Go! Go! Nippon! ~ver.2015~ Fandub

Project Overview
Picture tells more than thousand words so...
The reason I'm starting this here again (it was my project long time ago on BTVA) is mainly because the ver.2015 is coming on Oct. 16th and I want this to get rolling. The new version includes character animations and tons of new stuff. I'll be using the lines I had previously on BTVA site. REMEMBER; put emotion on your lines! I won't be choosing people on this fandub who's not taking this project seriously! That means 4 things:
1.) ABSOLUTELY NO trolling auditions. Those will be rejected automatically!
2.) Like I said, DON'T just read the lines like you would read a book. This is a Visual Novel, a game if you will. You HAVE to have enough emotion for each character set. Emotionless, or half-assed auditions will also be rejected.
3.) MOST IMPORTANTLY, You MUST HAVE clear microphone. NO background noises/hums or anything like that. Auditions MUST BE crystal clear and preferable any noise free. Also it would be great if you would have pop filter on your microphone so you could avoid having "windy/stormy" auditions.
and 4.) I cannot afford to pay you on this project. It would be great if you would agree doing a FREE OF CHARGE auditions.
There probably will have more roles in new version, but I will add those after the update is released as on side project.
Script will be delivered on VIDEO format. I suggest you getting skype and/or DropBoxBEFORE the auditions will be closed.
Go! Go! Nippon! ~My First Trip to Japan~ is developed by OVERDRIVE and published by MangaGamer. Get the game from: http://store.steampowered.com/app/251870/ and pre-order the expansion/update from: https://www.mangagamer.com/detail.php?goods_type=1&product_code=150
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The main protagonist on the game. The trip to Japan will be told in his point of view. As the game's protagonist, you'll travel to famous Japanese sightseeing spots in the company of a pair of beautiful young sisters. The girls will describe the spots, take you out to dinner, and grow closer to you throughout your travels.
[Well you can basically figure out the feel of this audition line by checking this picture link. (WARNING: NSFW MATERIAL!!): http://goo.gl/rDVeOd. So imagine her being upset/angry at you.] I'm sorry!! I was just... I was just so tired I forgot to knock... I wasn't... trying to walk in on you on purpose... [as in walk in the bathroom to do morning routines but instead he saw Makoto there] or anything like that... [with tinier voice] So I... umm... I'm really really sorry... so please...
[Saving Makoto from the perverted guy] Makoto!!! What's going on? Is this guy making trouble for you? Sorry. I just spaced out a little bit. [To perverted person] Ah. Sorry, but she's with me. If you've got business with her you can say it in front of me. So? What have you got to say?
No question--- I want sushi! Yeah. Sushi is like, Japan's trademark, right? Wait! Honestly, I do want to eat sushi, but not just oridinary sushi...
She's handing over the flyers in Akihabara's streets (as in free advertising). Think of her as one of those japanese maids with neko (cat) ears. Japanese-like accent if possible but it's not required.
Ah, yoroshiku onegai-shimaaasu!!
Nothing much explaining here to make, other than it's one of the Maid Waitresses in one of Akihabara's Maid Cafe's/Restaurants.Japanese-like accent if possible but it's not required.
Irasshaimase. Will that be two today? This way please.
Here is your menu. Please call me when you have made your choice. [Slight pause] Have you decided? [after ordering the food and drinks] As you wish. [Akira also want one of the cakes there] One cake for after the meal? As you wish.
[The maid waitress comes back with the orders] I'm sorry for your wait. One daily special and one omu-rice. [after a little time passed] Here you are. Your after dinner coffee and Earl Grey tea. And your cake.

Bright and sweet, Makoto is the epitome of a "good girl." She studies English literature in college, and therefore can speak English quite well. After leading such an illustrious student life, her cooking is absolutely awful. It is said that one bite of her food can induce unconsciousness. At home, she seems to enjoy smoothing the constantly-ruffled feathers of her outspoken little sister, Akira.
Oh, my. You seem so enraptured with Akira. Oh, I see. Akira makes dinner like that everyday. Yes. Our parents are always busy with work, and they get home late. Once we we're old enough, Akira started cooking every day.
Well. it wasn't your fault this time. I'll forgive you. But, remember, I'm taking you at your word. If it was Aki-chan you walked in on, I don't know what would happen to you... ~ [she giggles]
[talking about Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building (Shinjuku)] Japan was riding the rest of it's economic boom at the time, so a lot of money was invested to make this the tallest building in Japan. Though other tall buildings have been built since then, so now it's a lot lower on the ladder...

Not much is known of this character other than he pesters Makoto in the Shinjuku. ...Creepy...
Why not? Come on! I just want to spend a little time with you, girlie. Don't lie to me. If that's true, where's this guy of yours?
You lied about getting seperated, right? Right? Come on, just come with me...
[to the main character] Huh? What do you want? Three's a crowd, y'know... H-Hey you... I was talking to her...
Konbini = Shopping Mall clerk. These minor roles I would prefer Japanese-like accent if possible because they greet you in Japanese at first. Of course it's NOT required.
[in Akihabara route (with Akira), player buys a lottery ticket to try to win a figurine] That will be 500 yen. [Player wants to buy the lottery ticket with "SUICA"] Please hold it up to the terminal. [after the 500 yen is deducted from the card] Okay. Please pull one lot from the box. Is this it? Let me see......
Ah... an F-Prize. Your prize is a plastic folder set. Thank you!

Akira is so bad at English that even when she speaks it, the listener assumes she’s speaking Japanese. Unlike Makoto, she’s a skilled cook, and cooks for the protagonist every night during his stay. She’s so awkward that even when she’s feeling happy, she tends to express it as anger. Still, she’s a spunky girl unafraid to voice her opinions. She tends to act sullen around the protagonist, but... maybe it’s just because she’s shy?
Huh? Good morning. You guys are up early. What is it? Something's up, isn't it? [sly smile]
Well here it is. Breakfast it done. I forgot to buy bread yesterday... but it's nice to do this every once in a while, right?
Here we are. That's right! We're in Akihabara!! [after main character though maid handed out flier because he thinked he's "special" kind] Sorry to burst your bubble, but she's just giving that to you as free advertising. Nothing...~ were you thinking she gave it to you for some special reason or something?
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