DR:BaB voice lines

DR:BaB voice lines

Project Overview

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Alexa Jade

Alexa presents herself as brusque and tomboyish, but her family and school peers believe her tough demeanor is a facade to conceal her deep-seated insecurities.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • all american accents
  • any voice
  • Heh, me? I’m the almighty hacker Alexa Jade.

  • Oh you’re saying that ain’t a real talent? Do you wanna fight?! Is that it?!

  • …the poor have to make money somehow. Even if it’s through unpleasant manners…

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Amani Abdullah

Amani's actions and words often verge on the unpredictable and erratic, exhibiting tendencies reminiscent of a disturbed psyche. She vehemently denies any noble motives behind her participation in riots, maintaining an enigmatic and deceptive demeanor.

Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • all american accents
  • warm
  • Why hello there! I’m Amani Abdullah, but I have many many MANNNYYY titles, like Ultimate Rioter, San Francisco terrorizer, but just Amani’s fine, K?

  • Heh? Good cause? Why would I do this for a good cause? I get bored. Watching the weaklings run and scream is so much more fun than bettering the world!

  • Do you want to know the most important thing I’ve learned in this shitty life? The police sucks. Everyone sucks. You have to rely on yourself and yourself alone.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Chloe Adams

Chloe remains a enigmatic figure, perpetually wearing a fox mask, and her aura is characterized by an air of mystery and detachment.

Voice description:
  • all american accents
  • female young adult
  • muffled
  • Cold
  • Fine, I’ll spare you a little bit about me. Only a little. I’m Chloe Adams, Ultimate Hypnotist.

  • Getting close to someone in a situation like this is pointless. It will only sting when they die on turn their back on you.

  • Please… leave me alone before I grow attached again… I don’t want to hurt anyone else…

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Dawn Naomi

Dawn exudes a laid-back and fun-loving country charm, but she grapples with occasional lapses in intellectual prowess.

Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • country american
  • southern
  • warm
  • clear
  • Well howdy their partner! The names Dawn Naomi and I’ve been blessed with the strikin’ talent of Ultimate Sharpshooter.

  • Woah hold your horses there bud’, if ya get too riled up you might end up doin’ something you regret.

  • …One day, we’ll find that even what we hold dearest to us may not be the best thing for us…

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Diego Romano

Diego is a genuinely kind-hearted individual with an unbridled passion for his talents, yet his relentless pursuit of excellence is shadowed by a pervasive inferiority complex.

Voice description:
  • french
  • male young adult
  • calm
  • midrange
  • It is a great pleasure to meet you. My name is Diego Romano, the Ultimate French Cuisine Chef.

  • Yeah… French cuisine… I suppose it’s all I’m good for… French dishes…

  • I’ve now found that… even if you’re over shadowed… there’s always hope… but you’ll never forget that burden you’ve held…

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Haruto Yamaguchi

Haruto exudes confidence and enthusiasm, but a glaring vulnerability lies in his rapid loss of self-assurance under certain circumstances.

Voice description:
  • japanese american
  • male young adult
  • Somber at times
  • loud
  • High range
  • I’m Haruto Yamaguchi, Super High School Level Pilot! Nice to meetcha buddy!

  • Wait- you’re- confused? Ah-! I messed up- stupid they only say that in Japan… j-just… ignore me-

  • Yeah… you can’t change the past… no matter how much you fucked up… you can’t erase it…

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Jesus Daimon

Jesus is an affable and humorous person known for his quick wit and jokes, but his notably thin physical appearance often raises questions about his health.

Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • all american accents
  • warm
  • funny
  • loud
  • Aha! Hello, hola y kon’nichiwa! I’m the great ultimate entertainer himself, Jesus Daimon!

  • My name is weird huh? Yeahhh being named after a prophet unintentionally is kinda strange but I hope it doesn’t make you too *cross*, hehe!

  • Well… grief can do things to us… and no matter how much we try to ignore it it will always come back and bite us in the back…

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Kailani Kahole

Kailani is a compassionate and empathetic girl who abhors conflict among her friends. Her unwavering seriousness is occasionally accompanied by signs of obsessive-compulsive tendencies.

Voice description:
  • warm
  • female young adult
  • all american accents
  • Hmm… oh, hi! I’m Kailani Kahole, dubbed the Ultimate Lawyer! Great to meet you like this!

  • What’s with the gloves? Oh- I really don’t like germs. The thought of touching anything with my bear hands leaves Goosebumps on me…

  • Even when you’ve accomplished so much, you can’t help but feel you don’t deserve it…

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Kanata Keiji

Kanata is generally pleasant but occasionally displays a sassy demeanor, and she holds an intense dislike for her own talent.

Voice description:
  • british
  • all english accents
  • female young adult
  • warm
  • sass
  • Ah… you know me too… please just see me as a regular classmate, and not the famed actress known as Kanata Keiji, alright?

  • You know, you’re a bit rude. Maybe I was right to consider leaving you in the dust. Hmph.

  • There’s… there’s always light in the darkness. Even if something terrible happens to me again, I can make it through this.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Luis Duke
Voice description:
  • all american accents
  • Monotone
  • male young adult
  • It’s a pleasure to meet someone as great as you, Mr. Liam. Ah, I’ve forgotten to introduce myself. My name is Luis Duke.

  • My talent? Ah… I’m sorry but that’s not something I can quite remember at the moment.

  • Everyone feels undermined. Even the most arrogant of individuals feel they aren’t good enough…

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Muhammad Patel
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • arabic (saudi)
  • all american accents
  • tired
  • midrange
  • …Muhammad Patel.. *yawn* Ultimate Xenologist. I study aliens, not out of some childish interest, but to eradicate them all.

  • Oh, it’s “just a conspiracy” you say? I see you’re one of those peasants with the IQ point the equivalent to a peanut. Do me a favor and get lost.

  • …losing someone is hard… I know revenge is wrong… but I can’t do nothing about this.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Noah Brown

Noah is an extremely shy boy prone to stuttering, an unusual trait for a jockey. He appears larger than most jockeys but barely meets the weight requirements, often just scraping by a few pounds.

Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • all american accents
  • deep
  • U-um… I-I’m… Noah brown… The u-u-Ultimate Jockey..

  • I… I look b-big for one. T-t-that’s what you’re thinking right..? Yeah… I g-get that a lot…

  • It’s… it’s much harder to love yourself than it is to love someone else…

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Samuel Axwell

Samuel's intentions are good, but his social interactions suffer due to his struggles with phrasing, at times coming off as impolite or brash.

Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • all american accents
  • calm
  • quiet
  • …me? I’m Samuel Axwell… Ultimate Neurosurgeon or something like that… I don’t really care much for titles given to me or others…

  • Ah- was that.. rude? Sorry… I don’t really know how to talk to others. I apologize for any confusion…

  • I… may not remember much right now… but I know a day will come where I remember it all.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Wei Yang

Wei is an outgoing and kind-hearted girl who relies heavily on her sister for various aspects of her life, reflecting a deep interdependence.

Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • chinese
  • all american accents
  • loud
  • warm
  • Why hello! I’m one half of the musical twins of Chinatown, the powerful Ultimate Clarinetist, Wei Yang!

  • Sissss I can’t reach these selvesss- could you pleassseeee help me?

  • I don’t know what happened to her… but I promise to bring justice to her killer

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Xiu Yang

Xiu is a polite and caring individual, frequently burdened by stress due to the substantial responsibility of her sister's dependence on her.

Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • chinese
  • all american accents
  • soothing
  • Why hello there. I am one half of the musical twins of Chinatown. The elegant harpist, Xiu Yang.

  • Sorry… but I must cut our conversation short… my sister is calling for me again…

  • It shouldn’t blame myself… but I can’t help but think “it should have been me.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Liam Davidson

Liam is typically a composed individual who gets straight to the point, but beneath that exterior, he harbors a simmering temper that occasionally flares.

Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • all american accents
  • deeper
  • calm
  • Tsk- fine! Liam Davidson, Ultimate Breakdancer, are you happy?!

  • Ah… my apologies for that outburst… I get angry pretty easily…

  • Life sucks… every day is a struggle between food or rent… but you gotta… fake it till you make it. Hehe…

Voice Actor
Voice Actor


Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • all accents
  • deep
  • Me? I’m… well, that’s not important. Nor is my talent.

  • But, we’re in the same class and I wanted to get to know you.

  • So… could we have a chat?


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