Fallout 76: A Daring Rip-Off!

Fallout 76: A Daring Rip-Off!

Project Overview

In need of voices to fill roles for a fun radio drama-type episode of my Fallout 76 podcast, “Outlaws & Underdogs.” If you’re familiar with 76, then you know the kind I mean: B-movie dramatic overacted radio plays. I’ve been expanding out into having fun with the show, and so I wrote a script I hope does justice to the genre. :)

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  • Great!

    Hey guys! I'm thrilled at the amount of interest, and should be picking roles soon! I’ve had some delays due to illness this last week, but never fear!

Project Roles: Bernie Joey Bello
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Samuel Higgins

Bernie is a nervous caravan leader and de facto head of the temporary settlement. They’ve had past interactions with Mal and were supposed to meet him to talk— the attack has them rattled but still confident his friend can help.

Voice description:
  • adult
  • any
  • west virginia
  • general american southern
  • female adult
  • friendly
  • boisterous
  • video game
  • Rough
  • androgynous
  • male adult
  • female teen
  • Oh, I remember. I remember, I’ve been remembering that for the last three days, I haven’t had any way to get a hold of you—

  • There’s this THING, Mal, like this giant monster, like you know we’ve only been here about a week, gettin ready to pass through, and we were keepin a few radstags penned up to feed the guys and then one night there was this terrible stampin and a couple of our guys went out to check and Mal it ATE them deer, snapped em right in half, they said its shadow reached right up to the sky and...

  • can you and yours get rid of it? Before it does the same to one of my guys? Mal, we gotta get these supplies moved, please, man…

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Joey Bello
Role assigned to: Ace-Shibe

An Atlantic City transplant to Appalachia, comedian. Thus, comedic timing is a must, as is the ability to deliver lines that will play off another character with some zing. The best voice will try to lean as closely as possible to the original VA, only for the sake of familiarity: https://youtu.be/XffW0552sAY

Voice description:
  • new jersey
  • comedic
  • Adult Male
  • Ah, ah, right, uh, hey! You’re so ugly that when you tried to enter an ugly contest, the judges said “sorry, no professionals!” Hey-yo!

  • Oh my god, it’s fucking Godzilla! JOEY (CONT'D) -that was one of the most unfortunately-phrased things I’ve ever said, and I’m happy to inform you that I regret every word-

  • (almost as an aside, weakly) Man, I feel like a calendar! (in response to ‘what?’) ‘Cause I’m starting to think my days are numbered. (Weakly) Hey-yo!


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