Large Supporting Roles and Editor for xxxholic abridged/xxexistential crisis
Ectocookie for Himawari Kunogi

Taking a hard left the character, Himawari's title is "The Trainwreck"
High energy is needed. Himawari is going to be a meme generating, washout of a character. Though she is mostly aware of her surrounding, she will often speak in nonsensical gibberish or outdated slang. It will also be in character if she is drug addicted, sexually incompetent, a gang member. This will mostly be used for soft puns and play on words, never fully explore how she can actually function in this world.
potential muses: Pinkie Pie (My little pony) , Tiny Tina (Borderlands), "Sister" (Red vs Blue)
"I'm color blind like a fox if the fox was wearing 3D glasses"
"I think fortune telling is sexy. I once made out with a fortune cookie"
"Like and subscribe so we can get that dolla dolla billio, home skillets"