

Project Overview

Heya! I'm Victoria Soh (or just Vic c:) and I'm an animation student at RMIT University currently in the midst of producing my final thesis film: 'Entwined'!

I'm hoping to find 4 amazing voice actors and a marvelous composer to help bring my film to life 💕

Yun Chen visits a vintage photo emporium and shop with a senior from theatre. While searching through shelves of cameras and marvelling about all the vintage costumes, he gets drawn to an ornate box; imbued with intricate patterns and drawings on camphor wood. Seeing Yun Chen's fascination, the store clerk gifts it to him.

As he looks through the mysterious contents of the box, he gets thrown into a river of memories. He relives moments of a life gone too soon and learns about a love of the past.

Some extra context about the film:
- The setting is similar to 1920s-30s HongKong/Shanghai so all the characters have Chinese names and anyone who can speak Mandarin or is willing to learn the pronunciations would be a bonus! (The script is fully in English though, so it's really just the names)

- There's a bit of references and nuances to classical Chinese literature, namely 'The Butterfly Lovers' and the story plays around with that narrative. I'm more than happy to talk about all the references and symbolism in the film!

Ai Yun Chen (Yun Chen)

Ye Qiu (Xiao Ye)

Xue Jie

Old Ye Qiu

Here's a look into some scenes of the film!

Voice Cast Production Details:
- If you are located in Melbourne, we could carry out in person recording sessions! This would be preferred but I'm aware there isn't a huge possibility for that.

- If you're not in Melbourne, we'd likely be carrying out the recording sessions over Discord! Some prerequisites for that would be: good quality microphone/ Good audio quality (Or able to record at a recording booth near you, which I will do my best to compensate monetarily)

- I will likely ask for a Discord ID if you are casted, just for ease of communication with each other( as well as the full cast), but if there's any issues regarding that, we can discuss and figure something out!

- I would prefer that the recorded audio have no pops, squeaks and no significant background noise.

- I kind have the characters' voices set in my mind but I'm very open to suggestions and experimentation! I'm not opposed to accents but I'd prefer if it's not too heavy/easily placed.

- I will be showing the full animatic (as well as my not very well done audio demo) as well as the pre-production art document to the final cast!

The film is due to be completed by the end of the year. I do have the script and animatic finalised, but should there be any changes, I will be paying the same rate if any re-recording is necessary.

Composer Production Details:
- The music I'm looking for leans quite abit to more Chinese Traditional type of pieces. The story does revolve around a Chinese Opera afterall hahaha! So if you have any existing tracks or is interested in this genre it would be great!

- Here's a link to a playlist of the music I've been using as placeholders in my animatic if you'd like to get a feeling of the type of compositions I'm looking for!
link: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8FLdJfxtw77mG-4oTO_Bgo9mQEFdgb9c&si=W3Z_tFbKm0qwO_TK

- I'm open to experimentation and suggestions!

- As for the timeline/deadline for the music, we'd likely be working on it throughout the production process, which would take up to 2-3 months. So there's no huge rush.

That's all for now! Phew that was a lot hahaha 😅 Thank you for reading through all that and for your interest in my film! I do hope that you would give my characters a try and help bring them to life!

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Latest Updates

  • Just wanted to express some appreciation!

    Thank you SO so much to everyone who has auditioned so far and I'm thoroughly warmed by all the positivity and kind words that everyone is showing towards my brainchild of a film! I'm definitely going to have a hard time picking out and assigning roles hahaha LIKE 100+ submissions in 2 days???? That's SO crazy to me, I couldn't even believe it 😭😭

    That being said! The current cut-off date for submissions is 17th July, but due to the large amount of submissions I might close it earlier depending on how the casting is going. I will MOST definitely make an announcement again if that is the case (here on CCC, Twitter @/pistchachios and Instagram @/entwined.hdl )

    Lastly, I am currently going through all the submissions slowly but surely! I will make sure to get back to everyone as soon as I can. That is all for now and thank you for reading!

    As always, please don't hesitate to shoot me a DM here or @/pistchachios on Twitter or email me at [email protected] if you have any questions or would like some extra info!


Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Yun Chen
Paid: Flat Rate 50 AUD

One of the main characters, Yun Chen is a chinese opera singer who is trying to get a role as a Nan Dan (Female role played by a man). He has a fairly gentle demeanour, and comes off as like a clean cut and pure type of guy. He’s very passionate about performing, so he can get pretty stubborn about it. Stern about his beliefs.

*Important Note! The film has some lines that include Mandarin terms, so it is preferred if there's experience in speaking the language or be willing to learn pronunciations for the words!

  • english
  • mandarin
Voice description:
  • animation/character
  • male young adult
  • animation
  • film
  • Sweet
  • Cheerful
  • friendly
  • Gentle
  • boyish
  • Honeyed
  • I think it’d be nice if soulmates were a thing. Having someone who’s gonna be with you every lifetime? Makes living much less lonely.

  • I’m- I want to put on a good show, I always do but- I’m so- I’ve never been this nervous.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ye Qiu
Paid: Flat Rate 50 AUD

One of the main characters, Ye Qiu is a press photographer, and he met Yun Chen by chance on one of his performances (a bit of a meet cute situation). He’s a fairly confident guy, tends to let loose and joke around and expresses himself more with people he’s close to. He’s generally well composed but could get agitated when things get very frustrating. Is Yun Chen's lover.

*Important Note! The film has some lines that include Mandarin terms, so it is preferred if there's experience in speaking the language or be willing to learn pronunciations for the words!

  • english
  • mandarin
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • animation
  • animation/character
  • confident
  • Grounded
  • velvet
  • Playful
  • Appealing
  • warm
  • Attractive
  • Of course I’m here, I would never miss any of your premieres.

  • You won’t be alone.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Xue Jie
Paid: Flat Rate 40 AUD

Xue Jie (meaning a female senior from school) is a friend from the school's theatre club that accompanies Yun Chen to visit the vintage shop at the beginning of the film. She's a bit of an outgoing personality, very straightforward and upbeat. Has the confidence that only seniors have for sure.

*Important Note! The film has some lines that include Mandarin terms, so it is preferred if there's experience in speaking the language or be willing to learn pronunciations for the words!

  • english
  • mandarin
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • animation
  • animation/character
  • Cheerful
  • confident
  • smart
  • Playful
  • frank
  • upbeat
  • Like that whole Romeo Juliet thing? Ugh.

  • C’mon we gotta go, they're telling us to head back.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ye Qiu (Present)
Paid: Flat Rate 30 AUD

Slight spoilers? This is the older Ye Qiu, he's remained the same all these years. Maybe his hair has greyed over time, so what? He's still, steadfast as ever. 

*The qualities of Ye Qiu as a character remains the same, but I'd like to have a much more mature voice playing this role. If you'd like to try out for both age ranges, I'd be delighted!

*Although he's still technically the lead role, there's very little lines for Ye Qiu in the present time.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male senior
  • male adult
  • Low
  • warm
  • animation
  • elderly
  • comforting
  • animation/character
  • Appealing
  • You're here.

  • *clears throat* You forgot something?

Paid: Flat Rate 100 AUD

Someone interested or well versed in composing Chinese-style pieces! I'd love to have original songs and scores for my film. I'm open to discuss the style of music, production methods as well as payment!

  • english
  • *Say something you think would fit*


Public Submissions

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