Cina-Senshi [An Animatic Original Series]

Cina-Senshi [An Animatic Original Series]

Project Overview


#1. You have to have a clear high-quality microphone. (No low-quality microphones please)

#2. No Background noises! (also no bumps, static, hums, or air hissing noises in the background) This is why you need a Pop Filter which also applies to Rule #3.

#3. You have to have a Pop Filter for your mic. (It really helps with suppressing Microphone bumps, whenever you do P's or B's or when you Emphasize certain words).

#4. Stay in Character and put a lot of energy into your role and acting. (In other words, put yourself into the Character's shoes, BE the character) 

#5. Must be fluent in English and proficient in Spanish and/or Japanese. If auditioning for the following characters:
Irena Flores [Spanish]
Constanza “Lita/Tita” Flores [Spanish]
Dr. Misako Kurasawa [Japanese]

#6. You'll get a chance to make one redo, So if your first audition wasn't quite what we had in mind. And/or if you feel like you want to try again on your 1st audition and realized you could've done a better job, Then we'll give you a 2nd chance to prove yourself and give you constructive feedback of what you need to do to improve.

7. Ad-libbing is optional

Cina-Senshi centers around 5 magical girls in their mid-20’s who’ve been tasked with fighting a mysterious force that resides within TeeVee.  The Spirit of TeeVee appears to them on a secret TV channel and offers them power and one wish in exchange for their service.  Now they must balance their young adult lives, and their dreams, and combat an unknowable evil presence capable of turning everyday people into monsters.  And that may not even be the full extent of their worries.

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Latest Updates

  • Supporting Cast Updated

    Hey there Cine-Senshi fans! We have updated the casting page for the supporting players of the series (starting with the first 2 episodes) Mr. Kennith Doss Mrs. Martha Doss Kennith "Kenny" Jr. Keagan Doss Deadline's still August 30th
  • 3 Roles CAST DOWN--3 To go!

    The roles for "The Spirit of TeeVee", Irena, & Roni are CAST! We're currently open for 3 roles of the main Cine-Senshi's: Keiko Sylvia & Kristen Deadlines are on August 30th!
  • Deadline Update and Project Reminder!

    ✨LIGHTS! CAMERA! HENSHIN!✨ 📽️Ladies & Gents, Boys n' Gals! Need We Remind you of the latest #CastingCall only on here on CastingCallClub of #RBComics' upcoming Project: #CinaSenshi Series created by. Brea McCoy The #auditions Deadline is: Aug 30th
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Constanza "Abuela" Florez

Elderly, Hispanic woman. Irena's Grandmother.

  • Mija! Hurry, it's coming back on!

  • (Like an inside-joke):  
    I told her I sent you to la groceria for dates.

  • (excitedly): 
    Well, tell me about them! Where did you meet them? Have any of them got brothers to introduce you to?  Or maybe a cute papi?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
The Spirit of TeeVee:
Role assigned to: bunnyvoiceactormanthing

The spirit of TeeVee is the living embodiment of Television, as well as the world in which it exists.  It changes its speech pattern based on the things it’s emulating; commercials, news broadcasts, soap operas, all of it is part of how TeeVee operates.  

  • Hello, friend.  Have you ever wanted to save the world?  To punish someone in the name of something? Well have I got a Faustian bargain for you! Order now, supplies are limited

  • Have you ever noticed how little things seem to change from one viewing to the next?  Details that you don’t remember being there before?  It’s not just your memory.  Things in TeeVee change organically as they age. 

  • Great! Now hold still while I extract some of your soul to craft a power item.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Kristen Doss
Role assigned to: KikiAsh

Kristen Doss is the Action Heroine.  She’s mid-way through transitioning from male to female, and is still learning a lot about herself.  She’s impulsive, energetic, and has  very little filter.  But she’s the last person to judge someone else’s lifestyle.

  • (Her transformation spell):  
    I love explosions!

  • My TV is...talking to me. They said HRT might have side effects, but I don’t think this was on the list.

  • That’s what’s great about mythical creatures.  They can be anything you want; cute, metal, majestic, maybe all three.  It’s all up to your imagination.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Irena Florez
cast offsite

Irena Florez is the Romantic Heroine.  She was raised by her single cop mother and her grandmother.  While her mother has virtually given up on love, Irena and her grandma are hopeless romantics and Irena was raised on a steady diet of romance novels, telenovelas and romcoms.  She sometimes struggles to find a balance between realistic expectations and Disney-esque dreams of a prince charming.  She’s just as quick with a comeback as she is with an encouraging word.

  • I just wanted to see who my one true love was supposed to be! I didn’t sign up for this Final Fantasy Sailor Moon BS! You’re gonna have to find someone else.

  • Whoa, whoa, whoa!  All that is super illegal.  Are you sure we can’t just track down that logo from where she works?

  • (Her transformation spell):  
    Love’s passionate transformation!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Keiko Kurasawa
cast offsite

Keiko Kurasawa, The Horror Heroine,  is an American-born Japanese goth who works at a video store.  She’s usually pretty deadpan and bitingly sarcastic, but not to the point of being an asshole to people she considers friends.  She’s passionate about all things dark, spooky, schlocky and kooky. She’s also the epitome of a starving artist.

  • I dunno.  It sounds dangerous.  And like, a lot of work.  

  • Well, I guess that’s settled.  Too bad.  I was looking forward to seeing a tweaker in its natural habitat.

  • Being an adult isn’t about giving up things that make you happy.  It’s about coping with the things that don’t.  Pippy Longstocking never gave a fuck what people thought of her style, because it was hers.  And neither should you.  

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Veronica (Roni) Rosenthal
Role assigned to: LoreleiVT

Roni Rosenthal, The Cartoon Heroine, is the sweetest summer child.  Growing up with parents who were simultaneously absent and overprotective, Roni didn’t get to socialize much outside of school.  And most of that socialization was people picking on her for what she liked and how she dressed, as well as her Jewish heritage.  She turned to cartoons for distraction, comfort, guidance and a sense of belonging. Roni is often anxious or manic, but always does her absolute best to brighten the lives of people around her.

  • I...I don’t know how I should feel about something like you existing. I don’t think there’s anything like it in the scriptures.  I don’t even know where to put you in the… the lifecycle of things. 

  • Uh...As much as I like the junkie lot, my parents are never home, and we have a pretty tall privacy fence because of our pool, and-

  • It’s not traumatic!  It’s just… I used to love my braids.  I wore them all the time until I started getting made fun of in High School.  Kids called me stuff like Pippy Longstocking and Wendy.  And when I told my parents about it, they just said, “Well, they are a little young for you.”  So, I stopped wearing them.  It’s like, they were just one more thing I had to give up to become an adult.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Sylvia Spade
Role assigned to: Diana Helen Kennedy

Sylvia Spade, the Detective Noir Heroine, is an investigative instrument that’s blunt on one end and sharp on the other.  In casual conversation, she’s very blunt. She’ll say something and gage a person's reaction to calculate her next response.  But in an investigation, she’s hesitant to tip her hand.  She’s in love with all things 40’s and 50’s vintage, but the only thing that will make her drop focus completely is a cute cat.   Sylvia was abandoned  as a baby and adopted by the nurse who delivered her. She considers the identity and whereabouts of her biological parents her greatest unsolved mystery, and has left her a bundle of conspiracy theories and pattern-seeking. 

  • Before I agree to anything, what is this evil force?  Kidnappers? Drug-smugglers? The House of Representatives?

  • It’s not really Lizard people, is it?  Because I make fun of people who think that’s a legitimate conspiracy, and look at me!

  • (detective monologue): 
     It was then I realized my new form had fallen straight out of a detective noir picture, right down to the femme fatale outfit I was sporting. As the fog cleared, I examined my gams in-

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mr. Kennith Doss
Role assigned to: Bryan Anderson

Kennith Doss is Kristen’s father.  He owns a delicatessen and has three children.  He doesn’t completely understand Kristen’s transition, but has been very supportive throughout. He loves his family, and wants at least one of his children to take over the business when he retires. 

  • Well, there’s our Sleeping Beauty!  I wasn’t sure if you were gonna make it this morning.

  • Alright, knock it off, Kristen.  We’ve got to get this place ready for the long weekend.

  • Uh...Well, I am very proud that you answered the call to defend the world from...uh, whatever this evil is.  But I also have a lot of concerns.  Like, are you ready for this kind of responsibility?   If what TeeVee says is true, a lot of people’s lives are at stake.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mrs. Martha Doss

Kristen’s mother and accountant for the deli.  She was very excited to have a daughter, and has guided Kristen through womanhood as it progressed.

  • Try this pair on, sweetie! I found them on sale.

  • Let’s see… If we have 10 tomatoes til next week, and each tomato yields six slices, 2 per sandwich…

  • You’ve always been a magical girl to me, sweetheart.  I of around this time last year.  Before that you were just...magical.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Kenny Jr
cast offsite

Kristen’s oldest brother.  He was the last to come around to the transition, but eventually came to understand that it was very important to his sister’s well being.  He’s the sportiest Doss, and stands to inherit the deli after his father retires, but isn’t sure how to feel about it. At the time of the show, he’s finished one tour of duty with the army.

  • Damn! Our baby sister’s got game!

  • You’re...You’re serious.  You actually believe you have superpowers? And it’s not just like, that trick with your thumb. 

  • Shut up, Keagan.  Kris, I think you should start from the beginning.  What is all this?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Keagan Doss
Role assigned to: AbramTVA

The middle child.  He and Kristen were always very close, and he was the first one that she told she was trans.  The two of them  still hang out a lot and do the things they used to do before.  Keagan is very adept with mechanics and motor vehicles, even fixing up and custom painting Kristen’s scooter.

  • Oooh, I was wondering where you were speeding off to at like, 3 in the morning. Was it a girl?

  • Gamma radiation?  Can you she-hulk out now?

  • Is it inappropriate to say you look kind of hot this way?  Like, not that I think you’re hot, but that if you weren’t my sister, you’d be--


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