

Joined Mar 2018 16 Following14 Followers
About goldlight85

Some Details about me are that ever since I was young I've been wanting to do voice acting. I'm now taking advantage of the time ahead of me. So far, during my time on CCC, I have been cast for quite a few roles. It's just so exciting getting to send in the audition and find out later you were cast. I can't wait to audition more and more in the future because this is a profession I'd love to be a part of.

To any future directors that might cast me: Know that I will do my absolute best to stick with you and your project. I want to help make your dream and your project possible by being a usable voice.

Thank you to anyone who considers me for their project. I appreciate it so much! :)

If you'd like me to be a part of your project please private message me with the offer and I will do my absolute best to get back to you! :3

Demos & Samples
2019 Demo Reel
Voices from scripts I've done recently. Please enjoy!
  • @goopsscoops

    She does really good voice work. 10/10 would have on a project again.