Doctor Who: Regenerated Ep.1 Hideous Laughter (Audio Drama)

Project Overview

This episode is part of Doctor Who: Regenerated, a fan-made audio series produced by Redemption Studios on YouTube. The series follows the Clockwork Doctor and his companions as they journey through time and space, unraveling alien and supernatural mysteries along the way!

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Lilly Sparrow
Role assigned to: SydneyH

Lilly Sparrow, the companion to the Clockwork Doctor in the Doctor Who Regenerated fan film series, is a vibrant and adventurous spirit. Her curiosity drives her to seek out excitement wherever she goes. Quick to act and deeply compassionate, Lilly is always ready to help those in need. She often serves as the Doctor’s voice of reason, though her enthusiasm sometimes leads her to forget her own limitations and mortality.

  • english
Voice description:
  • Audio Drama
  • female young adult
  • audiobook
  • radio drama
  • english (british)
  • Where the hell have you been?

  • No, well not exactly, I’m working on a student film about these clown sightings and was just wondering if any of you had seen anything strange around here.

  • I know that it’s just annoying that's all, he comes back into my life after all this time and acts like nothing has changed. He’s missed so much and I can’t even tell him about it without being interrupted.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Jack Holt
Role assigned to: Mike Witts

Jack Holt is the head of the American branch of UNIT, the elite government agency tasked with defending Earth from alien threats. He's sharp-witted and brimming with confidence, often rushing into action without overthinking. Despite his impulsive nature, Jack is fiercely dedicated to protecting his planet, willing to do whatever it takes to keep Earth safe.

  • english
Voice description:
  • american
  • radio drama
  • male adult
  • audiobook
  • all american accents
  • Audio Drama
  • Well, Doctor, there is something eerily strange going on across the states right now, these damn clowns are popping up everywhere.

  • Jack Holt, Unified Intelligence Taskforce, I’ve come to ask you a few questions about some of the strange things going on in the area, can you help me?

  • I see you found one of the clowns! Jack Holt of UNIT, Identify yourself!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

The game store cashier has been on edge lately, ever since they noticed a strange clown following them on their way to work. They're nervous and reluctant to discuss it openly, fearing what others might think—or worse, that the clown might be closer than they realize.

  • english
Voice description:
  • neutral
  • american
  • all american accents
  • radio drama
  • audiobook
  • Audio Drama
  • Sorry, my boss doesn’t want me talking about it in front of customers, the subject tends to make people a bit creeped out.

  • Every day whenever I get off of work I bike home and I swear, that guy follows me home. I swear, he waits for me by that corner near the woods. I’ve started taking the long way just to avoid .

  • Who would believe me? It’s me, underpaid and over-caffeinated, just trying to make it home without a heart attack. So, yeah, if you see some clown in a corner, just know I’m probably hiding in my apartment, clutching my controller for dear life. Now do you wanna pre-order a game or not? I heard that Uncharted 4 is supposed to be a real teeth-clencher!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
College Student 1
Role assigned to: Sean Hazell

A college student who loves hanging out at the mall with friends, they were having a great time—until they noticed a strange person dressed as a clown. Uneasy, they quickly tried to keep their distance, sensing something was off.

  • english
Voice description:
  • radio drama
  • neutral
  • Young Adult
  • american
  • What do you want, you lose your friends?

  • So, normally, I turn a corner by these woods before I get to my house. I started running, and when I got past the trees, it was just… gone. Like, nowhere in sight!

  • Sorry, my boss doesn’t want me talking about it in front of customers, the subject tends to make people a bit creeped out.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
College Student 2
cast offsite

A college student who loves hanging out at the mall with friends, they were having a great time—until they noticed a strange person dressed as a clown. Uneasy, they quickly tried to keep their distance, sensing something was off.

  • english
Voice description:
  • audiobook
  • neutral
  • audio series
  • radio drama
  • all american accents
  • Only strange thing I’ve seen was a pack of furries. Nice folks… just not my thing? Well that and… (Whispering) The clown that follows me home.

  • So, normally, I turn a corner by these woods before I get to my house. I started running, and when I got past the trees, it was just… gone. Like, nowhere in sight!

  • Every day whenever I get off of work I bike home and I swear, that guy follows me home. I swear, he waits for me by that corner near the woods. I’ve started taking the long way just to avoid .

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
College Student 3
cast offsite

A college student who loves hanging out at the mall with friends, they were having a great time—until they noticed a strange person dressed as a clown. Uneasy, they quickly tried to keep their distance, sensing something was off.

Voice description:
  • Audio Drama
  • audiobook
  • neutral
  • all american accents
  • radio drama
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Filmstorm Studios

John is a guy who was walking in the woods when an alien clown stole all of his emotion and left him passed out in the woods. he wakes up and tries to remember what happened to him.

  • english
Voice description:
  • radio drama
  • male young adult
  • all american accents
  • Audio Drama
  • audiobook
  • I feel weak, like really weak. (No Emotion)

  • I was walking home and heard something in the trees. I came to see what it was and.. I don’t remember. (no emotion)

  • Clown? Yes, thats right, I was laughing uncontrollably, there for a minute. Then I passed out. I have asthma. Where’s my inhaler.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Narrator, this role would also be needed for our future episodes and we would like to keep the same voice throughout the series consistent. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • narration
  • female adult
  • british
  • male adult
  • american
  • neutral
  • audiobook
  • Audio Drama
  • “Aldoria, a faraway planet covered in lush forests, large oceans, and beautiful mountains. Atop a coastside cliff rests a small cabin, made from the logs of the nearby forest. A figure steps out of the cabin holding a warm cup of tea. He is a bit scuffy looking with long dark brown hair and a tattered dark purple coat.

  • Before him is the shape of a large box draped in old dusty fabric. He tears the cloth away revealing a familiar blue box underneath. It was the Doctor’s TARDIS. He runs to the doors and unlocks them, a slight hum is heard inside. The Doctor enters”.

  • “The console room is cloaked in darkness with only a faint beam of light bleeding through the doorway from outside. The Doctor walks over to the console and places his hand on it. Suddenly life reenters the TARDIS and the lights come on. A rustic wood console with accents of Gold sits in the middle of the room.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Nola Peck
Role assigned to: Teddie

An optimistic scientific advisor at UNIT, working closely with Jack Holt. She's intelligent and innovative, with a hopeful spirit that helps her see the best in every situation. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • radio drama
  • female young adult
  • american
  • british
  • Our thoughts exactly. Nola Peck, Scientific Advisor. I’ve read all your reports from the UK Branch Doctor. Great work!

  • It’s a pocket dimension, thus how it's bigger on the inside.

  • Alright, so I’ll just introduce you and ask you some questions then, sound good?


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