Cashryn Sins

Cashryn Sins

Joined Sep 2017 10 Following0 Followers
About Cashryn Sins

Hey guys! My user is Cashryn. :) I'm 26 year old man looking to add projects under my belt! I love learning new content and always attempting to challenge myself. My talents include audio editing, audio engineering, and currently learning video editing as well. The content I typically work on is abridging anime and dubbing visual novels! 



➤ (Active) Fullmetal Abridged S1: Arrogant Dubs ➔ (2017-Present)

➤ (Active) Doki Doki Dubbed: Arrogant Dubs ➔ (2018-Present)
➤ (Active) Classroom of the Defective: Over Coffee Creations ➔ (2018-Present)


➤ (Planned) Cinderella Phenomenon Dubbed: Arrogant Dubs ➔ TBD
➤ (Planned) ThunderCats (2011v.): Over Coffee Creations ➔ TBD

➤ (Planned) Black Clover (SS) Abridged: Over Coffee Creations ➔ 2018

➤ (Canceled) MMO Junkie Abridged: Over Coffee Creations ➔ (2018-2018)