Corpse Party II Satsuki's Heart

Project Overview
Hello everyone! This casting call is for a fan-made, non-commercial, Corpse Party video game! Here is the synopsis:
Satsuki receives an eerie letter inviting her to an old abandoned manor in her neighborhood. She then decides to show the letter to her friends. Her best friend, Yuka Mochida, says she has a bad feeling about this, for one line in the letter stood out in her mind: "At midnight, the coffin of your heart will open and be offered up." Yuka tells her friend that she knows once Satsuki enters the mansion, she will never be able to leave. However, Masami and Rina treat the letter with contempt, saying it is trying to make a fool of them. They convinced the others to join them as they explore the manor. Little do they know that their lives will forever change this very night...
Corpse Party II Satsuki's Heart is a Horror JRPG with Visual Novel elements. As it is meant to be a sequel to the original CORPSE-PARTY game in 1996, Satsuki's Heart takes on the PC-98 aesthetic with familiar modern elements! Please refer to the screenshots found on my twitter page @moca_dev_
Before auditioning...
- Understand this is a non-commercial fan-game. We will be unable to provide any monetary compensation.
- Knowledge of the Corpse Party series is preferred but not required.
- Be sure to have a high quality mic! The less background noise the better.
- Must be able to scream!
- Since this is a horror game, there will be graphic depictions of blood and gore.
- Must be 18+ to audition!
- The deadline is October 1st 11:59 PST!
Good luck everyone!
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Latest Updates
Auditions for Satsuki's Heart has officially ended! Thank you to everyone who participated. The team will review all submissions and (try to) confirm the cast by October 4th. Please look forward to future updates :)
Deadline pushed back a day!
Just wanted to say thank you so much for all your auditions! I had always intended for October 1st 11:59 PST to be the deadline but I didn't realize that Casting Call goes by a weird timezone, so when I selected October 1st, it ended the audition by a full day earlier than intended. Thanks for understanding this change in deadline! Good luck everyone!

Name: Satsuki Mizuhara [ 水原 さつき (みずはら さつき) ]
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Blood Type: B
Height: 143 cm
The protagonist of the game. Strong-willed, yet always hungry. Full of energy, but never compulsive. Satsuki is well-liked among her peers despite only transferring into her class a year ago.
Likes: Potato chips and shōjo manga
Dislikes: Cockroaches and insects
Hobbies: Collecting and sharing shōjo manga with Yuka
Speaking Speed: Normal
Pitch: Slightly high
Tone: Naturally sweet tone
“Ahhh, it's so weird... for some reason, I'm feeling like I wanna go see the place too!”
(Said in a curious yet conflicted tone)
“Hey, hey, Yuka-chi! So who is it that you REALLY like~?”
(Probing her friend in a teasingly, playful manner)
“W-What is this…?! This… this can’t be right!! No… no, no, AaaAAHH!!”
(After being confronted with an ugly truth, Satsuki’s mind panics. Completely horrified)

Name: Yuka Mochida [ 持田 由香 (もちだ ゆか) ]
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Blood Type: A
Height: 140 cm
Acts younger than she actually is but desires to mature after the events of the first game, usually failing. Meek and easily flustered. Satsuki helps her break out of her shell. Has nightmares from the first game.
Likes: Rock candy, peach juice, okonomiyaki
Dislikes: Raisins
Hobbies: Collecting charms (omamori), playing the piano
Speaking Speed: Slightly slow, speeds up when panicked or scared
Pitch: High
Tone: Quiet, sometimes fumbles words
“Big brother… I need your help on something...”
(Worried, but feels guilty depending on her brother again)
“Satsuki!! You shouldn’t say that to people. Hehehe.”
(Trying to be mature and scolds her friend, but can’t help but laugh too)
“Hiyyaaaaa!! NO! NOOOOOO!! YAAAAAAHH…!!”
(Cornered by a monster and is forced to defend herself. Completely terrified)

Name: Satoshi Mochida [持田 哲志 (もちだ さとし) ]
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Blood Type: O
Height: 168 cm
Yuka’s older brother. Cowardly, but kind hearted and reliable, lending themselves to be great attributes for being a natural leader. Had frequent disagreements with Naomi until they started dating after the events of the first game.
Likes: School
Dislikes: The dark, confined spaces, and ghost stories
Hobbies: Collecting CDs
Speaking Speed: Normal
Pitch: Unspecified
Tone: Normal
“Yep, I guess it’s settled! Love you.”
(Cheery, making plans with his girlfriend)
“Yuka, here. Come hold my hand.”
(Concerned for his little sister's safety after something unsettling happens)
“Damn it! It’s just like that school… it’s happening again, isn’t it?!”
(Frustrated. Hints of fear, realizing that he is powerless against the oncoming horror)

Name: Naomi Nakashima [ 中嶋 直美(なかしま なおみ) ]
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Blood Type: A
Height: 158 cm
Satoshi’s girlfriend. Bright and cheerful but stubborn at times. Regarded as a tomboy but has a gentler side when interacting with those younger than her. Wishes to be a nurse
Likes: Children, her mother, and her blankie from when she was a kid
Dislikes: Crustaceans, ambulance sirens, and the smell of disinfectant from the infirmary
Hobbies: Cooking and playing the piano
Speaking Speed: Normal
Pitch: Normal
Tone: Serious (Tone softens when interacting with children)
“I don't know. Are you sure it's a good idea to enter the manor?”
(Said in a cautious tone)
“Oh, Satoshi. What don’t I know about you? Teehee.”
(Playfully teasing Satoshi, her boyfriend)
“Try not to do anything stupid!!”
(Said in an annoyed but worried tone for her fellow companions)

Name: Ayumi Shinozaki [ 篠崎 あゆみ (しのざき あゆみ) ]
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Blood Type: A
Height: 151 cm
Her school's Horror Representative. After the events of the first game, Ayumi conducted a deep dive into the occult and started a paranormal investigative club with Yoshiki Kishinuma. Confident and mischievous. Harnessed the power of magic to exorcise spirits.
Likes: Fortune telling, manga, and anime
Dislikes: Adults (Mainly men)
Hobbies: Telling ghost stories and illustrating
Speaking Speed: Slightly fast
Pitch: Normal
Tone: Speaks with more confidence. Mature, yet still mischievous
“Don't worry about it, Mochida. We've all got each other's backs, right?”
(Reassuring in tone)
“Kyaaa!! What are you doing?!”
(Startled when grabbed at the nape by her friend teasingly)
“This article… it says the police never came to officially investigate the manor.”
(Focused in her own research, thinking out loud)

Name: Yoshiki Kishinuma [ 岸沼 良樹 (きしぬま よしき) ]
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Blood Type: A
Height: 172 cm
Crass and blunt, but secretly cares deeply for his peers. After the events of the first game, Yoshiki took up kendo and co-founded a paranormal investigative club with Ayumi Shinozaki. Delinquent.
Likes: Going to the arcade
Dislikes: Teachers, people with no backbone
Hobbies: Cooking
Speaking Speed: Normal
Pitch: Normal
Tone: Speaks louder than most but considerate at times
“Yeah, well, gimme a sec why don't ya??”
(Irritated and slightly overwhelmed in tone)
“Shinozaki… it’s okay. Yer all right now, ya hear?”
(Said in a caring and nurturing tone)
“Ya bitch, let ‘em go!! I’ll fuckin’ kill ya, I swear it!!”
(Completely enraged, powerless)

Name: Rina Takahoshi [ 高星 里奈 (たかほし りな) ]
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Blood Type: AB
Height: 150 cm
Surprisingly articulate and mature for her age. Preppy and informed about fashion trends. It’s hard to tell what she is thinking at any given moment. Considers Satsuki to be entertaining.
Likes: Hair accessories, origami, artwork featuring cranes
Dislikes: Slobs, raisins
Hobbies: Going shopping, trying on new outfits, and reading/quoting poetry
Speaking Speed: Normal, speaks rapidly when excited
Pitch: High
Tone: Proper and polite but comfortable being silly at times
“Masami... I can assure you that if I was the author of this letter, its contents would be of a much higher quality.”
(Slightly offended tone, but still playful in nature)
“...Isn't this place supposed to be abandoned?”
(Uneasy and uncomfortable)
(Complete terror. Witnessing something tragic)

Name: Masami Shirakami [ 白神 正巳 (しらかみ まさみ) ]
Gender: Male
Age: 13
Blood Type: A
Height: 155 cm
Well-known for his explosive temper and athleticism. Head of the soccer team. Respected for his frankness but is prone to being teased a lot by the girls in his class because of his reactions.
Likes: Playing the guitar
Dislikes: Losing, rainy days
Hobbies: Playing soccer, watching anime (all-time favorite is Captain Tsubasa)
Speaking Speed: Slightly fast
Pitch: High
Tone: Loud
“We all got invited to visit a spooky abandoned mansion. Wanna come?”
(Excited, cheery tone)
“G-Get away from the door!!”
(Scared, realizing he might be in danger)
“Shut up!! Look, I’m pushing!!”
(Said in an annoyed tone)

Name: Kazuo Sugimura [ 杉村 運雄 (すぎむら かずお) ]
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Blood Type: AB
Height: 164 cm
Handsome and excellent student. Renowned amongst girls for his gentlemanly reputation. Doesn’t think much of himself despite his popularity. Good friends with Masami and finds himself hanging out with Satsuki and Rina. Close to Yuka.
Likes: Vintage cameras, reptiles
Dislikes: Perverts
Hobbies: Urban exploration (廃墟), tinkering with computers
Speaking Speed: Normal
Pitch: Low
Tone: Chivalrous and caring
“Thank you for letting me join.”
(Serious but grateful in tone)
“Feels surreal to finally set foot in this place!”
(Steady but excited tone exploring someplace new)
“Yuka?! Are you okay? Here, take my hand...”
(Concerned for his peers in his usual caring way)

Name: Magari Mizuki [ 十三月 愛狩 (みづき まがり) ]
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Blood Type: A
Height: 154 cm
Antagonist of the game. Has a doll-like appearance but is incredibly vile. Uses her looks to manipulate people. Extremely intelligent and serves as head of the Martuba’s Tomb cult.
Speaking Speed: Normal (speaks rapidly when lashing out at others)
Pitch: High
Tone: Sweet and holy tone to cover her ugly personality and evil intentions
“Well, I'm Magari Mizuki. I guess you could consider me your host for the evening.”
(Sneering, has something cruel planned)
“Don't make me look stupid, servants!!”
(Lashing out, offended tone)
“BWAHAHAHAHA! Oh, that’s rich!”
(Manic laughter. Mocking intent)
Public Submissions