Walt Allen
About Walt Allen
Voice Over/ Voice Actor/ Narrator/ Radio Producer.
I work from home. Unfortunately, I can't go to LA or New York. But, I will send you your stuff the way you want. I am not expensive because I am not elite, but I am professional. Yes, I will do stuff for free if I have the time. (This is not my only job.) But I do love this. All prices are negotiable. Let's make great stuff!
Demos & Samples
Audiobook Narration Drama Demo Reel Walt Allen
A short chapter from a book I produced and narrated.
Characters from Animation and Video games Demo Reel Walt Allen
Characters. Voices. Me.
Commercial Demo Reel
Commercials...ya know? Ads...to sell things.
Audiobook Narration Fantasy Walt Allen Demo
Post Apocalyptic Bird poopage.