Large Supporting Roles and Editor for xxxholic abridged/xxexistential crisis
Project Overview
Life has never been kind to Kimihiro Watanuki. Fate brought him to that shop. no one can see, until they need to see it. Full of rare and horrid items, only there because fate determined they needed to be. All belonging to "The Space and Time Witch" Ichihara Yuuko, if that is her real name. She knows the past present and future, if there is a god, what it all means. Too bad she's not telling. xxExistential Crisis is a nhilistic self jabbing abridged of Arcane CLAMP classic xxxholic. Meant to tackle Theological ideals with nihilistic harshness and tongue in cheek meta humor. While also retelling the melancholy story of Kimihiro Watanuki, Yuuko Ichihara, maybe even a cameo or two by Syaoran. The mystic spirits, dreadful lost souls, eastern folklore abound! and lots, and lots, of Yaoi baiting
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Taking a hard left the character, Himawari's title is "The Trainwreck"
High energy is needed. Himawari is going to be a meme generating, washout of a character. Though she is mostly aware of her surrounding, she will often speak in nonsensical gibberish or outdated slang. It will also be in character if she is drug addicted, sexually incompetent, a gang member. This will mostly be used for soft puns and play on words, never fully explore how she can actually function in this world.
potential muses: Pinkie Pie (My little pony) , Tiny Tina (Borderlands), "Sister" (Red vs Blue)
"I'm color blind like a fox if the fox was wearing 3D glasses"
"I think fortune telling is sexy. I once made out with a fortune cookie"
"Like and subscribe so we can get that dolla dolla billio, home skillets"

Please be as monotone cold and withdrawn as possible. The joke of the character is that they are homunculos dolls that have no emotion or soul. Role requires you be stuck at a constant 1
Muse: Yuki Nagato (Haruhi Suzumiya series)
Would you like to come in?
The mistress has been waiting for you.

Please be as monotone cold and withdrawn as possible. The joke of the character is that they are homunculos dolls that have no emotion or soul. Role requires you be stuck at a constant 1
Muse: Yuki Nagato (Haruhi Suzumiya series)
Please come in
The mistress has been waiting

While the director has a general idea of what he'd like to happen and the script says who's in the room. In the art of abridged background continuity can be loose and hey, dubbing is hard enough for the pros, we can at least cheat.
We need someone who can do basic lip sync, standing sitting scale, and movement editing. If you need to legally purchase footage in box sets or otherwise, you will be compensated.
*Basic Knowledge of Sony Vegas or other video editing software preferred.
Say something you think would fit
Public Submissions