Goku VS Burter and Jeice Quick Fandub Video
TheGeekSage for Goku

Voice Actor
Role assigned to:
When Goku is fighting Jeice and Burter he knows he will win so he is very care free in this scene.
A Classic Kamehameha. Dragging the the a's and e's and then one big final yell with the ha. (Kaaaa-Meeeeeeh-haaaaa-meeeeh HAAAAAAAAAAA)
(Cocky tone) Well maybe the 2nd fastest, hehehe (Playful laugh)
(Condescending tone) I'm a Saiyan who was raised on Earth, that help?

I think the only thing you could of done better is the Kamehameha, should of have a bit more intensity. However thank you for auditioning!
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