Encounters of The Mojave - Primm and Mojave Outpost V.1.1

Encounters of The Mojave - Primm and Mojave Outpost V.1.1

Project Overview

Hey all, it's Cu na Saoirse! Back at it again with another fun project! Please make sure to read THIS ENTIRE description before auditioning please. That includes Audition Requirements and Voice Requirements!

The project this time is for an update to a previous installment of the series, Primm and Mojave Outpost. All installments are linked below. The goal of the series is to bring life to the Mojave and make it seem that you, the Player, are not the center of attention.

Previous installments:










- Multiple takes are encouraged (2-3) for each audition line but NOT required!

- You must follow the voicing instructions crystal clearly. Any audition with mess-ups on specific instructions w/o any attempts to fix WILL BE disqualified.

- Must not be afraid to get vulgar or loud!

 - Sometimes you will be cussing too. If you are uncomfortable with that, then I can say that, unfortunately, this project is not for you. :(

Audition Requirements:

-Crisp, clean audio. No hums*, pops, hisses, or background noise. Any audition with these found inside WILL BE disqualified!

                 *Hums, if distant enough to be hardly noticeable, can pass auditioning ONLY if the voice actor can remove them when asked.

-Show emotion! Any audition without emotion or effort WILL BE disqualified!

- Communication can be conducted through Discord or CCC.

- MOST roles will have between 1 and 10 lines each.

-Have fun!

If you are disqualified, feel free to re-audition! There is no negativity here, only positivity and room for improvement!

If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I can answer most.

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Latest Updates

  • Shortlist Selected, Final Casting Taking Place

    As the title states, final casting is taking place. Shortlists have been selected and all auditions have been gone through. Good luck to the shortlists, and thank you to everyone who has participated in auditioning!

  • Audition's Cut Off

    Hey all, so I'm still seeing auditions trickle in as I go through them. I just wanted to take a minute to say that, from this point forward, no new auditions will be considered if submitted past the posting of this update. I apologize for any trouble this causes, but at some point I gotta cut it off. Thank you all for your interest, and I look forward to hearing what is brought to the table! :D

  • Audition Sorting Paused Until Tomorrow

    As the title states, I'm putting off the remaining auditions (of which I still have over 150 to go through) until tomorrow morning. Reason being is internet troubles coupled with some errors I'm receiving on CCC side. So, yeah. Stay tuned for more updated!

  • Deadline Came And Went

    Has it been a week already? Good grief. With the end of the week comes the selection process! I will be going through each audition and selecting the best person for the role! Good luck!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Jackal Gang Member
Role assigned to: Raptorius

The Jackals are a cannibalistic gang of Raiders in the Mojave Wasteland. Once a powerful, mighty force, they have been brutalized and beaten by other, more powerful gangs AND the powerful military of the New California Republic. By the time of Fallout: New Vegas, they are a shadow of what they once were.

This Jackal has been imprisoned in the local jail by his fellow gang members. When the Player "rescues" him, he'll attack on the idea that you killed all his friends.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • Huh? Who are you? How'd you get in here?

  • The better question is who the fuck are you? Did... did you just shoot your way through here?

  • Oh, OK. Sure, I'll run for it. Right after I bash your goddamn skull in, you vile monster!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
NCR Ranger # 1
Role assigned to: Kat Mackay - Anicia

The NCR Rangers are the best of the best in the NCR Military. Essentially special forces, they are an all volunteer group that goes out on dangerous, high-risk missions to accomplish the goals of the NCR. From scouts and nighttime raids to assassinations and sometimes even combat missions.

This Ranger is a rookie on the job, and is busy enjoying the sights in the Mojave. Her superior is egging her to quit her sightseeing and keep her mind focused on the job.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • Yeah, yeah. Just another minute.

  • I've always wanted to see the world, sergeant. This is my chance. The sights here are beautiful. I just want to take them all in.

  • Please, sergeant? Just another minute...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
NCR Ranger # 2 (GHOUL ROLE)
Role assigned to: Gael Force Wind


The NCR Rangers are the best of the best in the NCR Military. Essentially special forces, they are an all volunteer group that goes out on dangerous, high-risk missions to accomplish the goals of the NCR. From scouts and nighttime raids to assassinations and sometimes even combat missions.

This NCR Ranger is on patrol with her subordinate when the latter takes a break to take in the sights. The former attempts to keep the latter's mind on the job, however, and eventually succeeds.

  • english
Voice description:
  • gravelly
  • female adult
  • Hey, we should continue back the Outpost. We were due back half an hour ago.

  • What do you hope to accomplish here?

  • We're not staying to see the sights. We gotta go.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
NCR Trooper # 1
Role assigned to: LuckyVA

NCR Troopers are the backbone of the NCR Military. Full of volunteers and conscripted soldiers, the Troopers are the first in, last out, boots on the ground, in the knitty and gritty force that the Mojave needs to stabilize it.

This NCR Trooper just survived a skirmish with local raiders, and escaped with his squad. One of them is wounded, and he is checking on everyone to make sure everyone is alright.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • Be careful heading down to Ivanpah. Some bastard raiders are held up there.

  • Alright! They haven't pursued! Holy shit... Koman, you alright?

  • We need to report back. Let them know the FOB operation at Ivanpah is a failure. Koman, can you walk?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
NCR Trooper # 2
Role assigned to: Stormithy VO

NCR Troopers are the backbone of the NCR Military. Full of volunteers and conscripted soldiers, the Troopers are the first in, last out, boots on the ground, in the knitty and gritty force that the Mojave needs to stabilize it.

This NCR Trooper just survived a skirmish with local raiders, and escaped with his squad. One of them is wounded, and he is staying by her side to make sure she doesn't bleed out.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • I'm lucky to be alive.

  • At least you're alright. It got hairy there for a second when you went down, but we got you outta there.

  • And I'd fucking do it again.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Wounded NCR Trooper
Role assigned to: Emily

NCR Troopers are the backbone of the NCR Military. Full of volunteers and conscripted soldiers, the Troopers are the first in, last out, boots on the ground, in the knitty and gritty force that the Mojave needs to stabilize it.

This NCR Trooper just survived a skirmish with local raiders, and escaped with her squad but was wounded in the escape.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • Goddamn, this leg... It hurts... So much...

  • God, fuck! I'm alright... This leg... It's bleeding bad... Those fucking raiders were crack shots.

  • You're the one who dragged me to safety... I should be thanking you. You saved my life.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Powder Ganger # 1
Role assigned to: Talden

Powder Gangers are escaped convicts from the NCRCF. After rioting and taking over the prison as their base of operations, the Powder Gangers run rampant across the Wasteland around Goodsprings, looting, murdering, and other horrible things.

This Powder Ganger is scouting out the Mojave Outpost on the orders of Eddie.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • Move along, fuckface.

  • Welcome back. What did ya see?

  • Don't get complacent. The NCR is probably biding their time. Probably waiting for reinforcements. Were you seen?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Powder Ganger # 2 (GHOUL ROLE)
Role assigned to: FoamHandSoap


Powder Gangers are escaped convicts from the NCRCF. After rioting and taking over the prison as their base of operations, the Powder Gangers run rampant across the Wasteland around Goodsprings, looting, murdering, and other horrible things.

This Powder Ganger is scouting out the Mojave Outpost on the orders of Eddie.

  • english
Voice description:
  • gravelly
  • male adult
  • Go away. You never saw us!

  • Hey. I'm back.

  • NCR is just holding position at the moment. They don't seem to be that concerned about our little break-out down the road.


Public Submissions

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