Goku VS Burter and Jeice Quick Fandub Video
Project Overview
Hello! I'll will be needing a Jeice and a Goku for this quick fandub I wanna work on (I am already playing as Burter). I'm planning to fandub this scene so feel free to watch it and get inspiration from it. For Goku I want something close to Sean Schemmel and for Jeice I would like to have the original Australian accent by Christopher Sabat, however the accent is not required if you can do something similar to Kai's version then you can also audition with that!
Requirements are having Discord and having a decent microphone and no background noise.
Have fun with audtioning!
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When Goku is fighting Jeice and Burter he knows he will win so he is very care free in this scene.
A Classic Kamehameha. Dragging the the a's and e's and then one big final yell with the ha. (Kaaaa-Meeeeeeh-haaaaa-meeeeh HAAAAAAAAAAA)
(Cocky tone) Well maybe the 2nd fastest, hehehe (Playful laugh)
(Condescending tone) I'm a Saiyan who was raised on Earth, that help?

Jeice can either have the Australian accent or not your choice. Just make sure the voice fits him!
(Confused tone)What is going on? Nobody brushes my Crusher Ball and nobody puts the moves on Burter!
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