Empire - Animatic Series

Project Overview

In a post-apocalyptic world where magic is a commodity controlled by the Empire, a young woman must navigate the complicated truths of a world she had been sheltered from. She must learn how to discern the truth from the false, and most importantly… how to trust herself when no one else seems to.


Hey, all! This is a casting call for season 1 of Empire

Empire will be an animatic web series published on The Wise Group Productions' YouTube Channel. Empire is a plot-heavy, character-driven story of finding one's place in the world; a story of navigating the complexities of adulthood and learning to trust one's instinct. It will be fully voiced with an original soundtrack, and will consist of polished, fully coloured artwork.

We are currently looking for voice actors for the core cast, additional artists to aid with lineart and flat colours, and possibly a music composer.

All of the roles are in English, but there will also be a couple of lines in a constructed, fictional language. Don't worry though, if you are cast and your character has any lines in this language, it will come with a pronunciation guide.


Following the death of her father, Vida learns the shocking truth… she’s an Immortal. Not only is she an Immortal, but the man she thought was her father was not her father at all. He was a washed-up has-been of a war long lost. Now passed, his quest to hide her from his enemies has failed, and she must face the reality that the world is much bigger than she thought it was, far scarier than she thought it was, and in need of a saviour. Unfortunately for the world… that saviour is not Vida. Not yet, at least.

Empire is a dark coming-of-age tale with brooding and melancholy themes, accompanies by music and art that reflects this.


The deadline for auditions is Monday, 26th of April 2021. We aim to notify voice actors who have been cast in roles by Saturday, 1st of May 2021. 

The descriptions for the characters are really just guidelines. If you feel you can manage a voice that falls within those guidelines, that's great, but if you feel you have an alternative take on the character, then we will be thrilled to hear it.

All roles are voluntary as we cannot offer any monetary compensation at this time.


  • All auditionees must have Discord, and therefore must be at least 13 years of age or over, as per the Discord TOS.

  • Please make sure the auditions have clean audio and are of high quality with no background noise.

  • Please do not add effects to your voice, or compression, EQ, etc.

  • The audition lines are not final, so if you feel you need to change a word or two to make the dialogue flow more naturally, please do!

  • Please give three takes for each line.

  • Auditions should be in .wav or .mp3 format, but final lines must be delivered in .wav format, so bear this in mind when auditioning.

  • While Empire has been greenlit for one season, the aim is for multiple seasons, so please ensure you have the time to give to the project.

  • Most importantly... have fun, ask questions if you don't understand something, and good luck!


The Wise Group is an indie production team that works together to create original, voiced animatic web series which are then published on our YouTube channel. Currently, we are working on many series, such as Crystal Desires, Xyla's Emblem, A Destiny, and SunnySide Magic High. Empire is the latest addition to the lineup.

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Latest Updates

  • Empire Update - Deadline Moved Closer!

    Hi all, Effy again! I've decided to bring the deadline for Empire closer. It's a strange decision, but I've already had so many great auditions that making a casting decision is going to be so hard as it is! The new deadline is Monday 26th April 2021, but I think CCC runs on Australian time, so be careful with that deadline; you might want to aim for Sunday 25th April instead just to be on the safe side. This new deadline should give everyone who has yet to audition long enough to do so, but if you want to audition and desperately need extra time, PLEASE send me a DM and we can try to figure something out!! The deadline shift should also work in favour of the auditionees who have already sent their audition lines in, as now you won't have to wait around for too long. Anyway! Sorry for the sudden change, but I hope to see more fantastic auditions! As always, if you have any questions feel free to ask them on the project page, in a DM, or over discord (you can find my username in the About Me section of my profile). Hope you all had a lovely week! Effy
  • Empire Casting Call Update - Phenomenal Start!

    Hey all, Effy here! I just want to say I'm overwhelmed with the positive response to Empire. There have been over 100 auditions since the casting call was posted only a week ago. I really never expected this kind of response and I've been really blown away by all the amazing auditions. Most of these roles will be open until the deadline (May 10th 2021), however, I did cast one role already simply due to there being so many auditions for that role. If you did audition for Salghreth and did not get cast, then please please PLEASE audition for some other roles if you haven't already because all the auditions were stellar, I just felt some of the voices would suit other characters better. Anyway, I'm humbled by the amount of talent on CCC, and I can't wait to cast some more roles and work more on Empire. Onto the next week! Effy

I will be tackling the bulk of the storyboarding and sketches myself. As this is a big task, I'd like some help lining the pieces and adding flat colours to them.

Applicants would need knowledge and experience with digital graphic/art software such as Photoshop, Paint Tool SAI, Procreate, etc., would need a steady hand to create clean, crisp lineart, and would need to be able to follow colour schemes to colour the characters correctly.

When you apply, please link to a place where I can see a selection of your work (Instagram, google drive, DeviantART, Twitter, etc.), and please state which position you would be keen on working on.

  • Say something you think would fit

Music Composer
Music Composer
Music Composer
Role assigned to: raybrookscomposer

As a musician myself, I can tackle this role if need be, but I figured I'm also interested in what others have to offer. The mood of the show is dark, brooding, quiet, tense, and melancholy. If you feel your music can suit this style, then please share a track or a selection of tracks, or link to a place where I can listen to your compositions. I would want to hear something you have made that fits this profile to make sure you would be able to capture the specific brand of brooding I am aiming for.

  • Say something you think would fit

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Vida Oldmoore
Role assigned to: hypherrrVA

Vida (VEE-da) is headstrong, but reluctant. Due to her very sheltered upbringing, she feels something of an outcast. This is further exacerbated when she learns the truth about her nature. She is methodical and thinks before acting; sometimes thinking for a bit too long. She feels burdened by the weight of the responsibility that has been placed upon her shoulders and fears what failure might mean for the already-suffering world.  

Vida is a young woman in her mid-to-late teens. I imagine her with a cold, dry voice, with a medium to low range for her age. She'd cold and calculating, and she's often more than a little insensitive. She's pragmatic, even if she does overthink things.

  • (hysterical/upset) What are you even saying? I'm not going to do that!

  • (bitter) I don't care about your Empire. Menelaos (men-uh-LAO-uss) taught me one thing and one thing alone matters... Survival.

  • (cold) He's dead. It doesn't matter who he raised me to be.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Exodus Westone
Role assigned to: Rekhova

Exodus is bi-racial (black/white), so voice actors who are people of colour will be prioritised for this role.

Exodus (EX-oh-duss) serves as the primary antagonist for the first season. He's a well-meaning guy who has a good head on his shoulders. Bubbly and friendly, his warm demeanour makes him both easy to get along with, and a nightmare to deal with. He starts the series off as a leader of a small squad of Empire soldiers, but he's catastrophically bad at his job. He's not strong enough to withstand the weight of his responsibilities. Despite this, he's driven to prove himself to the people who are looking to him for leadership.

I imagine Exodus with a warm and friendly tone, full of energy and life. He's approachable and likeable. I imagine him to have a mid-range voice.

  • (humorous) Well... Now that we've got our daily run in... I'd... like to ask you a few questions.

  • (uncertain) I know this wasn't the plan, but we now need to find whoever is responsible for this. A civilian was killed.

  • (stern) I'm only going to say this once. No one in my squad will ever be that kind of soldier. Is that clear, Darkwater?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Marik Farside
Role assigned to: DeehazelVO

Marik is a Black man, so voice actors who are Black will be prioritised for this role.

Marik (MA-rikk) was a particularly decorated knight in the army. He is solemn, stern, and cynical. Having seen first-hand the atrocities of war, he is adamant that Vida must fulfil her destiny, regardless of whether or not she's willing. He is shameful for his part in perpetuating the violence and bloodshed and struggles to forgive himself. He holds others to high standards, but himself to impossible standards. He wears a helmet and conceals his face at all times. Somehow this doesn't seem to impede his vision.

Calm, collected, and authoritative, Marik is a man of few words. He never uses contractions in his speech which can make his speech pattern seem stilted, but it is important to keep this mannerism. I imagine Marik with a deep, commanding voice with a low pitch.

  • (commanding) Come.

  • (disbelief) What?

  • (calm) I will take you.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Zaria Fairwind
Role assigned to: JazzyFrizzle

Zaria is bi-racial (black/white), and so voice actors who are people of colour will be prioritised.

Zaria (ZA-ree-uh) is a prodigious soldier. As a young woman in an army of men, she has had to work twice as hard as any of them for even half the recognition. She is driven by dreams of success. Her mother, Pandora, is the right-hand of The Tyrant (the leader of the army), and so there are high expectations for Zaria to live up to. Despite her lineage, she has been offered no easy breaks. If anything, it has only made her life harder. She was Marik's protege, and now, she is a member of The Obsidian; the elite soldiers. As such, she does not believe in going easy on others and she does not take Marik's treachery lightly.

I imagine Zaria with a mid-to-high range voice. Authoritative, commanding, and driven. 

In season 1, Zaria is a secondary antagonist, but she will have a more significant role in future seasons.

  • (repulsed) I refuse to believe that.

  • (furious) You betrayed us! You! You were the one person I thought I could rely on!

  • (resolved) Well, you've made your choice. Now you have to die with it.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Menelaos Oldmoore
cast offsite

Once the head of a rebellion against the Empire, Menelaos is now as jaded as they come. He's disillusioned with his cause and just wants a simple life with his daughter.

  • (resigned) No. (beat) But I don't want to die like this. Can... will you...?

  • (voice breaking) It should be you. I want it to be you.

  • (reassuring) You can. You will. I have taught you everything you could ever need to know.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: imshadow007

Nenthis is an Eternal; a supremely powerful being that oversees humanity. She is emotionless and distanced from her role. She has a short temper and little-to-no patience. She holds a lot of anger. 

I imagine her to have a voice that is both maternal and monotonous.

  • (disappointed) When Menelaos (men-uh-LAO-uss) brought you to this place, he knew what he was doing.

  • (bitter) How foolish could you be, Marik (MA-rikk)?

  • (unimpressed) I do not approve of this. But I am not Salghreth's (SAL-greth) master, and this is not my decision.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: BManTheGoofBall

Salghreth (SAL-greth) is an Eternal; a powerful being that oversees humanity. Salghreth's domain is time and healing. He is something of a pushover and often lets others get away with things they shouldn't because he just wants what is best for them. He is gentle and kind.

I imagine Salghreth with a softer voice, something friendly and approachable.

  • (warm) This was my choice.

  • (sympathetic) I wish I could go back in time and fix things... but there are limits to even my power.

  • (disappointed) I want you to have this. It was once worn by your father. I hope it can bring you some comfort.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Orion Darkwater
Role assigned to: ToastLord

Orion does not have a set age or ethnicity, and as such, will be adjusted to reflect that of the cast auditionee.

Orion (oh-RYE-un) is one of the men in Exodus' squad. He's arguably a better leader than Exodus, and he knows it. He is charismatic and commanding. 

  • (telling the punchline of a joke) And then she says... Soldier you're standing on your bootlace. And you know what that fool does? Turned right around to look at her and tripped right over.

  • (dismissive) Whoever he was, this place has always been a hazard zone. He shouldn't have been here, to begin with. We can just move the body and--

  • (at attention) Yes, Legionnaire!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Raevon

Redshield does not have a set age, gender or ethnicity, and as such, will be adjusted to match that of the cast auditionee.

Redshield is one of the soldiers in Exodus' squad. They are a mage, and so they try to avoid hand-to-hand combat as best they can. They are a bit of a wuss.

  • (uncertain) Are you asking me as a mage or as a soldier?

  • (exasperated) I think given there is now a fatality, no matter how unintentional, this is quite possibly a crime scene.

  • (at attention) Yes, Legionnaire!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Dontae M!

Butterbell does not have a set ethnicity, and as such, will be adjusted to match that of the cast auditionee.

Butterbell is one of the soldiers in Exodus' squad. He is wet behind the ears, and on his first assignment. He is eager to prove himself.

  • (surprised) There!

  • (unenthused) Yes, Legionnaire...

  • (at attention) Yes, Legionnaire!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: ThatOneVA

Ironrock does not have a set ethnicity, and as such, will be adjusted to match that of the cast auditionee.

Ironrock is one of the soldiers in Exodus' squad. He shows potential, and he gets along well with the other soldiers, but he trusts Darkwater's leadership more than Exodus'.

  • (laughing) That's not even the best part!

  • (nervous) It wasn't like this yesterday, I swear.

  • (cold) Bad move.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Sharpscale does not have a set age or ethnicity, and as such, will be adjusted to match that of the cast auditionee.

Sharpscale is one of the soldiers in Exodus' squad.

  • (at attention) Yes, Legionnaire!

  • (unenthused) Yes, Legionnaire...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Feel free to substitute these lines with any other generic lines that come to mind.

  • (panicked) Empire soldiers! Coming from the south!

  • (menacing) They've headed into the tunnels, cut them off at the other end.

  • (casual) You didn't get the memo? Legionnaire Fairwind is on her way and the boss wants this place spotless.


Public Submissions

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