Fan Halo Movie Parody (Summer 2021) [Round 5] PAID $$$ - Composer NEEDED $4000
Project Overview
Here is additional casting for Project Eden, Round 5. Above animation is unrelated to film, although features the main cast!
As we come closer to the Summer 2021 release window, more voice actors only here at CastingClub are being invited to join in one of the most ambitious Halo animated fan made films, comparable to Red vs Blue, all fully motion captured with Xsens, named Project Eden (final name TBA). And will premiere on HaloFollower, a well known Halo channel with 650,000+ subscribers. Project Eden started production 2018, and is 90 minutes long.
Project Eden (final name TBA) is a 1 hour 30 min Halo parody about two friends that embark on a wildly dangerous, and absurd journey to find Master Chief to save Halo -- and the world.
The purpose of Round 5 voice casting is to cast some minor roles, plus get additional background voices! If rejected, it's not personal! Stay tuned for more rounds (this is round 5) of casting only here on CastingClub, last minute voices will be needed! ALSO please feel free to improvise and make up your own jokes or humor, I love taking in actors ideas.
If accepted, you will be invited to add me on Discord, sign the paperwork (1 page) and I will send payment over!
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Latest Updates
Hey guys and gals! I've been snagged into some unexpected personal compilations. So casting will start around February 25th. This is totally unprofessional, and 100% my fault. This is my first time being so very late on casting, and getting the ball rolling. Yall have posted some very awesome auditions here, and can't wait to listen to the rest, and make a final decision!
Thanks everyone for the auditions! Casting SOON
This is a harder casting than usual since I've recasted Chief a couple times, and need just the right voices for the scenes these characters are for. I'll be sending out messages from now, to February 15 and slowly but surely casting! Keep an eye out for getting casted, and sent a private message with my Discord! Thanks again yall!! -Ron -
Thanks everyone so far!
I am getting prepared to make castings and send out Discord invites (After you confirm what they are in DMs) Keep an eye out!!
If accepted, your audition takes will be used in the final film! These lines are the ONLY lines to do! I will add you on Discord, ask you to sign a short NDA, and then send payment! No additional voice work is needed from this audition.
Look! He's come to save us!
// Look! It's Master Chief, he's come to save us!
// It's Master Chief!!
// Hey man you killed a lot of people today...
// Ah this asshole
// Your videos suck dude.
// Booo
// Watch it asshole
// Listen here man...

If accepted, your audition takes will be used in the final film! These lines are the ONLY lines to do! I will add you on Discord, ask you to sign a short NDA, and then send payment! No additional voice work is needed from this audition.
I love you too, Ronald
I love you too, Ronny
I love you too, Ron

**Must be okay with rather vulgar, crazy, wild humor**
** Must be able to cry in Master Chief's voice **
About 20-35 Lines
(Annoyed, irritated)
If you wanted an autograph you could have just asked. Look what you did to my home.
(You're depressed telling a story)
Those are my parents! I thought having them around would make me feel less lonely...
(You're in combat!)
Looking for over 60-80 minutes of Original Score
- Genuine emotion and soul
- A score inspired by Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle and Jumanji: The Next Level
- Scenes are mostly complete, your job would be composing score similar to the place holder ones, and compose in sync with the scene, the dialogue, emotions being felt, and work closely with me in ensuring the score gets the mood, comedy, drama, and narrative correct!
- All score you create can be monetized, and promoted by yourself, but I also need the rights to monetize, promote, and use the music for whatever creative use I need indefinitely
Please feel free to post any work you've done in the past, or new score that may sound like Jumanji!!
Say something you think would fit
Public Submissions