a mild-mannered silver king quail who teaches mathematics in room 2-3 of St. Pigeonation's. He is a very well-known and respected mathematician, however he seems to fall asleep often when giving lectures due to his narcolepsy.

Looking for a medium adult male voice, light-toned and sleepy, calm and soothing.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • Good morning, everybirdie! Err, I'm Nanaki Kazuaki. I seem to be your teacher this year.

  • *falling asleep* I specialize in math.... and... physics.... and also some... other things...... zzzzz....*jolted awake* Ah! I'm sorry, isn't it a little warm in here?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ryouta Kawara
cast offsite

Ryouta Kawara is a rock dove, and a childhood friend of Hiyoko Tosaka. He is also a sophomore in class 2-3. His mother is ailing, so he maintains several jobs in order to compensate for her inability to work. Hiyoko describes him as a little mischievous, but responsible and kind.

mid-to- high male teen voice, boyish and not traditionally masculine. Kind and gentle.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • Living as a hunter-gatherer sounds tough... I'd be happy to make you breakfast, you know.

  • Jeepers! No good being late on the first day!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Shuu Iwamine

Shuu Iwamine is a chukar partridge, disliked throughout the school for his unsettling demeanor and habit of threatening to make nosy students into experimental specimens. For this reason, there are rumors the doctor has a hand in the disappearance of students and their subsequent reappearance as cafeteria meat and gift shop quill pens. Students who enter his office will discover he tends to appear from behind without any warning, a disturbing phenomenon which has been deemed one of the Seven Mysteries of St. Pigeonation's.

Looking for a rich, silky male adult voice that always belies both a smirk and deep malice.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • *curious* A festival? Forgive me, but I don't ascribe to idle superstition. ....very well. I shall accompany you. In exchange for your left arm, of course. *amused* Oh, would that pose problems to your active and youthful high-school lifestyle? I shall accept a lock of your hair instead, then.

  • A conundrum, indeed. I think perhaps I have felt new emotions, since I acquired you. We have but little time left together, I fear. I do not like the idea of handing you over to them, so I think I shall break you once more. Of course, I do not wish to force you into a double suicide. I shall break this glass only after confirming your feelings. ....You loved me, did you not? ...hoho... hohoho....thank you.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Anghel Higure

Anghel Higure  is a zany Luzon bleeding-heart dove from class 2-2, the class next to Hiyoko's. He's flighty, and typically breaks through the windows to enter the classroom every time he wants to meet Hiyoko, only to run away again just as swiftly

Looking for a medium range male voice, someone who can be very commanding and serious, and very over the top in terms of energy.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • Correct. I am Higure Anghel, the Fallen Servant of God, stained with the Blood of Sin. ..Agh! The corruption spreads faster than I expected... I had hoped to find it before it came this far...! Sleeping Servant of the Heavens! Time is slipping by. Judgement draws ever nearer! You must find the Truth by the Light of the Red Moo-- *pained* GAH!

  • A mere disguise, Edel Blau. I sense a powerful, Evil Magic inside-- no doubt the Tree of Blight, Rufa, has taken root within. Left alone, it will soon swallow the entire school. We must stop it now...!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Okosan is an eccentric and hyperactive fantail pigeon and captain of St. Pigeonation's track team, notoriously known for his obsession with pudding

You can do whatever voice for this one. Note: The lines in parentheses are to be read like regular lines, because they serve as translation to the cooing

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • Coo, coo! (This is no pudding for a man!) Cooo! (Okosan rejects it! It is a lie! A vicious falsification!)

  • Coo! (But this is no pudding! Ousted, scorned, betrayed! Dragged into the street and shot by those he trusted most!) Coooo! (They'll rue the day they crossed Okosan! He'll have them flayed, nhanged, shot at dawn! He will! )

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Nageki Fujishiro
cast offsite

Nageki Fujishiro is a mourning dove in attendance at St. Pigeonation's. He is a very quiet freshman with a love of books; he can usually be found in the library.

Looking for a high male teen voice to low female voice, someone that always has a hint of sadness or frustration in their tone, flat and possibly depressed, nothing over the top, just hollow.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • Yes. I don't want anything with you. ...it's the things you're carrying that I'm interested in.

  • I was... shocked when you first came and talked to me, miss Tosaka. You're the only one who didn't ignore me. No one but you has ever talked to me. That's why... this is the only place for me.


Public Submissions

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