Fallen Angels | A Medieval Fantasy Minecraft Roleplay

Fallen Angels | A Medieval Fantasy Minecraft Roleplay

Project Overview

Fallen Angels

Fallen Angels is a Roleplay Idea i came up with.It is very loosly inspired by Aphmau's Minecraft Diaries. The main Storyline is about a Girlwho grew up in a village with her father, mother and sister. She's the dauther of the Lord of the Village. Their Village is at War with another causing constant battles at either Village. One day The Girls father (Lord Malak) is killed by the Enemy. This triggers magical abilities in the young Girl causing her to flee from the scene with a few of her firiends.They then try to find a way to take back their Village and stop the war.

Interested in joining the Team? Great! Just make sure you meet the following Requirements.

-You must own Minecraft Java Edition.
-You must be able to run up to 40 Mods on Minecraft
-You must have Discord
-Please be over the age of 13.
-Be dedicated to the RP! 

If you meet these Requirements feel free to Audition! Thank you for taking the time to read this! If you have any Questions feel free to contact me on Discord!
Discord: KarmaMinecraft#8648


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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Ariana is a kind and humble young Girl. She was to become a Healer at her Mothers will and knows a few things but her wish was always to become a knight like her father. She's confident and tries to make the best out of the most dire situations.

  • Mom doesn’t want me to become a guard… she’d rather have me be a Healer…

  • You’re not! You became something incredible and tried to help someone you loved dearly.


Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Levi is a confident young man. His Father being The Head Guard of the village gives him that e3xtra boost of confidence. He's rather childish on the inside and let's that out sometimes but really just wants to make his father proud. 

  • Honestly i can’t wait till Dad trains Ian,Ethan and i to become Guards too… i wanna help fight of Lycaon (pronounced "Lie-can") Shade Guards!!!

  • That’s such a waste of Potential! You should become a Guard Ari! You really have it in you!

  • -panicked- Not the time?! We’ve just been chased out of Griffin Wing, Half the people are either dead or captured, our village Lord is dead and JESS has WING’S. WHEN IS A GOOD TIME ARI!?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Pierce is the guardian of a long past Goddess who he fell in love with. He blames himelf for her passing and has alot of bottled up emotions because of this. He's rather closed off and cold to strangers but really nice and caring towards the peiople that mean the most in his life.

  • -threatening- "Who are you?! And what are you doing here!"

  • -sad- "She's gone because of me...because I failed to protect her… I'm not willing to do it again…"

  • -suggesting- "Why don't you move your little camp here? you'd be safe here…And Mother could train you!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Lord Scarlett
cast offsite

Scarlett is an Old friend of the main characters dad. She's the lord of Crystal Hill Village and is known for being a kind and noble woman.

  • -concerned and sad- "I heard what happened! I'm so sorry dear! First Your Brother and now this… you poor thing..."

  • "They took everyone in the Village as Prisoners… One of my Guards saw everything go down as I sent him to deliver something to your father…"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Ven

Ian is a rather confident and snarky young boy. He often find himself teaing the people around him and getting into trouble. Ian can however change up quickly. One moment he's this childish boy and the next he's a young man who's looking out for the safety of his friends and family.

  • -angry- "Are you crazy?! The whole of Lycaon Shade(Lie-can Shade)  is looking to have our heads, and you trust a stranger?!"

  • -panicked- "Time to go-"

  • -questioning- "How did you even find this place?"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Old Lady/Marie
Role assigned to: Arria_Melody

Marie is the best friend of Queen Ara and the other Gods. She trained them in combat and shaped them to be the gods they came to be. She's a wise old lady and has her fair share of stories to tell. She can be strict but is all in all very weet.

  • "Oh right… I forgot to introduce myself. Forgive me. My Name is Marie. I'll be training Both Jess and Levi to control and learn their powers."

  • "very well then… We'll start training after Lunch."

  • "Now… focus. Close your eyes and imagine This Rock floating."


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