Earth 54: An Elseworlds Story (An Original DC Audio Drama)

Project Overview
When the source wall broke, the multiverse had been given an infinite number. Before it broke, there had been 52 known universes and 1 secret universe - Earth 53 (Earth X). These universes are possible realities that could've happened at certain times, like a time where Superman was a member of the JSA or Wonder Woman never left Themiscyra.
But there are also things called 'Elseworlds', this elseworld is Earth 54: an Earth where metas and superheroes have existed since the early 20th century - emerging since World War II. An earth where Thomas Wayne, Jor-El, and Hippolyta Prince were the original Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman. After the war, the heroes banded together to become the Justice Society of America.
Together, they worked together to stop intergalactic threats such as Starro the Conqueror, Brainiac and... Darkseid. The night Darkseid was defeated, Thomas and Martha Wayne were shot in an alleyway, leaving their only son; Bruce to live in grief.
19 years later, the orphan son of Thomas Wayne takes on the mantle of The Batman! Fighting crime, defending the streets of his home - Gotham City - and inspiring the locals, giving them hope. Meanwhile in Metropolis, the son of the late scientist and hero Jor-El flies in the sky inspiring the innocents of Metropolis with his god-like abilities and discovers his past, revealing that his sister Kara and him are the last children of Krypton. When all seems right, the children of the original Justice Society of America must band together to defend Earth from Darkseid once again, as their parents did.
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Latest Updates
Two new roles have been adding to the casting call. May I introduce to you, the outcast son of the former Flash: Jay Garrick II and the niece of an original member of the JSA: Stargirl! Jay inherited his speed from his father but has been forced to keep it a secret his entire life, while Stargirl is the niece of the late JSA member: Starman. I hope you enjoy auditioning for these roles, they will see much more in the future. Try your best folks!
New Roles - Technical and Narrator
Hey there everyone! So I thought it was time to update the casting call a little more - unfortunately, these aren't voice acting roles this time, but they are essential to the series. If any of you would like to apply for these roles, it would be very much appreciated. -Patrick -
New VA Roles! Jade & Obsidian
Announcement: Two new roles have been added to the casting call, siblings Jade & Obsidian have made their way over to the call and are desperate for voice actors. Jade is a strong character who has her father's powers, the starheart! Giving her the ability to make solid constructs out of green energy. Obsidian is an LGBTQ+ character who is stuck in the wrong time but is embracing it with his powers to control and become shadows. He uses these powers to take out the criminal scum of Hub City as a vigilante. I hope you all enjoy trying out for these characters, give it your best!
Old Bruce Wayne has a deep voice that is calming, a narrators voice if you should know how it sounds. Bruce by this point would've had many experiences being Batman and would be able to tell his stories off from the heart to his grandkids. Most of his lines sound like he's trying to remember the situation and nostalgic, by this time Bruce is 85-years-old and telling his grandkids his stories as a retired old man at a retirement home.
Note: All the stories he's telling his grandchildren - this series is a story - are all in Bruce's past, his golden age where he used to fight crime as The Batman!
It was a night like any other, my parents and I walking home from another Friday at the movies. The date, Friday 22nd, 1973. The year of Vietnam and the fight for equality continued, while the heroes of this world’s focus were on Vietnam, another threat arose. But that day, it was only 3 days until Christmas. My mind didn’t focus on the matter of the world, but in the blink of an eye – my childhood was gone, and my clothes were soaking in my mother and father’s blood. Time stopped for me if the Justice Society were heroes, why didn’t they save my parents? Why was I holding my mother and father’s hands, but they weren’t bare anymore, they were covering in their blood. My mother’s favorite necklace was on the floor, pearls scattered everywhere. That year, my Christmas was a kid my age’s worse nightmare…
I stand up and put some jeans on. I walk up to my mirror and skim the scars marking my right rib. I won’t deny it, it hurt doing that too, but I ignored the pain for now and put a shirt on. I rub my eyes more as I stumble my way into the kitchen. Alfred is making me breakfast too, that’s nice of him. Now that I know he accepts what I do, I’m a bit more appreciative of him being here. I’ve made a lot of dumb decisions in my youth, one of them was firing Alfred. No matter what though, he still stuck out for me and made me breakfast – even after I fired him. Just thinking about it, I wipe a tear from my eye. I was young and dumb, he still treated me like his son and loved me no matter what idiotic thing I did. Always there, always willing to listen. Alfred is a good man.
Behind us the grandfather clock moved to the side, revealing a stairway that was led by lights illuminating the path. Alfred gestured his arm in the doorway, I enter – Alfred entering with me shortly after. I slowly walk down the stairs as Alfred presses a button on the wall next to the grandfather clock’s current location, it moves back to where it was before we pressed the button on the Shakespeare bust. I enter a dark room, Alfred stands behind me and flicks a switch. Lights blare in my eyes, I close them then open them slowly. I look at the ceiling and see bats, my head moves back down and I see a computer and an armory. In the armory is a costume – the Batman’s costume.
This universe's Bruce Wayne is the second Batman and son of the first: Thomas Wayne who was murdered in 1973, a year before the JSA was disbanded. Unlike the other universe's Batmen, he had a mid-range voice and uses a voice modulator in his Batman costume.
As Bruce Wayne, he has access to some of N.A.S.A's technology because of WayneTech's collaboration with them, however, it was his last favor as he left the company in Lucius Fox's capable hands. Now he works as a detective at the Gotham City Police Department and has no current plans on leaving his job.
5 Members of the JSA have been reported dead. Batman, Superman, Starman, Hawkman, and Hawkgirl. (Informative; Bruce)
I needed something real and down-to-earth. It gets boring being a billionaire playboy after a while – you of all people should know what I mean Ms. Kane. (Cocky - a Bruce Wayne attitude; Bruce)
Dr. Pamela Isley, 3 hours ago a woman by the name of Duela Dent was reported dead, the last thing in her system was medicine prescribed to her from this clinic. (Sinister; Batman)
In this universe, Clark is 1 year older than Bruce and lives in the country of Kansas, a small town known as Smallville. Filled with farmers and people who like a quiet place away from the cities. Clark often travels to his job as a journalist at the Daily Planet in Metropolis, but when he's off work he runs around as the Superman: Protector of Metropolis.
He isn't the first Superman to defend the city of Metropolis though, his father - Jor-El - came to Earth, searching for refuge for his unborn son; knowing his home planet Krypton was dying, he came to our planet and hung around the JSA going by the alias - Superman! He trusted his friends Johnathan and Martha Kent to look after his son when the time came. The time came sooner than later.
Clark Kent is my name, how can help you? (Struggling to keep Krypto inside the house, confused; Clark)
How are you completely certain that it’s Darkseid, what if it’s someone else that you can handle yourselves? (A bit frightened; Clark)
Made a new friend Batman? (Sarcastic; Superman)
In this universe, Diana is one of the youngest members of the Justice League, half-sister to the Black Canary: Dinah Grant and daughter of Hippolyta Prince - The Original Wonder Woman and Ted Grant - Wildcat. Her entire life, from birth to adulthood she spent on an isolated island filled with warrior women, known as the Amazons. This island's name; Themiscyra.
After the JSA disbanded, Hippolyta fell pregnant and left to go home to Themiscyra and raise her child there. On that paradise island, Diana was trained to become an Amazon - one day taking her mother's place as their queen. One day, a traveler from the world of man known as Bruce Wayne comes onto the island without warning and is brought to meet with Hippolyta, being asked to help defend the Earth from a powerful tyrant and ruler of the planet Apokolips: Darkseid. She denies, but with permission of her mother, Diana comes along with Bruce to help save the world from becoming a hellish wasteland.
I felt tension, I came to check what was going on here. (Sheepish; Diana)
You find me attractive, don’t you Bruce? (Cheeky; Diana)
I am Diana Prince, Princess of Themiscyra and daughter of Hippolyta Prince – the Wonder Woman. I sent my childhood training on Themiscyra – an island filled with warrior women, training their entire lives. Bruce came to the island to ask my mother to put on the mantle one last time to defend the world of man from an evil tyrant from another world; Darkseid. She denied, so I came and took her place in the world of man as the Wonder Woman. (Monologue; Diana)
Jennifer "Jenny" Scott is the biological daughter of the original Green Lantern: Alan Scott. Jenny and her twin brother - Theodore "Todd" Scott - fight crime in Hub City, much like their father did. Jenny's father went on a private mission to another planet, leaving his children and wife idly waiting for his arrival home, he never came home. 3 years later from that situation, Jenny and Todd's powers started to blossom and their mother was busy handling them, making sure they wouldn't cause chaos or use their powers for evil. One night, a corpse crashed downtown and the police confirmed that it was the corpse of Alan Scott.
In disbelief, Alan's son - Todd, would constantly deny his father's death while Jenny accepted his fate. She spent another 2 years without her brother because he was thrown in a mental hospital, declared insane.
Present Day, her brother and her have finally gotten back together and journey to Gotham because of a surge of energy impulsing them to head to the city, in doing so they find a Batman. Not Thomas Wayne, but his son - Bruce Wayne. Warned of an upcoming threat, they join Bruce in his battle to save the world from an otherworldly tyrant known as: Darkseid.
“Todd, what have I told you time and time again? This is Batman’s city, we don’t hit him.” (Scolding)
“So, your parents worked alongside our father after all.” (Curious and Questioning excitedly)
“it’s time that heroes make a comeback, Darkseid here we come!” (Pumped Up)
WARNING: If you are unwilling to play as an LGBTQ+ character, please do not audition for this character.
Theodore "Todd" Scott is the son of the original Green Lantern: Alan Scott and is the twin brother of Jennifer Scott, aka Jade. He runs around in Hub City hiding in the shadows and taking down the criminal scum of the city as the vigilante: Obsidian! In his past he always felt he wasn't whole, he didn't feel comfortable in his own body until his powers blossomed after his father's disappearance. Therefore he could hide in the shadows and hide who he truly was, not being accepted by the world.
When the police confirmed the corpse that fell from space into the downtown district was his father, he officially lost it. Declaring all of them liars and trying to take on the police, he was shot with a stun dart and taken to an asylum - a mental hospital in Gotham City, known more commonly as Arkham Asylum. There, he was declared insane but he escaped and runs from the law.
A surge of energy wavered over the country, making all meta-humans aware of something big to come - Todd and his now reunited sister Jennifer, ventured to Gotham City to investigate the surge, Todd gaining a new friend known as The Batman. Fully aware that Thomas Wayne being the original Batman, he declared this new Batman a fake - soon to be set in his place when the Batman confirmed himself as Bruce Wayne - son of the original Batman. Bruce asked Jenny and Todd for their help, they accepted and they are more than willing to take out the giant monstrosity who is named Darkseid.
“You must be human. What’re you doing here in the day of real heroes – Meta’s like my sister and I do a better job than you do; ‘Batman’” (Hostile)
“How the hell do you know my identity?!” (Aggressive and Demanding)
“let’s go kick some heads in.” (Clicking his knuckles and Grinning - Pumped Up)
Jason aka Jay has been hiding his abilities since he was born a Speedster, having the same powers as his father: Jay Garrick Sr - The Original Flash. Jay believes he should be able to use his powers, not knowing about the anti-meta law that was passed when he was born 21 years ago, meaning he would be arrested upon using such a known power.
After having a heated argument with his father, Jay leaves home and wanders the streets - seeing how the world's become in Keystone City since heroes disappeared off the radar, inspecting the increase of crime throughout the years of superheroes' absence. Seeing the new Superman fly over his head, he gets inspired and decides to take on the role of his father. He became the new Flash!
As Jay Garrick Jr, he's a detective at CCPD and works alongside a fellow cop: Barry Allen. But in secret as the Flash. he runs along the streets of Keystone City, taking out petty criminals and putting them on the doorstep of the Central City Police Department
I'm tired of hiding who I am! You went out of your way to protect the world with your powers, why can't I?! (Agitated)
Another crime solved by the Dynamic Duo: Jay Garrick Jr and Barry Allen. Well, that's a wrap, I'll see you tomorrow Barry! (Cheeky)
I'm a little rusty, so excuse me if I trip. I've sort of been in hiding since my dad believes I should be "normal". (Apologetic with a hint of Sarcasm when talking about his father.)
Courtney is a boisterous 16-year-old girl, currently in High School. After her uncle - Ted Knight - dies, the funeral is held and Courtney is asked to go through her uncle's things when she finds a golden staff with an oversized hook on the end of it, she picks it up and it begins to glow a yellow hue. She was chosen. Knowledge is put into her mind on how to use the device and where it came from; the stars.
After discovering her uncle's true origins, she calls her mother and demands answers - she gets them, eventually. When she arrives home the following morning, she puts on some blue clothing and adds some details onto it with her sewing machine and becomes a secret hero known as Stargirl - in honor of her uncle who was Starman - taking down criminals in Portsmouth, Britain. After arriving home one day, she sees the news and discovers that America is being attacked by Darkseid, a tyrant who her uncle took down alongside fellow Justice Society of America members. She flies over to the U.S and helps the new Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman and Flash - as well as the original Green Lantern's twins: Jade and Obsidian.
"Go sort out your uncle's things," mum says, "You were always his favourite," mum says. It's not like I chose to be Uncle Teddy's favourite. I mean the audacity of that-- what's this? (Sorting through items, finding a golden staff.)
Cheers everyone, the name's Stargirl. I heard on the BBC News that you needed a hand, so I flew all the way from Britain to come and help you sods. Consider yourselves lucky. (Cheeky.)
Mum, I found Uncle Teddy's staff. You didn't tell me he was the bloody Starman! What do you mean keep my voice down, you said we don't keep secrets in this family! (Talking to her mum over the phone.)
I will be doing a lot of audio editing, but if you are professional or even familiar with audio editing - it would be helpful to have a helping hand while editing the audio of this series.
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