
Project Overview

Gamelogica is a NEW YouTube channel exploring mythology & theology in video games. Our team produces YouTube Shorts and micro-documentaries on a variety of games and beliefs from around the world.

As an ongoing project, Gamelogica will have a constant need for more voice talent, so if you don't snag the role you wanted, there will be future opportunities updated on this page. We need voice actors for audio cameos, quotation readings, and impressions of literary, legendary, and ludological figures.

For examples, visit

(posted 4/15/24)

Final Fantasy VI and Dante's Inferno. This will be a video documentary exploring a theory that Dante's Divine Comedy provides an interpretive frame for FFVI and its playable characters. No more than 2 or 3 lines will need to be recorded for each character. About 12-14 quotations from Dante will be read. We are not producing a fan dub or dramatization.

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    We've got our full cast here but thank you to everyone who participated and submitted auditions. Obviously, I couldn't pick everyone and there are several voices that made making a final decision very, very difficult, but keep an eye out for future projects.

    Cast reveal:

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Dante Alighieri quotes
Role assigned to: Leedipus Pavemint

Dante's Inferno, and the Commedia to a larger extent, forms the basis of this project by attempting to frame and interpret Final Fantasy VI through the lens of its literature. Written by Dante Alighieri, a medieval Italian poet, the Divine Comedy is considered one of the most influential works in the Western canon. It's an allegory in which Dante himself journeys through the afterlife, guided at first by Virgil, the poet of antiquity he most greatly respects.

Our documentary will feature several quotations from the Commedia so it's likely that multiple voices will be selected for this role. An Italian accent isn't necessary, but optional. Bear in mind that these quotes are all poetry and are thematically religious. The quotes may be read by any voice, regardless of sex or gender.

You can submit the custom audition lines below or any others from the book. We will be mostly using the Ciardi translation.

[Dante speaking]
"Midway in our life’s journey, I went astray

from the straight road and woke to find myself

alone in a dark wood. How shall I say

what wood that was! I never saw so drear,

so rank, so arduous a wilderness!

Its very memory gives a shape to fear."

  • english
Voice description:
  • Poet
  • Awe
  • harsh
  • female adult
  • male adult
  • italian
  • Thoughtful
  • Respect
  • Admiration
  • Sad
  • Medieval
  • androgynous
  • poetry
  • Musing
  • [sign at the entrance to Hell] I am the way into the City of Woe. I am the way to a forsaken people. I am the way into eternal sorrow. Abandon all hope ye who enter here.

  • Even thus by the great sages 'tis confessed the phoenix dies, and then is born again, when it approaches its five-hundredth year...

  • [to Virgil] Oh, of the other poets honor and light, Avail me the long study and great love That have impelled me to explore thy volume! Thou art my master, and my author thou, Thou art alone the one from whom I took The beautiful style that has done honor to me.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Terra Branford
Role assigned to: Mama Terra

"A mysterious young woman, born with the gift of magic, and enslaved by the Gestahlian Empire."

Terra is gifted with the power of magic but has had a traumatic past being enslaved and separated from her parents. She has a dual lineage as a half-human, half-Esper. She is hopeful but carries a lot of distrust, sadness, wistfulness, hesitation, and longing to be loved without wanting to be used again. Her desire to find love is counterbalanced by her fear of others, and of herself. She is a woman who is searching.

You can submit the lines below or any others from Final Fantasy VI.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • Brave
  • female young adult
  • wistful
  • hopeful
  • Guilty
  • Sad
  • nostalgic
  • Yearning
  • Look, why are you helping me? Is it because of my... abilities?

  • But I want to know what love is now!

  • It's not the result of one's life that's important. It's the day-to-day concerns, the personal victories, and the celebration of life... and love. It's enough if people are able to experience the joy that each day can bring.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Locke Cole
Role assigned to: Noah Stevens

"A treasure hunter and trail-worn traveler, searching the world over for relics of the past..."

Despite being a thief (excuse me, sorry, "treasure hunter"), Locke is in many ways the typical good guy and hero of the story. He selflessly offers to guide and protect Terra as well as help out the Returners rebellion. He has loved and lost, but he remains energetic and optimistic, always eager for the next adventure or opportunity to go undercover as a spy.

You can submit the lines below or any others from Final Fantasy VI.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • Adventurous
  • male young adult
  • warm
  • fun
  • general
  • Jovial
  • Heroic
  • I won't leave you until your memory returns!! By the way, this secret entrance might be useful some day. Don't forget about it!

  • Hey, squidball! Don't you ever learn?

  • I'll never let go. I promise.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Edgar Roni Figaro
Role assigned to: Davidvinc

"The young king of Figaro Castle, Imperial ally, and champion of the technological revolution..."

A flirtatious womanizer and winking sympathizer with the Empire disguise a king dedicated to his kingdom and to the Returners rebellion. He's slick as an eel and smarmy with a tone that oozes honey and charm, but ultimately, despite his pomp, he does what is right. He possesses a strong sense of duty, despite being a self-proclaimed ladies man.

You can submit the lines below or perform any others from Final Fantasy VI.

Voice description:
  • Smarmy
  • flirty
  • Serious when needed
  • Innuendo
  • male adult
  • Winking
  • earnest
  • male young adult
  • I'll give you three reasons. First of all, your beauty has captivated me! Second...I'm dying to know if I'm your type! I guess your...abilities...would rank a distant third.

  • Guess my technique's getting a bit rusty...

  • [to his brother] If it's heads, you win... We'll choose whatever path we want, without any regrets...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Sabin Rene Figaro
Role assigned to: Seth Sturgill @twodollarhero

"Edgar's twin brother, who traded the throne for his own freedom..."

The musclebound martial artist and younger brother to Edgar Figaro, Sabin is a prince who left behind pomp for poverty, becoming a martial artist, desiring freedom over the crown. As a man of action, he's often blunt, impatient, and jovial, powerful enough to suplex trains (look it up!) but with genuine soft side belying his brawny exterior. For every tactic, flattery, and ruse of his brother's, Sabin is antithetically impulsive and occasionally rude without cruelty or guile. He's frequently at the heart of a comedic moment. Can a voice sound muscular with a belly laugh?

You can submit the lines below or perform additional lines from Final Fantasy VI.

  • english
Voice description:
  • funny
  • baritone
  • Macho
  • Muscular
  • male adult
  • bassy
  • tough guy
  • You think a minor thing like the end of the world was gonna do me in?

  • I'm getting sick of this! Thou art such a pain in the...! Confound it all! I'm starting to talk like you!

  • Big brother, I didn't abandon the kingdom. Now I know why I have these stupid muscles!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Celes Chere
Role assigned to: kittyhatemachine

"A Magitek knight forged by the Empire and tempered in battle. None have ever truly known the woman beneath the general's guise..."

Celes is Final Fantasy VI's deuteragonist and protagonist during the World of Ruin segment whose story both mirrors and in some ways parodies Terra Branford's. She was raised in the imperial ranks and gained the power of magic through magitek technology, becoming a fearsome warrior and commanding general. She later betrays the emperor to serve the rebellion, forming a close friendship with Locke, after which her battle-hardened callousness and toughness give way to a softer side: a woman used to fights finding herself singing opera. She has a resolute barometer for good vs evil, often seeing only black and white, and she carries herself with superior dignity due to her (former) rank. Despite her occasional moments of hopelessness, she becomes an anchor for the heroes of the game to rely upon.

You can submit the lines below or add any others from Final Fantasy VI.

  • english
Voice description:
  • powerful
  • Commanding
  • Dignified
  • Moral
  • female young adult
  • strong
  • Heroic
  • Reserved
  • superior
  • You want to live in this world the way it is? No? Then do something about it!

  • I've met someone who can accept me for what I am.

  • I'm a general, not some opera floozy!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Armenhammer1

"He comes and goes like the wind, swearing allegiance to no one. Hidden behind his wintry gaze lies a face known to none who live..."

The most mysterious of playable characters, Shadow is a wandering mercenary and assassin who, it's said, would slit his momma's throat for a nickel. His dog Interceptor appears to be the only living thing that matters to him, although he eventually proves his worth as more than a hired killer. He is a cold, calculating man of few words whose mere presence is frightening and disturbing to those around him. He has killed so often that he has even buried his emotions six feet under.

Dream cast: Keith David.

You can submit the following lines or add any others from Final Fantasy VI.

  • english
Voice description:
  • raspy
  • Gravelly
  • Whispery
  • male adult
  • depressing
  • haunted
  • baritone
  • bassy
  • dark
  • Mysterious
  • Leave us. The dog eats strangers...

  • The reaper is always one step behind me...

  • In this world, there are many like me who have killed their emotions. Don't forget that.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Setzer Gabbiani
Role assigned to: Manni DP

"A gambling vagabond who finds freedom from society's narrow views of morality aboard his airship, the Blackjack..."

Lord he was born a gamlin' man! Running his own casino, flying his own airship, and living by his own rules has made Setzer a man of vanity, impulsiveness, mistrust, risk, and theatricality. He values his freedom but, depending on the translation of the game, he can come off as fatalistic, even nihilistic, valuing the moment above all else. He's a seeker of high adventure who lives in the present, carrying around in the back of his mind the memory and ghost of his girlfriend.

  • english
Voice description:
  • Whim
  • Thrill seeking
  • Lives in the moment
  • male adult
  • Cool
  • wry
  • Gambler
  • Gambling against the Empire, with nothing to lose but my life... I haven't felt so excited in years!

  • A two-headed coin..? How low can you get? I love it!

  • Why not? Nothing to lose but my life... and I got that for free!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Cyan Garamonde
Role assigned to: Sector6

"A noble warrior of a foreign land. A faithful retainer to his lord and master, he fears not even death..."

The rare family man and father in a FF game, Cyan is a capable swordsman and man of dignity, level-headedness, civility, and meekness, strength under control. He endured the tragic loss of his wife and child thanks to the game's villain. His grief manifests in survivor's guilt and deep depression, punctuated by moments of levity thanks to his formality grating against his allies or his lack of experience with technology. He wields a courtly manner of speech resembling middle to early modern English, full of thees and thous, sirs and ladies, and can seem a bit like a fish out of water. He possibly has a slight European accent of some kind.

Dream cast: Sean Connery

You can submit the lines below or additional lines from Final Fantasy VI.

  • english
Voice description:
  • Controlled
  • European
  • formal
  • warrior
  • northern european
  • male adult
  • Reserved
  • Survivor's Guilt
  • powerful
  • male senior
  • confident
  • The world before the fall, Lovely is the light of dawn, Noble is the heart of man...

  • I will no longer live in the past. We must all look toward the future now.

  • I am Cyan, the retainer to the king of Doma. I am your worst nightmare.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Alexander Grace

"A youth draped in monster hides, his eyes shining with a warm and gentle light..."

A boy literally raised by figurative wolves, this Mowgli-esque child is the source of much of the game's comedy. Feral but not unfriendly, Gau speaks in growls, grunts, and stilted, caveman-like language as a result of having been abandoned as a boy. However, he is one of the less traumatized characters in FFVI and seems to be almost utterly carefree. He forms a strong relationship with Cyan, whom he calls Mr. Thou, and in the face of great dangers he displays only innocence and a willingness to help.

  • english
Voice description:
  • Bestial
  • child
  • high pitched
  • caveman
  • creature
  • Growl
  • young
  • Howling
  • Animal
  • male child
  • Feral
  • Innocent
  • animal noises
  • [howling like an animal] Uwaoooo~! I'm Gau!

  • Shiny, shiny! Gau like!

  • Mr. Thou! You angry... me? Me understand. Me sorry. Me not a bad person.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Strago Magus
Role assigned to: Aurailen

"An elderly gentleman who has spent his whole life pursuing the secrets of monsters..."

An aged inheritor of the gift of magic, Strago is a learned scholar and magician who is also the adoptive grandfather of Relm. Despite his education and his advanced age, something which he resents ever being teased for, he has a pronounced jovial and silly side, often engaging in petty squabbles with his would-be granddaughter. He shows remarkable spunk and energy for his age, as well. He has a casual manner of speech. This is one old man you'd be a fool to underestimate, and he wants you to know that!

You can submit any of the following lines or additional ones from Final Fantasy VI.

  • english
Voice description:
  • raspy
  • Old
  • energetic
  • male senior
  • silly
  • aged
  • Cracked
  • funny
  • casual
  • Whatcha want with me? Espers? Espers, hmm.. haven't heard that word in a long while...

  • Well, this old man’s not giving up, either!

  • So there I was, creeping through those caves that seemed to go on forever…I finally reached the deepest, darkest cavern and there he is, right in front of me. I stared the ugly brute straight in the eye, raised my staff, and let him have it. Bam! Thwack! Pow! Right in the kisser! Oh, I wish you could've been there to see me…

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Relm Arrowny
Role assigned to: ish

"In her pictures she captures everything: forests, water, light... the very essence of the things she paints..."

Like Strago, Relm also possesses the gift of magic, only she channels her mystic energies through her vivid paintings. Besides being a talented artist and too much to handle for old man Strago, Relm is a young lass full of sass, always with a quip or quick-witted response, scolding her adoptive grandfather and bickering with him, or rebuffing his attempts to discipline her and rein her fiery personality in. She can come off as rude, whiny, sarcastic, and foul-mouthed, an uncontrollable youth, though she genuinely cares for Strago and her friends.

You can submit the lines below or additional lines from Final Fantasy VI.

  • english
Voice description:
  • uncontrollable
  • Sassy
  • Sarcastic
  • Youth
  • Pouty
  • female child
  • child
  • Grandpa! Who are these people? Can they use magic, too?

  • Say, sweetie, would you pose for a portrait?

  • Fuddy duddy.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: TheRamblingsOfAStoryteller

"A moogle who speaks the words of men, and can summon the earth's power through his dance..."

The first playable moogle in the Final Fantasy series has a few lines in English, though he often defaults to his species' tendency toward "kupo". He's intelligent, amiable, and a little sarcastic and disrespectful, and not afraid to cut it on the dance floor, displaying a sense of confidence. He's the leader of the Narshe moogles and his squeaky voice was gifted the power to communicate with humans thanks to an Esper. 

You can submit any of the lines below or add lines from Final Fantasy VI.

  • english
Voice description:
  • androgynous
  • Lively
  • funny
  • child
  • Animal
  • creature
  • Squeaky
  • nonhuman
  • high pitched
  • Sarcastic
  • casual
  • An old dude named Ramuh taught me your language, kupo! He kept showing up in my dreams and telling me to help you, kupo! So... I'm gonna help you, kupo!

  • The hair! Watch the hair! I'm not a stuffed animal, kupo!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Agnon

"A yeti with a love for bone carvings. Stronger than a gigas... but a bit unruly."

One of FFVI's secret characters, Umaro is basically a big, ferocious ape monster that Mog takes under his wing. He helps the party with his great strength but doesn't offer much in the way of conversation. Let's hear your beastly bellows and animalistic roars!

Voice description:
  • Growl
  • Roar
  • Primal
  • Grunt
  • Bellow
  • animation
  • Feral
  • gruff
  • Ape
  • Yeti
  • powerful
  • monster
  • *angry roar*

  • *powerful bellow*

  • *short affirming grunt*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: hbmike

"A man shrouded in strange clothing... Or perhaps a woman? Perhaps not even human at all..."

Wake me up before you Gogo. This is a secret and secretive character wrapped in mysticism, an enigma, uttering only a few recorded lines. As a Mime, Gogo's only motivation is to mimic others. When he encounters our heroes, he only decides to copy their quest to save the world because he hasn't mimed in a long time. He should have an interesting and unusual manner of speech and/or accent. Get weird!

Voice description:
  • show off
  • Magician
  • Mysterious
  • Showman
  • unusual
  • creature
  • Peculiar
  • androgynous
  • strange
  • I am Gogo, master of the simulacrum...

  • My miming skills will astonish you.

  • This should be fun. When do we leave?


Public Submissions

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