Hello there, my name is Charles, but please call me Chase.
I was born in Grand Junction, CO. I am also part of one of many Charles's in my family. It is a big family of more than 50 or so cousins, nieces, and nephews. I seriously can't count how many there are, to be honest. Not including my aunts and uncles. In my free time, I love watching anime, I can't get enough of it. Mostly, I am into romance anime... every chance I get to watch a new one or one of my old favorites. I can't help, but break down and cry because I just enjoy all the emotions behind the voices. A dream of mine I have wanted to go on an all-American road trip with my best friends. Just go and enjoy the open road for a few weeks and I enjoy juggling, bowling, snowboarding, and a lot of other activities.
Feel free to contact me through my Twitter @NicknamedChase or my discord at,shanghnicknamedchase(Also just know you might not be able to directly add me if we aren't part of a server, so give me a ping on here or my twitter.)
The projects I would prefer to work on are original work, paid work, and unpaid work. I would prefer nothing fan-based or anything relating to a very popular show in the title.
Into the Light
--King Callahan
Projects I am in!
Corroded Abode
Fight On
--Mois Scarlatina (Also goes by Daniel)
Blurry Past
--AI Voice Message
The Chosen Legacy
Flora's Quest
--Adam(Flora's dad)
The Elemental Wizards
Crimson Waltz
--Military Officer
Soul Beneficiary
--As Student 3
College Directed Shows of two ten-minute plays(Still kind of a rookie, but if you need an assistant director, Just give me a heads up on what you need, and I will do my best to help smooth things out! Thank you!)
---Kingdom of the Spider