: Cinderella Phenomenon Dubbed
Project Overview
Four years after the end of the Great War and the loss of her mother, Crown Princess Lucette of Angielle is still struggling to come to terms with her new life and step-family. Cold-hearted and bitter, Lucette’s life is once again turned upside-down by the Fairytale Curse, she is thrown into a battle to regain her crown in a fractured kingdom where nothing is as it seems…
- 1.) Audio quality is top priority. If your audio is terrible then we can't use it, We're not asking for an expensive pro mic, just one with relatively decent quality and a quiet space to record. It doesn't matter how good your voice maybe, if you have terrible audio it's harder for us to work with you.
- 2.) Scheduling is another big priority. Just let us know when you will be able to submit your lines. Communicate!
Q: Will this be lip flapped like Doki Doki Dubbed?
A: This is a side project to D3. Ideally this show would be coming out in between D3 episodes.
Q: When will you be releasing the first episode?
A: The first episode is already recorded. All it needs is voice over and it's ready to be uploaded. Estimated release: May 2019!
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Basic audio clean-up and basic voice modulation.
Say something you think would fit

During the prologue, she was shown to be worthy of the title, Ice Princess as she generally had a cold stare and attitude to everyone around her even when they were being nice to her. Throughout, each route as she comes to love one of the boys and go through her good deeds her personality generally improves into a warmer one and she is shown to be compassionate and metaphorically has 'thawed.'
You cannot rely on anyone but yourself. You cannot trust anyone but yourself.
They could work their entire lives and never have a fraction of what I have.
I am Lucette Riella Britton, daughter of King Genaro Britton III, and the crown princess of the kingdom of Angielle (Angi-ell).

Voice Range:
For Hildyr, we're looking for a deep mature female voice.
Hildyr is the main antagonist of Cinderella Phenomenon. It was mentioned during her rule in Angielle, King Genaro had no power and all of the kingdom was afraid of her. She was mentioned to be a witch, the strongest witch of that and created the infamous Fairy Tale Curse once the Witch Hunt drove her insane. Cold is the perfect word to describe Hildyr. Years of hurt and betrayal have turned her heart into that of ice.
(Narrating) Once upon a time, in a kingdom far, far away, there were two crystals.
(Narrating) The witches used the Fairytale Curse to attack humans indiscriminately, ultimately throwing the kingdom into chaos and darkness.
(Narrating) Eventually the Tenebrarum (Ten-Ni-Bra-Rum) Bearer, the high leader of the witches, was finally defeated.

Mythros is one of the antagonist in Cinderella Phenomenon. Even though he has the same teacher as Waltz, Waltz is still greater than Mythros in terms of magic.
Hildyr (Teacher)
Good morning, your highness.
Every day you look more and more like your mother.
You will do whatever I wish.

Fritz is one of the five love interests of the heroine. He serves as the heroine's personal guard and is the son of the highest knight in the Order of Caldira, Alcaster. He is kind and over-protective, especially when it comes to the heroine. He is also courageous, loyal, and understanding. However, when he transforms into Varg, he becomes rude, tantalizing, and overconfident.
Alcaster (Father)
Lucette (Personal Guarder)
Still, I do hope to see you smile one day, princess.
Times have changed. People change.
It is a pleasure to meet you, my lady.

Vocal Range:
calm cool and collected vocals for this character. When he is angry stern. Mid ranged voice for a male.
Rod is one of the romance-able options in Cinderella Phenomenon even though the main heroine is his step-sister.
He is mute because of his curse, though he speaks with the help of his doll, Sebby (looking for a high pitched voice for the toy, as if you were playing with a little kid and their doll).
Ophelia (Mother)
Emelaigne (Sister)
King Genaro III (Step-Father)
Lucette (Step-Sister)
(Protective and stern) Stop.
(cheerful yet cool-headed) It's been a while, Viorica (Vi-Or-Ikah).
Rod is one of the romance-able options in Cinderella Phenomenon even though the main heroine is his step-sister.
He is mute because of his curse, though he speaks with the help of his doll, Sebby (looking for a high pitched voice for the toy, as if you were playing with a little kid and their doll).
Ophelia (Mother)
Emelaigne (Sister)
King Genaro III (Step-Father)
Lucette (Step-Sister)
(Protective and stern) Stop.
(cheerful yet cool-headed) It's been a while, Viorica (Vi-Or-Ikah).

Karma is one of the romance-able options in Cinderella Phenomenon. Due to his curse, he is forced to cross-dress and he gets very annoyed when men fall for this and confess to him.
(Looking for a more feminine male voice for this role).
He is often seen in the beginning as narcissistic, but once the main character grows closer to him in his route, he has more of a warm personality but at times is isolated, cruel, and brash. Consistently, Karma is known to be quite confident in his skills as a swordfighter openly agreeing to fight against the knights when storming the palace.
I have some important errands to run later today. Are the items ready now?

Vocal Range:
He's the "flirt first ask questions later" type. A pretty boy voice will probably fit well with him.
He is one of the romance options in Cinderella Phenomenon. He has the Rumpelstiltskin curse which causes him to have amnesia. He's extremely flirty, flattering any woman that he meets. He is also well-versed in medical matters and is surprisingly deep at times
(Start seriously and end Flirty)
Am I dead? You Two are angels that have fallen out of it?(Act serious) From what I remember, I need to somehow collect three memories and get them to appear in this journal as entries.
For those that can hear the music of their heart, like I. It takes only a look to fall madly, irretrievably in love.
Waltz is a love interest to the main heroine. He is considered to be the last route to play within the game. Even though he has a childish appearance; due to this curse, he is 22 years old. He is a generally free hearted and kind spirit and really cares for Lucette.
(Boyish charm) My name is Waltz and I'm here to spread some happiness and Magic!
(Boyish charm) And are those the princesses over there? It is an honor to have you in attendance!
(Boyish charm) I hope to see you again during my next show.

Waltz is a love interest to the main heroine. He is considered to be the last route to play within the game. Even though he has a childish appearance; due to this curse, he is 22 years old. He is a generally free hearted and kind spirit and really cares for Lucette.
(Smooth Talker) Adults aren’t like children. They worry too much and don’t appreciate the small joys in life. As we grow up, we forget how to be happy.

Voice Range:
Genaro is a 40 year old, young faced, king. His voice actor should reflect the same. There should be command in your voice yet at the same time, passion and mercy rolled all into one.
Genaro III is a side character and crowned king of Angielle. He is a fair and just king trying to be a good father and ruler.
Hildyr (First Forced Wife)
Ophelia (Second Wife)
Lucette (Daughter)
Rod (Step-Son)
Emelaigne (Step-Daughter)
Now that everyone is here, let us begin.
If you would open your eyes, you would be able to see how good people are.
Angielle (Angi-ell) was in the grip of war back then. But now the kingdom is safe and back to its former glory.

Voice Range:
Ophelia's voice actress should sound motherly and kind. Voice should be soft spoken yet show concern as well.
Ophelia is a side character and the queen of Angielle.
King Genaro III (Husband)
Lucette (Step-Daughter)
Rod (Son)
Emelaigne (Daughter)
Good morning, Lucette.
I know what it’s like to lose someone precious to you
So Emelaigne (Emma-Lane), you were reading the Fairytale books that the king brought you?

Emelaigne is a side character. She is very sweet and positive, beloved by all except the nobles, who look down on her and her family.
She is filled with hope and love and never stops trying to befriend her stepsister.
Ophelia (Mother)
Rod (Brother)
King Genaro III (Step-Father)
Lucette (Step-Sister)
It's a beautiful morning, isn't it?
It's so strange that the library didn't have any of them to begin with.
I would like to try and be your friend.

Voice Range:
Delora is a sassy, snarky, and teasing character. The voice actress should reflect that and more. A woman of experience if you catch my drift.
Delora is a side character and the witch who cursed Lucette with the Cinderella fairy tale curse both to test whether or not she had an ounce of goodness left, and if she did, to give her the catalyst and incentive to change from the "Ice Princess" she had become and stop her following in her mothers footsteps. Delora generally has a sassy, mischievous, and playful personality, but worries over her loved ones, and is strong until the very end. She also has a very benevolent and supportive nature.
(Sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star)
I've been watching you since the day your father gave me to you.
Who's going to pair up with the Ice Princess?

Vocal Range:
Due to her being a Fairy almost any female voice would work with her. Think of her as the alter personality to Delora. Fait's voice should show kindness and empathy.
Parfait the bearer of the Lucis Crystallum. She appears quite frail because she has been weakened greatly since the Great War but even in her weakened state, she is a quite powerful fairy. She used to be really good friends with the previous bearer of the Tenebrarum Crytallum, Hildyr, until the Witch Hunt caused by the Fairy Tales drove her insane and she created the infamous Fairy Tale Curse. Parfait believes that it is her duty to defeat her old friend and restore the balance.
Don't fuss, I'm feeling much better.
Delora, you could have put that more nicely.
Take heart, princess. Goodness is innate in everyone.

Vocal Range:
Kind hearted girl. Give her the kindness higher pitch voice you can(not screechy).
is a side character and the tender of the Marchen in Cinderella Phenomenon.
(Cheerful) Oh! You're awake!
(Concerned) Are you okay, Miss?
(Solemn) Right, of course. Um, here's some salve I made for you. It'll help with the pain.

Vocal Range:
Brave soldier. Strong woman. Give her a voice of a heroic female soldier.
a side character and former guard of Angielle in Cinderella Phenomenon. She is a childhood friend and love interest to Garlan. She is known for her serious attitude and many people believe she does not need a man to 'bow down to.' Her mother died when she was young and her father was a guard, which inspired her to become one as well. She believes that bravery is a form of kindness.
(Stern) You know the rules. What happened in the past stays in the past.
(yelling in a different room) Lady Parfait!
(dutiful soldier) Nothing you need to worry about.

Vocal Range:
Cool guy, soft spoken darker voice and serious. A deeper man voice will probably suite him better.
a side character and guard of the Marchen in Cinderella Phenomenon. He is the childhood friend and love interest of Jurienand is extremely protective of her, even joining the guard to watch over her. He believes that loyalty is a form of kindness.
(Threatening) If you cannot comply, you are no longer welcome here.
Voice Range:
Viorica's VA should be outgoing and kind. But the moment she meets a sour person, She closes up.
Viorica is very sweet, kind and caring. She owns a small toy shop in Angielle, which Emelaigne visits often. She is the childhood friend of Emelaigne and Rod, and she cares for them deeply
Emelaigne (Emma-Lane)! I mean, Princess Emelaigne! How good to see you!
You really are as handsome as Emelaigne described in her letters!
Oh, of course! Let me go and fetch them for you.

Alcaster Leverton is the head guard of Angielle, advisor to the King, and the father of Fritz. Stern and cold. When acting him make sure to sound like a knightly war veteran.
I am not in the mood for games.
Princess Emelaigne. Prince Rod. I was on my way to look for you when Sir Mythros Informed me of your whereabouts.
It was getting late and the queen was worried.
(Gossipy) You know, more and more people have been getting cursed lately.
(Flustered) W-We're sorry, your highness!
(Submissive) Princess? The king and queen are waiting in the dining hall.
(Gossipy) Pinocchio? The Fairytale with the lying boy whose nose grows longer? That's awful!
(Gossipy) I thought the Fairytale Curses would stop after you-know-who was defeated?
(Gossipy) I heard Annice lost her job at the palace.
(Gossipy) My friend at the palace says she doesn't even smile; only goes around with that cold look on her face.
(Snide Remark) That's probably why they call her the "Ice Princess".
(Gossipy) It's true. Crown Princess Lucett made sure the poor girl was fired.
(Disgust in your voice) I know that Annice. Hardworking and big-hearted. Very good with medicine.
(Sympathetic) Shame she lost her job so quickly.
It’s nice to meet you. I hope we get along!
It’s nice to meet you. I hope we get along!
Just a guard doing his job. But very loyal to the king.
Sorry girl, but this place is off-limits to uninvited guests.
Just a guard doing his job. But very loyal to the king.
(Stern) You best leave now, nice and quiet. Before we have to force you.
Just a guard doing his job. But very loyal to the king.
(yelling far away) Make way for the king!
Look at her, brushing us off like she's royalty or something!
Nowhere left to run now, girl!
H-he's got a sword!
We saw you at the shop. Wanna share how you got your coins there?
Now, be a good girl and hand over that pouch.
What? Come back here, you coward! The two of us can take him!
It’s nice to meet you. I hope we get along!
It’s nice to meet you. I hope we get along!
Public Submissions