Danganronpa: Distrust
Project Overview
Disclaimer/Spoiler Alert
Danganronpa: Distrust is intended for mature audiences only. It involves blood/violence as well as profane/suggestive dialogue. It contains spoilers regarding the entire Danganronpa Franchise. If you are interested in auditioning.
What is it?
Danganronpa: Distrust is a fan project based on the same franchise that mimics the story-driven atmosphere of the orginal games.
The story takes place before the Killing School Semester and will focus on the Killing Game Rantaro Amami participated in prior to the one in Danganronpa V3. It will feature new characters and will reveal how Rantaro earned the title of "Ultimate Survivor". Keep in mind that while we are personally invested in making this series a reality, none of the people who have volunteered for this project have or will be paid. If you are interested in this project all I ask is that you spread the word so that fans far and wide will have an opportunity to create a one-of-a-kind, fanmade installment in the Danganronpa series.
Word Count
This project will be partially voiced. Like in the original games reusable sound bites will be used in between dialogue. Only trial segments and certain scenes will be full voiced. Also, while the amount of words per character varying depending on their screentime, expect no more than 2500 words each.
Important Info
The Casting Call Club for Danganronpa: Distrust will allow potential voice actors to audition for any and as many of the cast of characters as they like. The Audition will be open for one month and during the last week, roles will begin to close.
For each character they will be given three lines and will be judged on their quality and performance. They will also be judged on whether or not their voice fits the character and their vocal range if they choose to audition for multiple characters. For an example of the kind of quality voice acting we're looking for, this is the Introduction of Sora Shota, formerly played by the voice actor TunnelBurg.
No single participant will be cast as more than two characters, and that is assuming they meet the grading criteria for both of them. This is to preserve the element of fairness for this audition.
Also Voice Actors, Remember that you will be judged on whether or not your voice fits the character(s) that *you* audition for. Even if your voice fits another character you will not be cast for them if you don't audition for them (we don't want to force you into anything).
Rantaro, Tsumugi, and Monokuma are character that have been established in canon. As such many details regarding their personalities and character traits will be quoted directly from the Danganronpa Wiki. All quotes will be be in parentheses, italicized, and sourced
Grading Rubric
Realism: I need to feel that you are this character, not that this is an audition. -
Expression: Can you accurately portray the character's emotional state accurately? -
Vocal Range: If you're auditioning for multiple characters this is another factor I'll be taking into consideration. If you use the same voice for every audition you might get lucky and find the character who fits your voice, but if you can prove that you can change you voice accordingly to fit a specific characters tone that might increase your chances of being cast. Take Danganronpa Kill/Cure (a well known Danganronpa fan project) for example, even though a single voice actor can be cast as 2 or even 3 characters, no 2 characters sound alike. However, as stated above I won't be casting any single participant in this audition for more that 2 characters to be fair to everyone else.
Mic Quality: This one is not as serious as the others, but it should go without saying that I need to be able to hear your voice and not a bunch of white noise.
If you succeed in your audition(s) you will be notified via DM. The results of the Casting Call Club will be posted on my Youtube channel after the deadline has passed. I wish you all good luck, and may the best Voice Actor win.
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Latest Updates
Well, the Casting Call Club has since ended, but I'll post this. Thank you to everyone who auditioned. It was difficult going through all the voices but we now have a cast of characters to work with! Here are the individuals who have been cast: https://youtu.be/MKvSIa_xc00 (Part 1) https://youtu.be/MU3UlWIafh0 (Part 2)
The Deadline for this Casting Call Club is July 28th, 11:59 PM CT. Even though I said earlier that I'd be closing roles this week I decided against it. I want to give everyone a chance to audition. Additionally, for those following the project I announce that the Official Fan Discord Server is now open! I will be there as the "Director" so if some of you wish to turn in some auditions to me personally, feel free to PM me. Here's the link to the server: https://discord.gg/3m5djJb -
Format Update
I posted a video and held a poll that will determine the format of this project (the choices being a fangame or a webseries) . Don't be alarmed, the plot, character designs and personalities, and many other elements of the project have been planned out in advance *long* before we started this Casting Call Club. We just enough resources to make both a possibility and are questioning which format would be best for our audience. Here's a link to the video: https://youtu.be/GLBdwVmKxDE it also has a direct link to the poll (which is held on my Twitter page) so you can vote if you choose to. That is all. -
Extended Deadline
I extended the deadline by about a week. as it will give me the chance to find time to properly listen to all auditions. For those of you who want to audition but can't find the time worry not! However, this is the only time I'm going to do this. I can't extend the deadline anymore without pushing the production of the project back. -
First of all I'd like to thank you all for your support. I didn't think that this many people would audition, but I'm glad that they did. That being said I have announcement to make regarding me. I have said some things in the past that I am ashamed of and I have decided to come clean. If you're interested or auditioning or have auditioned already, I suggest you take a look at this as it may effect your decision to participate in this project. I've posted this on multiple social media outlets but I decided to post it here as well so that you all can take this into account. Here is the link to the document: (https://t.co/XzjVjCZc13). For those of you who have auditioned, if you wish to take your auditions down after reading this, I understand. That is all for now.

Rantaro Amami is the Ultimate Adventurer and the main protagonist of the story. "He's largely a carefree and relaxed person, and he is actually one of the more ordinary students in the cast, with he himself stating that he can sometimes get a bit overwhelmed by the others' stranger personalities.
Despite his appearance and manner of speech, he has cold, excellent insight, and is both determined and brave. He even has downright frightening expressions whenever he gets very serious." (Source)
In the end, he despises Monokuma and is willing to stop the killing game, whatever it takes.
For Rantaro, I'm looking for someone who can mimic his voice from the official game very well (here are his voice clips to give you an idea of what he sounds like: https://youtu.be/8Nfh9beKX6k)
(Introduction) "My name is Rantaro Amami. I can't remember my Ultimate talent at the moment... But I promise I'm not a bad guy. Nice to meet you."
(Reassuring) "Alright, chill out, no need to panic...We're probably not in any danger. If they wanted to kill us, they'd have done it by now."
(Solemn) "Kill without being caught, and then survive the trial... Sounds eerily similar to the real world."

The Iconic Killer Teddy Bear and Official Mascot of the Danganronpa franchise, "Monokuma at first glance, appears easygoing and cheerful , albeit with a sinister undertone. However, he always rather quickly reveals his evil nature by describing killing games and his desire for despair, and he is very well known for his habit to say and do whatever he wants to. He loves hysteria, violence and chaos, summarized in one of his catchphrases "thrills, chills, kills!". He also has his own signature laughs, a sadistic "puhuhu" and a mocking "ah-hahahaha"."
In many ways, Monokuma represents duality both in design and personality, with his white good side and black evil side. He can sometimes act polite or cute and innocent, even patronizing, and during rare moments he even seems to give genuine positive and wise advice. However, he is mostly known for his malicious and cruel side, possessing a twisted sense of humor and a tendency to torment others and do anything for the sake of despair. He can switch between these traits at the drop of a hat, making him unpredictable for his students to deal with. He usually gets excited about the Class trials and does everything he can in order to make them entertaining for himself." (Source)
Like Rantaro I'm looking for someone who can mimic his voice accurately, it doesn't have to be pitch perfect but close enough. Also keep in mind that since we'll be reusing the official voice clips of characters established in the Danganronpa canon (such as Rantaro and possibly Tsumugi) this applies to Monokuma as well, which will result in a lighter workload that most participants. Brian Beacock is his English Voice Actor. (Here are Monokuma's Voice Clips for reference: https://youtu.be/xT-WYvgWZR8)
(Enthusiastic) "Now then, unleash your talents and have a happy, homicidal, horrific, hilarious killing game!"
(Dead Serious)"You guys aren't friends at all... You're enemies out to kill each other."
(Nostalgic to Estatic) " Ah, it never gets old! It's so fun and entertaining that I just get un-BEAR-ably pumped up!"

Mari Sasori is the Ultimate Defense Attorney and the deutaragonist of the story. She's a Phoenix Wright type character who believes that the innocent should be defended at any cost. Though she's a lawyer, she's not as uptight as her talent would imply and she's actually quite friendly and sociable, However, when push comes to shove she's still a seasoned and experienced Defense Attorney and with her keen mind she can tear apart shotty arguments with ease.
Overall, Mari is a loyal companion and lawyer who refuses to back down once she's made up her mind. However her sense of justice has been know to cloud her better judgment from time to time.
(Mari is a humble, intelligent, and amicable. She's should sound like someone who can get along with Rantaro just fine, and even teach him a thing or two.)
(Introduction) "Exactly what I was thinking. Anyway, my name is Mari Sasori, and I’m the Ultimate Defense Attorney."
(Humble) "Oh, of course, but I’m afraid the answer is pretty boring: family connections and a lot of study. It’s pretty amazing how far you can get when you set your sights on something for so long. And if you work hard, too."
(Reassuring) "I’m sure that’s not true. Every Ultimate has to work hard to earn that title, and I’m sure you’re no exception."

Tsumugi Shirogane, the Ultimate Cosplayer "is an honors type student who speaks in a docile and gentle way, but she becomes very passionate when she talks about her favorite series or cosplays, having a habit of slipping infamous quotes from various sources into the conversation. Being a self-proclaimed introvert, she also tends to ignore people while deep, no matter how many times they try talking to her, and appears rather distant at times. She tends to call herself and everything that she has done "plain," as she believes that among all of the students, she is the one who has the plainest appearance and personality.
While Tsumugi is the Ultimate Cosplayer, she only enjoys making costumes, not wearing them, as she is not really fond of people looking at her.However, she hates using cosplayers who care more about standing out than love of the characters, so she wears her own costumes as well but with love.She deeply loves cosplaying as she states that cosplaying is an expression of love. She has deep respect for fictional characters and gets very offended if they are disrespected. " (Source)
While I am interested in looking for someone who can mimic Tsumugi's official voice, this needn't be the case. In fact, people have often complained about her voice (apparently she sounds like Sayaka on Helium) and so I've decided to allow Tsumugi auditioners to do two takes. One of Tsumugi's normal voice (that they will attempt to mimic), and one of their perception of what Tsumugi *should* sound like. Those who audition can do one of them or both, it's up to them, I just ask that they make it clear which one you're doing. Tsumugi's Voice Actor is Dorothy Elias-Fahn. (Here are her official voice clips for reference: https://youtu.be/ml6YEge1OhQ)
(Introduction) "My name is Tsumugi Shirogane. I'm the Ultimate Cosplayer. Are you...surprised? I get that alot because I'm so plain."
(Stating) "A lot of people cosplay as different characters, but don't pay homage to the characters or the series they originated from. I hate that more than anything, so I wear most of my costumes instead. That way I can know for sure that they're truly appreciated!"
(Depressed) "Yeah...Can I just go and think by myself for a little? It's a shame I won't be able to hide all my 'special' art commissions before I die...*sigh* Or that 'special' pillowcase I bought...What should I do...?"

Katsuro Ito is the business savvy Ultimate Entrepreneur. "No risk, no reward" is his motto and true to his claim Katsuro's unorthodox investments have earned him a great deal of wealth.
Katsuro is the master of the art of the deal and can be a fast talker when making a pitch. He is also a leader figure of sorts, and is known for the loyalty he commands from his employees and returns to those who work for him, as well as his impeccable business ethics.
(Katsuro is a very shrewd and beguiling businessman. He's mature and doesn't sound like your average teen, but he doesn't have a particularly deep tone. Be sure to display those traits in your audition. Think Gordon Gekko or Leonardo DiCaprio's character in the Wolf of Wall Street. In terms of voice he is akin to Kunitaro Higa of Danganronpa Kill/cure or Kaito Momota from Danganronpa V3)
(Introduction) "Oh, sorry. This would probably all make a lot more sense if I introduced myself. My name is Katsuro Ito, and I’m the Ultimate Entrepreneur".
(Stating) "Nothing wrong with that. Things can get pretty intense in the business world, and I don’t judge anyone who wants to opt out. And I want to do what I can for the people who opt in."
(Friendly) "Well, I do what I can. You’ve got to help out the people around you. So, Rantaro was it? If you ever feel like investing, I might know a few things that are just starting to take off."

Kazuko Fukui is the Ultimate Chemist. She's a no-nonsense type of person who has a little patience towards those who don't focus on relevant matters. She comes from a rich family and is passionate about chemistry, and while she can be self centered she can also be caring and compassionate at times.
She doesn't hesitate to scold others for their short comings and she's really sensible and prefers to give people constructive criticism (though she never stops complaining about it)
(Kazuko is based on Mahiru Koizumi from Super Danganronpa 2. While she can be fussy she's ultimately a sweetheart who means well)
(Recollecting) "The last thing I remember is that I was on my way to a really important lab presentation, and now I’m here and no one can tell me what’s going on."
(Explaining) "Yeah, but at least you know all chemists aren’t the same. I specialize in analytical chemistry, but personally I’m more interested in medicinal focused projects. "
(Giving Advice) "If you’re gonna be space-case’s keeper, you might want to keep an eye on him while you look, too."

Susuru Kojima is a shy and nervous boy (think Chihiro Fujisaki), and pushes people away out of fear of them disappointing him (like others have done in past relationships), but does so gently. He works at a small Fix-it shop with father but a dramatic incident that got his talent recognized.
Susuru has a distinct love for machines and he finds himself most at home in his workshop working on his gizmos and gadgets. Despite his ingenuity, Susuru is very humble about his abilities, often downplaying them, and doesn't consider himself to be the Ultimate Engineer. However, he is wrong in this regard as he has yet to discover his true potential.
(Susuru possess a childish voice despite his mechanical skill so try to voice him within those lines. Essentially an expy Miles Prower of the Sonic Franchise)
(Introduction) "Oh, right. My name is Susuru Kojima. I’m the Ultimate Engineer, so I’m pretty good with machines and stuff like that."
(Frank) "A little, but I didn’t notice anything special about it. I think I’d have to take it apart to really figure out what’s going on, and, um, I think that might be a bad idea."
(Ending a conversation) "I’ll… yeah. Maybe I’ll try then. Um, is there anything else we need to talk about? I’m actually not really sure what we’re doing right now, to be honest…"

Mai Tamura is the Ultimate Acrobat and your classic Genki girl. Energetic and enthusiastic she's always optimistic and is easily one of the most excitable and upbeat members of the cast. Mai absolutely *loves* acrobatics, and devoted herself to her talent so much she became known as "The Amazing Aerialist".
Despite everything that's happened, Mai encourages her classmates not to fall into despair and to stay positive. But considering that the game of murder and deceit has only just begun, she will soon learn that something's are easier said than done...
(Mai is perky and cheery, and enjoys making new friends.)
(Introduction) "She’s travelled far and wide, preformed feats previously unknown to man, has touched the sky and our hearts, it’s the Amazing Aerialist, Mai Tamura!"
(Smug) "I don’t mean to brag, but I’m pretty good at what I do. I feel like I learned how to swing on a trapeze before I even knew how to walk."
(Explaining) "I sure did, and I’ve travelled all over the country, and I’ve definitely seen all sorts of people come together and have fun together."

Jun Otsuka is the muscular Ultimate Undertaker. He possess a soft demeanor but a sharp tongue and while he's polite, eloquent, and well-mannered most of time will not hesitate to criticize others if they have made a grave error (pun intended).
Jun is a pious individual and believes that the dead should be respected no matter who they are. He views class trials as a "religious service" believe that conviction the blackened will bring the victims peace as he performs their "last rites", though this is more of a coping mechanism than a personality trait.
(A Baritone voice is required for this role. Yusuke Kitagawa from Persona 5 is a good example of what he should sound like.)
(Introduction) "My name is Jun Otsuka, and I am known for my talents as an undertaker. Funeral director and mortician are also common names for those in my line of work, if you prefer. It makes little difference to me as they all have the same meaning."
(Reassuring) "It is quite alright. I am aware that discussing my work is an excellent way to “kill the mood,” if I have the phrase right. However, beyond the surface, undertakers are much more concerned with soothing people’s fears of death than frightening them."
(Explaining) "Some prefer traditional styles, but others want to keep things more modern. Then there are funerals for the old and ones for the young, those who had been in bad health for quite some time, and, of course, those who were not expected to die."

Yumiko Takagi, the Ultimate Archer, is everything you'd expect a traditional sportswoman to be, dignified, refined, and graceful. She's also blunt, sarcastic, and a bit misanthropic. She often pushes people away and makes it clear that she had no interest in making friends. This is due to the emotional strain on her life which has made her a bit of a hard case.
Nonetheless, she has a soft spot that she shows towards those she loves, like her father who introduced her to archery and acted as her mentor.
(Yumiko talks in a serious tone most of the time, but can get flustered when caught off guard. Much like Juvia Lockser from Fairy Tail, except she isn't in love with Gray-sama)
(Introduction) "I believe introductions should be the next point of order. My name is Yumiko Takagi. I gained some fame and my Ultimate title through my participation in archery competitions. Any questions?"
(Brutally Honest) "I will be upfront. I do not particularly enjoy spending time with other people. I will respect your presence here, if you respect mine, but I cannot promise any more than that."
(Understanding) "I understand that you may have a desire to make friends, but I request that you do not include me in that endeavour."

Takehiko Akiyama is your average everyman so much so that he only became the Ultimate Lucky Student through literal luck of the draw by way of lottery. He's a nice, chill, down to earth but there's something about him that says that there's more to him than what meets the eye...
He suffers something of an Inferiority complex as he compares himself to his Ultimate classmates but he's still determined to do his part in ending the killing game.
(I Imagine his voice sounds similar to "Firo Prochainezo" of Bacanno fame. You don't have to make him sound mysterious because of the implication, you're free to voice him anyway you please.)
(Introduction) "Hey, there. I don’t think we’ve been introduced yet. My name’s Takehiko Akiyama. I feel a bit silly saying it aloud, but I’m the Ultimate Lucky Student."
(Humble) "I think interesting is way too strong a word. There’s this annual lottery thing for every person our age in Japan, and I happened to win. Which I guess means I’m lucky."
(Philosophical) "I think so. Sometimes when you can’t fix something about yourself, just being aware of it can be enough. At least, that’s my philosophy."

Extra, Extra, read all about it! Ultimate Reporter, Mayu Ueda set to appear in Danganronpa: Distrust as a supporting character! Mayu is a investigative journalist and like Mari she has a strong sense of justice, but she values the truth more due to her profession.
Despite her childish mannerisms and appearance she's a realist, and doesn't try to avert her eyes from reality, no matter how cruel it may be. As a force of habit, Mayu carries her trusty camera and notepad with her afterall, you never know where the next big "scoop" will pop up.
Mayu is a plucky but gullible girl and is susceptible to fall for rumors and gossip, however she reports the truth an only the truth.
(Because of her "stature" I believe that she sounds less like a child and more of a "Tween" of that makes sense.)
(Introduction) "I'm Mayu Ueda the Ultimate Reporter, but my job is more hands on than that. I'm an investigative journalist, you see."
(Flustered in the beginning) "Aw, you guys are making me blush…but like I said before, it's not that big of a deal. I'm just doing what I believe is right."
(Impressed) "I still can't wrap my head around the fact that you're both a seamstress *and* a cosplayer, talk about overkill..."

Osamu Maeda is the Ultimate Physician. Osamu is aware of the harsh realities of his occupation and doesn't pretend otherwise. He never censors himself always making his opinion known, and swears far more often than any of his classmates.
Still, he's a very skilled doctor, so dedicated to his job that he doesn't seem to have any other kind of life social or otherwise on top of that he appears to suffer from coughing fits, rebuffs friendly gestures, and speaks only in sarcastic remarks.
But when given the chance, he does do whatever it takes to treat his patients, because deep down he *does* care about saving people. Also he's addicted to cough medicine (particularly Nyquil).
(Dr. House was my inspiration for this guy. Make of that what you will)
(Introduction) "I’m only going to say this once, so if you forget my name, too bad. I’m Osamu Maeda, the Ultimate Physician."
(Irritated) "I gave you my name didn't I? You can fuck off now."
(Pessimistic) "If you do get injured, I’ll do what I can. Just… keep your expectations low. There’s not gonna be a crisis, either. Or maybe there will. I don’t know."

Actresses are often seen as glamorous, beautiful, and full of personality, and at first glance Satomi Kinoshita seems to fit this description, especially after seeing her on stage. But in reality, this a farcry from who she really is. The Ultimate Actress is reality is reserved and soft spoken. And though not antisocial she's far less outgoing than her performances on stage would have you believe.
However, her life is more of a tragedy than you'd expect, and her acting persona is more of a means of escapism than entertainment.
(Satomi's personality is based on that of Kasuka Heiwajima from Duradura, though she's not as quite as him. Remember that she's soft spoken when auditioning for her)
(Introduction) "Anyway, when you meet someone, one person has to give their name first. So… My name is Satomi Kinoshita. I’m the Ultimate Actress, too."
(Reassuring) "It’s okay. You don’t have to pretend. I know I’m a bit disappointing in real life. It’s why I never do interviews. I wouldn’t want to let down the people who love my characters."
(Humble/Reassuring) "That’s very kind of you to say, but, like I said, it’s really okay. I just don’t have much to say unless I’m reading someone else’s script. You don’t have to try and cheer me up, though. I’m not ashamed of it or anything like that."

Hiroshi Takakazu is the brilliant but socially inept Ultimate Mathematician. He is an academic in every sense of the word and often speaks in numbers rather than words.
He has a mentor who encourages him to be more social, and he tries his best to do do with less than satisfactory results. Also, he likes to give a percentage on whether or not an action will succeed or fail from time to time.
(Hiroshi speaks with a level of intellect and in terms of voice sounds similar to Shinra Kishitani from Durarara)
(Introduction) "Hiroshi Takakazu. I am the Ultimate Mathematician."
(Logicial Hypothesis) "Not good. Given that I possess no memory of arriving here, and our captors are confident enough to let us wander around freely, my current hypothesis is that there is no possibility of escape."
(Conclusion) "My alternate hypothesis is that there is an escape route and our current freedom to potentially find it means our captors are incompetent. I would like to collect more data our on captor’s temperament and the layout of the school before I present my findings."

Rin Hirano, is another captive forced to participate in the killing game, however unlike the other participants it is unknown what her talent is. She is generally stonefaced and unflappable, as a part of her design as a "enigmatic" character. She is nicknamed the Ultimate "???" because of this.
She's is mysterious, cryptic, composed, and always uses logic to analyze the situation and solve the problems at hand. Rin is generally hard to read and because of this the students have difficulty seeing her as an ally... and some even suspect that she's an enemy.
(Her personality is based on Rei Ayanami. That's all you need to know.)
(Pondering) "Would you believe that I can’t remember my talent? Or maybe I never had one in the first place? Or telling you would somehow put me in danger?"
(Analytical) "Our situation is complicated. I might be forced to play my hand soon."
(Regretful) "I’m sorry...I've said too much. Even a little information can be dangerous."

Sora Shota, the Ultimate Pilot maybe an airhead but there's no doubt that he's a proficient aviator. From the day he built his first glider from scratch he knew that flying was what he was meant to do. He enrolled in flight school, graduated at the top of his class, and afterwards took to the skies and flew around the globe solo, earning him a great deal of fame.
He tends to space out but at the same time notices things that the other students miss. Sora takes things easy for the most part and freaks out more often than the other students. Also, he loves his job as a pilot and has a crew that he loves like family.
(Tunnelburg was the former voice actor of Sora Shota and his audition is posted in project information as a reference.)
(Introduction) "Aw, that sucks. Oh well, I guess the only thing we can do right now is share what we do know. So how about some names? I’m Sora Shota, Ultimate Pilot. Nice to meet ya."
(Puzzled) "So it really is everyone then… I wonder how it happened. Mass hypnosis? Brainwashing? All the stuff I can think of sounds like something out of a sci-fi movie."
(Explaining/Conversing) "Yup. It’s not one of those big commercial jets, if that’s what you’re thinking. It’s only built for two people in case you want to have your partner fly for a while. Or if you wanna bring a lot of snacks for a solo flight."
Public Submissions