Corpse Party II Satsuki's Heart
Nora Foltz for Satsuki Mizuhara
Name: Satsuki Mizuhara [ 水原 さつき (みずはら さつき) ]
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Blood Type: B
Height: 143 cm
The protagonist of the game. Strong-willed, yet always hungry. Full of energy, but never compulsive. Satsuki is well-liked among her peers despite only transferring into her class a year ago.
Likes: Potato chips and shōjo manga
Dislikes: Cockroaches and insects
Hobbies: Collecting and sharing shōjo manga with Yuka
Speaking Speed: Normal
Pitch: Slightly high
Tone: Naturally sweet tone
“Ahhh, it's so weird... for some reason, I'm feeling like I wanna go see the place too!”
(Said in a curious yet conflicted tone)
“Hey, hey, Yuka-chi! So who is it that you REALLY like~?”
(Probing her friend in a teasingly, playful manner)
“W-What is this…?! This… this can’t be right!! No… no, no, AaaAAHH!!”
(After being confronted with an ugly truth, Satsuki’s mind panics. Completely horrified)