Dads On The Loose
Project Overview
They're coming back!
After a couple of cancelled shows, a huge number of incidents and an unspecified number of missing people, RUN Entertainment escape from prison with a new cast for a brand new show!
RUN Ent. are determined to change and change the world with them. This show is all about families. Your average middle-class hard-working loving families, made of serial killers on the loose and troubled teenagers with lots of issues.
What could possibly go wrong?
'Dads On The Loose' is an original series from early 2000's with the Legion from DBD and famous slasher killers as its main cast!
The main idea of this show is to give both sides, the dads and the kids, a second chance in life. For the Dads it's an opportunity to live a normal life and for the Kids it's their chance to have a father figure in their family. Will they change their ways? Will they be loving? Will they be a good family together?
Killing people is prohibited, so the guys can be assured the teens won't hurt them.
Our Families are:
- Ghostface and Frank
- Michael Myers and Julie
- Freddy Krueger and Joey
- Jason Voorhees with Bubba Sawyer and Susie
Listed characters belong to their respectable owners (parents) and taken from them just to participate in 'Dads On The Loose'. Don't send us to jail, we always bring them all back partially safe and sound!
Feel free to watch some moments from the show here to get the idea of what it looks like. Right now we're in the making of a pilot episode and want to publish it on Halloween! That's why the deadlines are so tight! No time to lose, apply for the roles before it's too late!
Unless we're punished for changing the clothes of the killers, consider this show a long-term project! Audition with this info in mind!
— Be 18+! This family show is not family friendly!
— Have a good mic (no muffled audio, echos, background noises, etc.) We're no professionals ourselves but we try our best to make the picture look good and want our sound to be good as well!
— Keep in mind, since this show is being made in early 2000's the jokes and the atmosphere are from the same period of time. Think the first season of Clone High, this is what we're aiming for! We want you to be okay with it.
— Have Discord! Everybody here requires Discord so we do the same! We think it'll be more comfortable to communicate there! Leave your Discord in the comments of your audition! If you have any questions,you can ask us there as well!
— We're super short on staff and everything we do we do in pure chaos, so please be patient and understanding! We'll be the same towards you!
— Feel free to send as many takes as you want! Try different delivery styles and have fun!
This list may be updated later
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Frank is a 16-year-old jerk who knows every single thing about life. He's the one to tell his friends what's right and what's wrong (and what's wrong is always right). Cold and aggressive, he won't feel bad for anything he says or does. Manipulative and selfish, he will use his friends' insecurities to his advantage. Oh, and he's funny too!
Frank sounds sarcastic and egotistical, so much so it's impossible not to punch him in the face.
The only things that sound genuine coming from him are threats. When he tries to sound worried or comforting, the person he talks to still feels no relief. With only his tone, he makes the Legion question their words and actions but never question Frank's. Since he's the leader, everything he says is always right, he inspires his friends to do crazy and wild things they'd never do without him. He has no empathy and thinks that every shown emotion but anger is to be ashamed of. When he doesn't get what he wants, he throws tantrums and sounds whiny (but in an angry manner), he screams a lot and him raising his voice may actually sound scary. Frank's voice may be a tad hoarse, since he screams a lot and smokes a lot. He may have a stronger accent than the rest of the Legion, it's up to you!
If you think that a different wording would suit this character best, you can change it a little bit!
One extra custom line where you need to raise your voice:
*chuckles* Oh, right. Right. I completely forgot you cared about that asshole. *raises his voice with every 'he's so...'* He's so nice, he's so polite, he's so interesting! Always here to help, always here to listen to your. stupid. shit! *almost whispers but still is angry* He's a good boy and I'm a bad guy.
*goes back to being loud* He's a good son and I'm a bad one, right?!
Feel free to send as many takes as you want! Have fun!
- english
- canadian english
- male teen
- animation/character
*talking to the Legion, sounds slightly annoyed* Calm down, alright? For all we know, these guys can be phonies. They're gonna use these *real* *killers* to fill your tiny brains with propaganda. Family is not the most important thing in your life, you hear me? It's friends. It's the Legion. Stay cautious.
*listening to Freddy saying 'Look, kid, what do you wanna hear? I don't like you, I don't need you, I feel nothing when I look at you?' to Joey* *looks and sounds very amused, laughs* Haha, Joey, how's it feel to listen to that again, eh? *turns to Ghostface and explains in whisper* His real dad left him
*talking to Susie, sounds sarcastic and confused* Oh my god, you're not *actually* upset about it, are you? It's no biggie, Susie. You can't always get what you want. And will you stop crying already? No one has time for that!

When most artists see the beauty in this world, a 15-year-old Julie sees pain and sadness. She never shows it though. She's a confident, charismatic girl, who likes to party with her friends. She's always there for them and makes sure everybody's having a good time. It's important to always be on good terms with her unless you want to see her bad side.
Julie's voice can be described as a popular girl's voice. Arrogant, confident, a little louder than usual.
She may appear self-centered and uninterested when talking to strangers, but she's actually pretty sweet when you get to know her. She speaks to Susie in a soothing manner, always tries to make her smile and feel comfortable. With Joey she acts playful and a little naughty, provoking him to do something stupid and funny. With Frank her voice is usually a bit more quiet and flirty. She knows how to get what she wants, sometimes with her intonation only. She can sound dead serious and sees nothing bad in threatening those she doesn't like. When something's bothering her, she sounds irritated and the longer it goes, the more hysterical she can get. Usually, she giggles when something funny is happening, but she laughs loudly when she's gloating. When she talks to Joey and Susie, she sounds comforting and genuine, she cares about their interests because she knows how introverted her friends are and how much it means to them. If you think that a different wording would suit this character best, you can change it a little bit!
Feel free to send as many takes as you want! Have fun!
- english
- female teen
- canadian english
*watching a horror movie, annoyed* Ugh, I hate this girl so much! Can he, like, hit her with a hammer and remove her organs one by one? Or, like, break her long-ass nails at least?
*talking to Frank and Joey, playful* Girls, stop fighting! How about we go to a party at nine? We're promised so much beer, we're all gonna be intoxicated for months if not dead!
*talking to Joey, not serious* Joey, please tell Freddy not to touch you at night, alright? If you're screaming, how am I supposed to get my beauty sleep?

Life has taught a 15-year-old Susie that she's never enough. Never funny enough, never pretty enough, never smart enough. She tries to be a careless rebel, yet still seeks approval and validation. Anywhere except with her friends, she feels shy and anxious. She likes watching anime and playing board games but joins the Legion in their not-so-legal activities nonetheless.
Susie is a shy girl, who prefers to stay in the shadows. She's being picked on by school bullies, and is overall insecure about her appearance, hobbies and personality.
Her voice is usually quiet and soft but it may sound squeaky when she's excited and happy. With Bubba and Jason, she talks like they are her little siblings, she never raises her voice and sounds as soothing as possible. When she's scared or unsure of something, she may start to stutter a bit (if you have a natural stutter, that's ok, but if you don't you may skip that part). When she's around her friends, she sounds genuinely happy. Talking to Frank, she tries not to say anything silly and always listens to him when he speaks. Even though he constantly bullies her, Susie tells herself that it's just his way of making her stronger. She's scared when he raises his voice and she's very worried when there's any sign of a conflict in their group. She tries her best to calm everyone down, but usually people listen to her only because she looks miserable.
If you think that a different wording would suit this character best, you can change it a little bit!
Feel free to send as many takes as you want! Have fun!
- english
- female teen
- canadian english
*talking to herself* Oh no, not them again! What do I do? D-do I run away?! Do I hide? Do I hide in a locker? Oh stop it, there's no chance you're hiding there, stupid! You didn't skip the meal yesterday, remember?! Agh, you can't do *anything* right!
*talking to Joey and tries to calm him down* There, there. People like Freddy have white vans and he doesn't! The only thing he has is candies *gets them out of her pockets* See? I think he's a good guy!
*being serious* No no, they were never my favorite band! Their lyrics are ass, their drummer sucks balls and their outfits look like they've been in 4 car accidents in a row! That's what Frank says and I totally agree with him!

Joey started taking care of his needs a long time ago, now he's used to the fact that everything comes with a hard work. The Legion makes him feel like he's not a part of the system, that he's much more than that and can do whatever he wants. He's a short-tempered, yet caring 15-year-old who stands up for his friends. He spends his money on comic books, figurines and cosplay materials.
Joey's voice is rather steady, unless something makes him mad. Usually, he tries to be polite when talking to customers and is being very helpful when somebody needs his assistance, He never tells people how much they annoy them, he keeps it to himself and tells his friends about it. He sounds very friendly with Julie and Susie and with people who care about his opinion. He's kind of geeky and when he talks about his favourite anime or comic book character, he talks really fast and sounds super excited. When people make fun of him, he loses his shit and feels offended but when the same thing happens to Susie, he tells her to brush it off and pay no attention to people who treat her this way.
He's very defensive, hardly works under pressure and usually freaks out when something bad happens. It may look like if everything's okay and Joey isn't too freaked out or too happy, his voice is almost emotionless and steady. If you think that a different wording would suit this character best, you can change it a little bit!
Feel free to send as many takes as you want! Have fun!
- english
- male teen
- canadian english
- black american
*talking to a coworker* Wow. No way I listened to all dat shit for free. You owe me, man.
*trying to calm himself but then explodes* No, I am *not* working at this store because I'm looking for my dad, will you cut that shit out?!
You really got me thinking of buying a fucking voodoo doll of you instead of a figurine I wanted for two years, dude.

Now, that he can exist outside people's nightmares, Freddy has a lot of things to say and do! There's no escaping him now! His blades aren't the only deadly weapon he has.His tongue is sharp, his comment are painfully sarcastic and his face is traumatic to look at! God has left him immortality and Freddy's about to make it everybody's problem!
Freddy doesn't care if he upsets anyone. Life is too short to be a little bitch. He's harsh, he's rude, he says a lot of creepy, out of pocket, nasty stuff just to see the reaction. He hates when people think he's a pedo (here, he isn't), yet still makes jokes about it and creeps Joey out. He laughs a lot and cusses even more. It's important for you to know how he acts in the movies! You can change the custom lines to what you think would suit him best!
Use Freddy's voice from the movies or from THE MERKINS on Youtube to get the right voice effect!
- english
- male adult
- american
*reading about Joey* I have no idea what 'ay-nee-may addict' is supposed to mean but it sounds like a reason to disown him!
*talking to Susie, as being a victim* Girl, if you see me fighting with Jason, it's *his* fault. He's so ugly, my blades can't help it!
*talking to Ghostface, irritated* Say 'you're on fire!' once again and Imma open that mouth of yours even more!

Jed Olsen is your average American. He's easy-going, friendly, punctual and respectful. It's what he wants you to think of him. He sounds like a friendly neighbour, but in reality he's a psychopath who finds it hard not to get back to his infamous hobby. He always tries to be calm and always says how emotionally underdeveloped Frank is. But once his ego is hurt or he had too much of Frank's bullshit, he loses his temper and can say things that make everybody regret they have ears. He finds it funny when he makes Frank mad (but hates when Frank makes him mad). He's sadistic and cold-blooded, doesn't know how to care about anyone but himself.
You can use these videos as a reference for his voice and the voice effect we need!
It's important to sound like a 30-35 year-old-man not only with a voice changer but with your real voice as well. Please, provide at least one line with your real voice. If you think that a different wording would suit this character best, you can change it a little bit!
Feel free to send as many takes as you want! Have fun!
- english
- male adult
- american
*talking about Frank, disappointed* He wants to punch a pregnant woman in her stomach. In public. In broad daylight. It's... disappointing - how unprofessional he is.
*sighs* Nonsense. It's so ignorant of you to assume that I don't think about Frank. Come on, I've literally started naming thing around me after him and his stories. For instance, my voice changer. Do you know what name I gave it when it's turned off and makes no noise? 'Frank's dead mother', hahahaha!
*after Frank called him a parody of a killer, breathes really heavy* Do you guys... have a... paper bag or something? SO I CAN STRANGLE HIM-
Public Submissions