Dads On The Loose
Justin Groats for Frank

Frank is a 16-year-old jerk who knows every single thing about life. He's the one to tell his friends what's right and what's wrong (and what's wrong is always right). Cold and aggressive, he won't feel bad for anything he says or does. Manipulative and selfish, he will use his friends' insecurities to his advantage. Oh, and he's funny too!
Frank sounds sarcastic and egotistical, so much so it's impossible not to punch him in the face.
The only things that sound genuine coming from him are threats. When he tries to sound worried or comforting, the person he talks to still feels no relief. With only his tone, he makes the Legion question their words and actions but never question Frank's. Since he's the leader, everything he says is always right, he inspires his friends to do crazy and wild things they'd never do without him. He has no empathy and thinks that every shown emotion but anger is to be ashamed of. When he doesn't get what he wants, he throws tantrums and sounds whiny (but in an angry manner), he screams a lot and him raising his voice may actually sound scary. Frank's voice may be a tad hoarse, since he screams a lot and smokes a lot. He may have a stronger accent than the rest of the Legion, it's up to you!
If you think that a different wording would suit this character best, you can change it a little bit!
One extra custom line where you need to raise your voice:
*chuckles* Oh, right. Right. I completely forgot you cared about that asshole. *raises his voice with every 'he's so...'* He's so nice, he's so polite, he's so interesting! Always here to help, always here to listen to your. stupid. shit! *almost whispers but still is angry* He's a good boy and I'm a bad guy.
*goes back to being loud* He's a good son and I'm a bad one, right?!
Feel free to send as many takes as you want! Have fun!
- english
- canadian english
- male teen
- animation/character
*talking to the Legion, sounds slightly annoyed* Calm down, alright? For all we know, these guys can be phonies. They're gonna use these *real* *killers* to fill your tiny brains with propaganda. Family is not the most important thing in your life, you hear me? It's friends. It's the Legion. Stay cautious.
*listening to Freddy saying 'Look, kid, what do you wanna hear? I don't like you, I don't need you, I feel nothing when I look at you?' to Joey* *looks and sounds very amused, laughs* Haha, Joey, how's it feel to listen to that again, eh? *turns to Ghostface and explains in whisper* His real dad left him
*talking to Susie, sounds sarcastic and confused* Oh my god, you're not *actually* upset about it, are you? It's no biggie, Susie. You can't always get what you want. And will you stop crying already? No one has time for that!