Danny Phantom: The Reboot

Danny Phantom: The Reboot

Project Overview


A fan-made reboot of the beloved Nickelodeon animated series, Danny Phantom! We're going to be doing our part to bring back this iconic series from the early 2000s to modern audiences with an emphasis on darker themes while remaining true to the original and keeping it family-friendly (in a loose definition of the word).

For those of you unfamiliar with the premise: The Danny Phantom series follows Danny Fenton, a teenage boy who, after an accident with an unpredictable portal between the human world and the "Ghost Zone", becomes a human-ghost hybrid and takes on the task of saving his town (and the world) from subsequent ghost attacks using an evolving variety of supernatural powers. Danny is aided in his quest by his two best friends Sam Manson and Tucker Foley, and later, his sister Jazz, who for most of the series' run are among the only people who know of his double life.


1. You must have a high-quality microphone, or at the very least, you must be clear for me to hear and have any background noise, and peaking/clipping be minimal at best.

2. You are not expected to do exact impressions of the characters you're auditioning for. I want you to take the voices of the original characters and do what you can to make it your own thing.

3. You must have a Discord account, as the project will be going into production over there.

4. Your voice files must be sent in a .wav format.

5. Remember to have fun!

Have fun and good luck!

NOTE: Payment on this project will be distributed upon completion and uploading of the project, over Paypal.

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Danny Fenton aka Danny Phantom
Paid: Flat Rate 100 USD
Role assigned to: TLinkin

The main character. After becoming a half-human/half-ghost during a lab accident, Danny has taken on the role of a ghostly superhero to protect Amity Park and the world from the dangerous ghosts from the Ghost Zone. When he isn't worrying about ghosts, Danny is kind, easy-going, helpful, and compassionate at times. He likes using his ghost powers for good, but, being a teenage boy, is not always above using them to get revenge on bullies or sneak out of school detention.

  • If this superhero thing doesn't work out, I could have an exciting career as a busboy.

  • Do you know what they say about the bird in the hand?... Well NEITHER DO I!!!

  • I'm going ghost!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Sam Manson
Paid: Flat Rate 100 USD
Role assigned to: Zaida-Joy Davis

Sam Manson is one of Danny's best friends and one of the few people who know about Danny's ghost identity. She is a self-proclaimed goth who's fascinated with the subliminal and nether worldly and is a very outspoken ultra-recyclo-vegetarian. She is sarcastic, forceful, bossy, passionate, and strong-willed, but also good-hearted and caring. Out of the three, Sam is usually the most rational and mature, often thinking on a realistic level compared to her friends and pointing out to Danny to focus more on ghost training and hunting.

  • Doesn't anyone in this town drive a compact car?

  • Uh, you do realize she's an evil mind-controlling spirit from another dimension.

  • I had to choose between fake cows and evil trucks. The cow won.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Tucker Foley
Paid: Flat Rate 100 USD
Role assigned to: Ellis Bertrell

Tucker Foley is one of Danny Fenton's two best friends and a huge techno-obsessed boy. He uses his expertise in the field of technology to help Danny fight ghosts. Tucker is a very optimistic, light-hearted joker. He enjoys talking but often does not know when to keep his mouth shut, causing him to blurt out more than he should or cause trouble for his friends. His cloying, geeky, and appealing nature is not popular with the other students of Casper High and he generally has a bad reputation amongst them.

  • I could have used a little less zombie, and a little more cyber. But that's me - I'm all about the cyber.

  • Waste these looks and all this charisma hunting ghosts? Criminal.

  • Woo! Take it off! [Beat] No, seriously, you should take that off. That's weird.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Jazz Fenton
Paid: Flat Rate 100 USD
Role assigned to: StarLevelsUp

Jazz Fenton is the older sister of Danny Fenton Viewing herself as the most rational and normal member of the family, Jazz often plays a surrogate parental role to Danny, thinking he is a naive child in need of guidance, unaware that she is often smothering him. While she may not consciously know it, Jazz tends to think that her intelligence makes her superior to others and can go completely bonkers if she is shown to be wrong. She tries to use her knowledge and her understanding of psychology to point her parents in a more "normal" direction, even if it sometimes is quite annoying to others.

  • See? This toxic home environment is making him a nervous wreck! He needs a normal family outing! One that has nothing to do with ghosts!

  • How come you never told me Vlad Masters has ghost powers? And he has a thing for Mom?!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Maddie Fenton
Paid: Flat Rate 100 USD
Role assigned to: VObyRobbie

Maddie Fenton is the wife of Jack and the mother of Jazz and Danny. She is a scientist, one of the co-owners of Fenton Works, and a ghost hunter just like her husband, though she is better at ghost hunting and more intelligent than him. Unlike Jack who merely wants to rip them apart, Maddie believes in a more scientific approach, preferring to examine them. Despite her obsession with ghosts, Madie absolutely loves her family and will do anything to defend them.

  • Get this straight, Danny. You're a Fenton. Fentons get "A"s, or in your father's case, "B" minuses.

  • You must be cautious, at any time one of these ectoplasmic malefactors - [Spots Danny] hi sweetie! - could appear out of nowhere.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Jack Fenton
Paid: Flat Rate 100 USD
Role assigned to: DoubleDVoices

Jack Fenton is the husband of Maddie and the father of Danny and Jazz. He is a ghost hunter and one of the co-owners of Fenton Works. Jack is incompetent at times, even coming off as goofy, clumsy, and obsessed with ghosts. Despite this, he is actually well-meaning and quite smart, capable of building working ghost and ecto machines. He is also protective of his family and jumps at chances for quality bonding. He is a brilliant inventor but can come off as absent-minded. He is a loving and devoted father and husband. Even though his passion for ghost hunting may appear to overshadow everything else, his family is still the most important thing to him.

  • Fear not, young ones, we're here to make sure this school is prepared for any ghost emergencies.

  • 917 Maple, eh? I could have sworn it was coming from that big spooky house with the big, swirly cloud overhead.

  • [sighs] Suck the house into a parallel dimension ONE TIME, and you just can't let it go, can you?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ember McLain
Paid: Flat Rate 100 USD
Role assigned to: kabyvoices

Ember is a hard-rocking ghost teen with disrespect towards any kind of authority figure. She takes a great amount of pride in her singing abilities. She also has somewhat of a childish personality (whilst frequently shouting 1970's phrases such as "dipstick"). She also can get really low in her schemes when it comes to world conquest as she can use her music to control people, whether it's mind control or changing one's emotions. Despite being a dangerous enemy, she's not insane or murderous like some other ghosts. In fact, she could be considered nothing more than an influential teenager with her own "little" desires.

  • That's right pop fans, Ember's back and ready to roooooooock!!!!!!!!!

  • Ok, maybe not the best idea. Oh well. Bon voyage, kid! Catch you on my comeback tour!

  • Hey kids, here's a little ditty I like to call, GET OUT OF MY NEW HOME!

Paid: Flat Rate 70 USD

You will be assisting me in writing the scripts for this reboot.

  • Say something you think would fit


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