

Joined Oct 2020 2 Following0 Followers
About BristerXD

Hi, my name is BristerXD, you can also call me Brian if you'd like, and this is my profile! I'm a long-practiced writer who has decided to follow his life long passing interest in voice acting as well.  I operate out of the East Coast, am currently attending college for a major in marketing, and have nothing to point towards to prove I have any business calling myself a writer or voice actor. I'm sure that will change given I am writing this bio three minutes after making this account. If this bio hasn't changed and you're somehow seeing this, assume I've died and consider yourself cursed. Or blessed. We have given the dead far too much credit when it comes to changing the course of our lives.

  • @blackflashva

    Great acting ability and vocal skill, was a pleasure to work with!

  • @thetvbunny

    I have to say, for a beginner, Brister can give a performance justice! His delivery is spot on and he has been magnificent to be around! This man has only been on the scene for a few months, he can give you a great performance and worth the cast!