

Joined Jun 2019 1 Following0 Followers
About DemonicWings

Hi! My name is Kasper (Online DemonicWings) and I'm 21 years old.

I'm currently studying to be a Graphic Designer and I love doing VA on the side. Of course I do take it very seriously. I don't like half-assing something.

My voice itself is between medium range and slightly deep, but I can do a lot of different pitches ranging from Very deep and raspy to a very soft/shy boy voice and even a Stitch- or Kermit-like voices. I also have a large selection of accents to pick from like French, Dutch, German, Brittish, Scottish, Australian, American, Redneck and Japanese (These are all just accents I can do in english. I can speak dutch as well however).

I may not have too much experience, but I'm a very fast learner so that should make up for that. Thank you for taking the time to read up on me!

  • @robnewww

    Some of your voices are very funny. Others are great quality. Hope you land a role!