GoGo Gonzi Vol 1 (Additional Roles)

Project Overview

Obasi seems like your average teenage boy, constantly eating, awkward around girls, and hates chores. That’s the way he wants to keep it too, but an expected guest threatens to expose his secret. Can he keep up this facade, or will he have to fulfill his duty to the kingdom?


This is a project from Moonlair Studios' and Command Grab Multimedia's "Dynamic Manga" series. Dynamic Manga is a combination of moving manga/panel panels fully voiced with sound effects and an original soundtrack. It is a truly immersive experience similar to visual novels. This is an official project and not a fandub.

Moon Lair is the secret hideout from which all of our stories are born. Think of it as the mad scientist's lab, the underground base, the fortress of - well, you get the idea. 


We have a deep passion for the 80s, 90s, and early 2000s – the time when iconic manga and anime captured our hearts and imagination. Our stories not only pay homage to the timeless classics, but also introduce fresh ideas and original concepts. We’re striving for the perfect blend of past and present. We want to bring the magic of that era back to life, weaving tales that evoke the same awe and excitement we experienced while flipping through the pages of those classic manga. We're committed to crafting inclusive stories that resonate with a broad audience, ensuring that everyone can find a version themselves within our worlds, and that's just the beginning!


We're not just a manga studio; we're about multimedia magic. In the near future, we will be expanding our horizons into the captivating realms of animation, video games and toys; bringing your favorite stories to life in ways that go beyond the pages.

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Latest Updates

  • Thanks to all who Auditioned

    Thank you to everyone who auditioned. We're starting to finish the casting. A lof of you are all very talented and even if you don't get chosen you will probably get reached out to in the future for other roles. Thank You All!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Xochitl aka Xochi(Zochi)
Paid: Flat Rate 50 USD
Role assigned to: Larissa Crowe

Zochi is the second in-command of her fighting Unit...The Barumkai. She's young but very mature, observant and responsible. She's the opposite of the first in-command and partner, Castion, who is very Brash and Loud. She is very loyal to Castion and keeps him focused on their tasks.

  • english
Voice description:
  • animation/character
  • visualnovel
  • video game
  • female teen
  • animation
  • female young adult
  • The Whereabouts of Lord Enjiro and Wraith Droger( Rayth Drohger) Kamau are still unknown…. With that being said, I trust that you can understand why we Sought you both out. Despite his reservations, The Captain Knew Obasi was the next best option.

  • *sigh…Looks like somethings never change.

  • How do we know Obasi?....He didn’t Tell You? I’m sorry…I don’t think it’s my place to say (surprised..a little confused but soft about it)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Myra's Mother
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
Role assigned to: Melody Finn

A Young mother on the run with her daughter. Frail

Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • animation
  • animation/character
  • female adult
  • visualnovel
  • Why are you doing this? (To Bandits)

  • Don't worry honey everything will be ok (comforting daughter during a tense situation)

  • Thank You! Thank You! (after being rescued)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 50 USD
cast offsite

One of Resovantes Henchman. Not very bright. Used for Comedy relief. The leader of the two henchmen. Yells and screams a lot. 

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • animation
  • visualnovel
  • animation/character
  • videogame
  • B-B-Boss The Box is Alive!

  • Never mind that, we could make a fortune selling it on the Black Market! he he he he

  • Don't think we'll forget about this kid! You and Your Freaky sword haven't seen the last of us!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 30 USD
Role assigned to: Matt Reichardt

A Fishman One of Resovantes Henchman. Used for Comedy Relief. There may or may not  be a voice manipulation involved to make the character sound like he's under water. Actor must have the ability to yell

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • creature
  • “What’s a kid doing with something like this?”

  • “Hit It HARDER!!!“ (not angry but encouraging) “Wonder What’s in it”

  • “Our Future is Looking Bright!” (cheerleading to the boss)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Barumkai Bandit #2
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
Role assigned to: Sam Shown

cowardly Bandit

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • gah Let's Get outta Here!

  • ahhhhhhhhhhh (running away screaming)


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