FreakShow: Carnival Comic Dub (1)

FreakShow: Carnival Comic Dub (1)

Project Overview

FreakShow: Carnival chronicles the bizarre lifestyle of a group of carnies in a traveling carnival (written by Mr. Circus Papa) and I thought it would be fun to dub it for the heck of it!

Only the prologue and some of the first chapter is out so far so later down the road, there'll be another call if any new characters show up. We're doing things one chunk at a time.

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

The cocky friend of Toddy that doesn't quite make it to chapter 1 alive (only has a few lines)

  • english
Voice description:
  • male teen
  • OBVIOUSLY, there's a generator somewhere. It's not that hard. Add the gas, yank the cord.

  • You can check out the concessions for a snack if you're gonna be a BITCH.

  • AHA! See? Generator truck! Doesn't look too... complicated. Probably.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Shy sweetheart and vertically endowed former southern belle who runs the dessert stands. Only has a couple of lines so far. Surprisingly high pitched voice for a gal her size.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • american (southern)
  • Ah... nope. This 'un's dead. VERY dead.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Excitable, optimistic, happy-go-lucky oddity that somehow manages to run every single gaming booth in the carnival simultaneously and has a bit of a gambling addiction. His voice is excitable and peppy!

  • english
Voice description:
  • west virginia
  • american (southern)
  • male young adult
  • GASP! Two outta three? Them's bettin' odds! Somebody get me the ponies!

  • Well, now, what bug's up YOUR backside, Burtie? The sun is shinin' and the sky's blue! It's a great day!

  • HAW! Like y'all never took a captive before! ... Y'all never took a captive before..?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Moony! BreadySteady

Paranoid and overly polite young clown who constantly lives in fear.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh gosh... How can you be so calm, Rev?! We KIDNAPPED a boy last night!


  • B-Boy, howdy, officer! I'm sorry to hear a boy went missing! I would like to do everything in my power to help this investigation! If you need to search the whole carnival, by all means! I- ..." I ain't seen nothing..."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: i-me-mine

Laid back and perhaps a little too careless man who both has a performing act and works the ticket booth when not performing. He has a casual and loose way about him as if half convinced everything going on is just a joke while fully capable of being snarky and sarcastic as well.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • If I ask you what's wrong, will that make you shut up faster?

  • First of all, /I/ didn't kidnap him. The REST of you idiots did. Besides, he was trespassing so that's on HIM.

  • Look at the bright side, Smarm. By the time the cops come looking for him, we'll be outta here with the evidence.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Terra

One of the ride managers and rather fed up with the coworker's she's forced to tolerate. The obligatory mom of the group whose alternative job is keeping the others from sheer stupidity. Her voice is mainly serious or irritated with a dash of sarcasm.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • Well, look at that. We didn't KILL the intruders this time. Good work, everyone. Progress.

  • God DAMMIT! Okayyy, well. Two out of three surviving is still progress for this bunch so...

  • Hey. Either of you idiots tell Gramma yet? Loving the low profile but I'm serious. Did ANYBODY tell her yet?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Tall man managing tall rides, Burt's rather pessimistic, bleak, and occasionally temperamental. Dollface's ex boyfriend and bitter about that detail. Nothing makes him happy and he's mad about it.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • Y'know, that index card you drew a face on is never gonna pass as an ID.

  • You see sunlight once, you've seen it a million times. What's so GREAT about today? Dollface dumped me and we got a kid crammed in Josephine's trailer.

  • Okay, yeah, the guy got iced. That was HIS bad for sneaking in. But the gal's still alive as far as I know. The second there was a scream, she bailed on you both. Vaulted the fence like an Olympic pro. Kinda impressive, actually.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Rustilene

A gentle soul and the freak of the show, she's a compassionate girl with odd physical attributes and an almost motherly tongue.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • I opened the trailer door to give him some food and he pushed through and ran and hid in the potties! I think his legs were asleep...

  • Burt, stop it. Let me talk to him, okay? Take a walk.

  • I know what you're going through is scary. You saw something you can't unsee. You lost somebody that matters to you. You're stuck with people you don't know. You don't know if you'll even SURVIVE. Anybody sane would be scared. I completely understand.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Julie Roberts

A mysterious woman and leader of the entire carnival everyone seems to both fear and respect. Her voice is low and smooth, almost sultry. A well-aged woman with authority.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • What do you need, Revolver?

  • I know. Peter told me. You still need an assistant for your act, don't you?

  • Make do until I officially decide what should be done with the boy.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: TeeInTea

Gentle, loving man and fortune teller of the carnival. Extremely soft spoken, a lot of his dialogue a borderline whisper.

He only has literally one line so far in the comic but he'll be back eventually if you want to audition anyway.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • Burt! Tippy! Something's gone wrong!

  • (hypothetical line) You've been through a lot, haven't you? I can see it in your hands, your face, your spirit. It's a lot for a boy your age to take in and I'm sorry it had to be done to you. But you'll grow from it. Everything's going to be okay.

  • (hypothetical line) Please don't be angry with me, but is this all necessary? There have to be better ways to do this that don't put a child in danger.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: NoahGVA

Surly, mean, potty-mouthed 10-year-old brat in charge of the beer stand alongside his timid father with a ruthless tongue and complete lack of empathy. (most swears besides "damn" or "bitch" or "ass" are bleeped out in dialogue)

  • english
Voice description:
  • american (southern)
  • male child
  • texan
  • jersey
  • Why everybody gotta get mad at me for workin' wit' beer insteda bein' like "ay, that kid's kinda clever!"? Ain't like I'm DRINKIN' it. Tastes like ASS.

  • You ain't workin' for the beer stand. We ain't friends. And you're ALWAYS depressed so I ain't givin' you a discount for bein' your normal stupid self.

  • Listen here, y'old BITCH. Doug ain't "LETTIN'" me do jack ----! I do what I gotta do and that ----- ain't dictatin it! And I can serve whatever the --- I wanna serve! You wanna see my ------- ID, ya biddy?!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Random old lady
Role assigned to: Ross K. Foad Maya

Just a stray victim of Branson's verbal abuse.

  • english
  • Young man, do your parents let you talk like that?

  • Are you too young to be serving alcohol?

  • My WORD!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

The poor captive of the carnies, a young man trying to survive amidst a terrifying new situation for him

  • english
Voice description:
  • male teen
  • How are we gonna power the rides? Do you know HOW to work a genny?

  • Leave me alone, you PSYCHOS! You killed Jason and Chantelle! I got kidnapped and watched my friend DIE!!

  • Are you sure about this? What if they call the cops?


Public Submissions

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