Delicious in Dungeon Manga Dub Snippet !!SPOILERS!!

Delicious in Dungeon Manga Dub Snippet !!SPOILERS!!

Project Overview

This project covers chapter 83 of the manga, Delicious in Dungeon or Dungeon Meshi.

If you do not wish to be spoiled in any capacity, please have patience for a future project.

a spacing break just in case.

This will be used for an audio of a cosplay competition at a convention happening over Labor Day weekend in the US. I'll be competing as Dungeon Lord Marcille, and I want an audio that captures the fear, uncertainty, and overwhelming doom that I felt while reading the manga.

If you don't mind spoilers and want to check out the source material, the easiest way is to watch the anime on Netflix. The first season just finished airing about two weeks ago when this casting call goes up, so you'll be able to get a decent enough understanding of what the series is about. It's also fantastic, and the more people I convince to watch it, the better.

Below are all the details for submission

Recording Quality

  • it is required to have an XLR microphone or one with comparable quality to submit.

  • No background noise

If your submission is lacking in either bullet point, you will not be considered.


  • Do not slate. I have all of the information needed through your description and CCC

  • Do not read the words in parentheses!

  • Line reads should be done AABBCC format. You need a minimum of 2 takes per line and you can do a maximum of 3.

  • Leave a small amount of space between each line read.

  • Files uploaded must be an MP3.

  • In the description, please list your credit name, pronouns, and a link to your demo if you have one. Feel free to add any additional information you feel is necessary.

The contract sent over will state this, but you will receive the finished audio after the competition is over on August 31st, 2024.

Break a leg, everyone!

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Latest Updates

  • All Cast!

    Good evening everyone!

    Thank you so much for submitting to this project! Since this was the first one I published, I was worried I wouldn't get many submissions, but you all showed up and showed out!

    I will be posting other projects in the semi near future so please be on the lookout if you want to participate in other Dungeon Meshi enterprises (especially if you're a vocalist/singer)

    Thank you all again for the response!


Voice Actor
Voice Actor
The Winged Lion
Paid: Flat Rate 50 USD
Role assigned to: Tyler

PSA: I am only accepting bass/baritone masc voice types for this character. If you ignore this, you will not be considered for the other roles or any future projects

This character description also contains spoilers for the manga of Delicious in Dungeon. Do with that what you will.

Incredibly charismatic, surprisingly genuine, and undeniably horrifying, the Winged Lion is an insatiable being from a dimension beyond our comprehension, able to consume the desires of those whom he lures in. His first real appearance is unassuming and almost cute, but no matter how small he is, there is something ominous about his presence. Although he starts off as small as a book, he grows to be a true terror as tall as a skyscraper.

His motivation stems from his own intense need to feed on complex human desires while coming from a place where ambition doesn't exist in the first place. He also has a sincere desire to earnestly help the humans who come to him. He cannot comprehend the moral rules that exist in the natural world. Consider it morbid curiosity.

You can learn more about him from reading the manga, or his wiki page:

What I'm looking for

  • A deep, masculine voice with a gentleness to the tone.

  • Grounded performance

  • Intimidating aura masked by a soft and pleasant presence

If my descriptions don't paint the right picture, use Taurus Bulba as a vocal reference. Because this isn't a kids' show, just observe the tone and depth of his voice. I'm looking for a grounded performance.

Taurus Bulba vocal reference:

Alternatively, you can use Aslan as a vocal reference. You do not need to do an accent other than your own. He starts speaking at 2:20

Aslan vocal reference:

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • fandub
  • (Gentle) Would you like some courage? I've got something nice for you.

  • (Playful) It's Simply a little trick to help instill you with confidence.

  • (Sinister) Do not let them hurt the people that are important to you.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Canaries (Background Voices)
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD

This track is taking both feminine and masculine voice types.

Each line is for a different character.

Top-to-bottom order

- Cithis (fem)

- Pattadol (fem)

-Mithrun (masc)

Only audition for either the fem or masc characters, not both. Please state which one in the description of your submission.

Because these characters already have voices in the anime, please voice match to the best of your ability with whomever you're going for. The link below is the best video I can find that showcases each canary's voice in one clip.

Vocal reference:

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • male adult
  • male young adult
  • female young adult
  • voice match
  • (deep voice, Fem, smug) Everything she said was a lie.

  • (Sweet, Fem, Excited) It was beautiful, wasn't it? All those multicolored shrimp, octopus, and onions-

  • (Mid rage, Masc, Urgent) Where is the "Tome"? He was carrying it, wasn't he!


Public Submissions

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