Down To Earth Comic Dub

Project Overview

Kade lives his average life alone and undisturbed... until a cute alien girl crashes into his backyard! By opening up his home, will this otherworldly girl inadvertently open up his heart? 

What I expect

 I expect this project to be professional but enjoyable so we can get to know each other and maybe be friends at the end of this project.

You will need a clear sounding microphone with little to no background noise (XLR is preferred but USB is fine as well.) 

Role Significance

I want this comic dub to sound as real as possible so I need a lot of emotions. There might be moments where the character will scream so if that's not for you then I'd suggest not trying out but it is your choice.

most of the roles are somewhat important to the story and you need to treat your role like it's something big because this project might potentially become something big.

here's the link to the comic so you have an idea of the plot and what the characters are like:

If you get the role it is not required to read the whole comic but it is recommended, so you know when your character appears in the comic and when to expect for your character to come in

Discord is required since we need to communicate and we will make a server dedicated to this project so we can have group meetings and such stuff.

Final Notes


and I hope to meet the future cast of "The Down To Earth Comic Dub" soon!


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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Rachel Ridley

She gives off a star fire vibe from teen titans, she's very sweet and kind I don't know how she would specifically sound like so just use the voice you think would match her.

  • My name ... is Zaida!

  • Through head contact I've learned some of the basic words that you know.

  • though... to understand it better would take a much longer mind read.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Kade ( You might be a plan B so role not guaranteed so try another role while you're at it.)
cast offsite

Don't exactly know how he would sound from another person's perspective so have fun with his voice remember this is only a last resort so I'd recommend auditioning for a different character as well since odds are I'm gonna play this role 

  • I just wanna make sure I heard you correctly.

  • You're from a planet called Zodia... from a far away galaxy and your people have special powers.

  • like levitation, and telepathy... which you just used to learn my language?!? 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: J Hart DisruptiveGoat

I'd assume he seems like a chill dude but yet somewhat serious when it comes to his store so I don't really expect a really specific voice so give it your best shot.

  • You know as your manager, I have to say I'm not very pleased.

  • Listen, I know how much you love this job...

  • but if you keep bringing that joyless aura with you to work, I'm gonna have to fire you.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Grizzy_VA

he's more on the nerdy side and likes aliens a lot. I kinda think he would sound like a young teenage anime protagonist and he seems enthusiastic about a lot of things so give it your best go!

  • You both ditched me for alone time in a photo booth.

  • I'm both offended and impressed.

  • Hey! How about a quick game of DDR?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: ShinyTurtw1g

She's very caring but hurt when she broke up with kade. Don't attempt to make her sound like a stereotypical blonde girl, I imagine her voice as a nice kind young adult around 19.

  • It's just... not working out.

  • (Kade is unfazed) Yeah, that's the reaction I predicted.

  • Then you understand why, right?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: KaisNotAGuy

I imagine her with a more mature voice but you can try out other things or how you think she would sound like.

  • hehe! They did a great job, right? I plan on getting more.

  • Yup!! Happened over the break.

  • We're in love now. Right, puppy?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Child Ellie
Role assigned to: KaisNotAGuy

She's a third-grader, so she should a little more energetic and have a caring voice.

  • Hey!

  • I couldn't find you anywhere! school's over... shouldn't you be walking home, silly?

  • Do you want to be alone?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Child Kade
Role assigned to: GoldenUnlimited

He is in third-grade, so I expect him to sound around 9 or 10-ish. He is a lot happier and less depressed at this time since he is a kid.

  • Jeez Ellie! I thought I was here alone.

  • Don't scare me like that.

  • Eh... you can stay if you wanna.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Pizza Dude
Role assigned to: Noflers

Just a young adult delivering pizza have fun with what voice you want to give him.

  • Kade, Right?

  • Do some improv if you want to, rant about how the pizza place you work at doesn't pay you enough.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Foley Artist/ Sound effect artist

We just need Sound effect artists that produce quality sounding everyday sounds.

  • (This is for people that record sound effects for everyday sounds in movies/tv shows etc.. please send a sample of audio you did so I can hear it)

    (we might possibly choose more than one sound effect artist)

Audio Engineer
Audio Engineer
Audio Engineer

We need an audio engineer for this comic dub since it is slowly picking up attention we will make sure to credit you in the description of each video you work on.

  • Say something you think would fit


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