Voices Of Fazbear Entertainment (FNAF VA Tumblr Blog)

Project Overview
DISCORD SERVER: https://discord.gg/fpvCAjN
Hello? Hello hello! Welcome to Five Nights At Freddy's Official VA Tumblr! My name is Zerrek and I will be your host of this experience for the evening!
This project consists of collecting voice actors to bring the cast of creepy furries and robotic monsters to life and have them interact with the community, while also keeping the toxic parts of it out. (aka shipping and underage content.) This project is 16+ and shall be treated as such! Now below are the roles that are open, and once you have proven to be acceptable for said role, a discord invite will be given to you to join the VA server for the group. The blog itself will be a work in progress and made later in time, as most of us still have school involved so pray for us to get through it.
Have any questions / concerns? P.M. when necessary!
Note: No fan characters are accepted, and UCN voices aren't necessary as this is a fanmade project. There is no deadline and auditions will be added over time.
Voice effects are required!
Now I will address that yes I had this casting call open not too long ago, but now with school finally ending for me and graduating, I want to put full time / effort into this project. Just squaring that away.
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Latest Updates
Due to some cast members being inactive, some roles have reopened! Feel free to audition, this could be your final chance.
2 roles left!
Have an idea for a character you want a role for? Let me know! ;) -
The last roles have been posted!
These last 5 characters are your last chance to join in this project as we finally move forward! Good luck ya'll! -
If you were casted!
Please make sure to join the discord server as to help organize the characters! https://discord.gg/utbmz46 -
All roles are filled! (or are they?)
Stay tuned for new roles that will appear soon for characters that are quite the mascots for their respective games!

This is the role for the OG, Freddy Fazbear! Keep it classy and old styled, as he is a entertainer from the 90's. Any accent is accepted if it can fit the character himself, which comes off as a leader. Freddy runs the show and makes sure that stays in place, so giving him a temper is fine. Note that he is possessed by a dead angry child so feel free to have ideas for that situation. Also some glitching / clipping with the voice is a nice effect, as to make the robots come across as broken and barely working y'know?
" Welcome boys and girls to the show! I'm Freddy, are you ready? Ready for what you may ask? Why for games and pizza of course! "
" We'd like to thank you for joining my crew here tonight. And remember, this is a place where fantasy and fun come to life! Make sure to come back real soon! "
( To be voiced in the vengeful spirit's voice. ) " try all you like to run from me. im going to put you through what ive seen, no matter how much you scream. "

The same can be said for Bonnie with Freddy, keep it classy and 90's. A goofy accent is fine as long as it's not too out of place. Bonnie is like Freddy's sidekick and loves to rock out; knowing how to sing doesn't hurt either but isn't required. Is also possessed by an angry child so keep that in mind.
" Garsh guys, looks like we have a huge audience to entertain this time around! Tell me when we're ready Freddy, I got my guitar tuned and I'm ready to rock! "
" Pizza is good and all, but don't forget to eat your carrots my bunny buddies! That way you can be big and strong just like us! "
( To be voiced in the vengeful spirit's voice. ) " you're going to stay with us. forever, and ever. they will never find your body. "

Classy and 90's, while also being voiced by a female this time around. (Ladies, this is your chance!) Eating or liking food isn't exactly a personality trait but she has it, along with fooling around in the kitchen banging pots and pans around like a nut job. Also possessed by an angry child.
" Don't forget me guys! I'm Chica, let's eat! Especially all this pizza, talk about delicious! "
" But Freddy, I think we're forgetting someone! Who? Foxy of course! I wonder where he ran off to ... "
( To be voiced in the vengeful spirit's voice. ) " i just wanna see my mommy again .. that bad man took my mommy from me. "

Of course I'd add this character, being more popular than Freddy at this point. A pirate accent is required along with being able to maintain it, never force your voice or you'll face the consequences of it much like I have myself. Keep Foxy sort of an antihero to the gang, not enjoying being shut away in his cove nor does he like Freddy much. His voice is obviously very broken and out of order.
" Yar-har lads! I see yer ready t' set sail for the highest of ranks among me pirate crew! Avast thee bountiful pizza in hand and follow me t' adventure! "
" A pirate may steal but it's never right kiddies! Remember to be on yer best behavior or yer gonna walk th' plank with that scallywag Freddy by yer side! Yar-har-har! "
( To be voiced in the vengeful spirit's voice. ) " i remember what he did to me. im going to return the favor. "

He knows all and is the most aware of what is going on compared to the rest of the gang. He is eagerly waiting for revenge and is hidden from sight. He speaks in both whisper and anger, this malevolent spirit has been waiting too long to be freed. The one you shouldn't have killed.
" The others are just puppets on strings .. I'm the one you really need to keep an eye on. "
" You really don't remember me? .. I am the one you shouldn't have killed. One of you're first victims. You're body counts. The one you left to DIE. "
" He took all those innocent lives without mercy ... I'm just returning the favor. "

This is one of those characters that doesn't get involved too much; I'd envision him with a rather Papyrus-like voice, or just a character that makes quips and thinks highly of himself. Isn't possessed or anything, but it's hard to say how he became sentient in the first place. Some spectate he is Golden Freddy's missing endoskeleton ...
" Nobody expects the skeleton! Nobody I tell ya! They stuff me in a closet and I never get to have any fun like the others .. sure I don't have a suit but I can still bash your head in! "
" ... What're you staring at huh? Never seen whats under those giant furries? It's all crossbeams and wires. You have no idea how difficult it is to untangle these damn things .. "
" Oh sure the other endoskeleton appears in his game, all I do is sit on a bench and maybe stare at the camera from time to time! .. Talk about unfair. "

Cowardice and a mix of not liking this job is expected, this voice can fit anyone really but male is preferred.
" So wait, you're telling me that these things come to life at night?? Why the hell didn't they mention that in the newspaper ad?!?! "
" Alright .. it's 4am, only a little ways to go. Freddy is on stage .. Bonnie is in the closet for some reason? .. Chica is in the kitchen, figures ... -!! Wait, where the hell did Foxy go??? "
" Ha! Yes! 6am! Screw this, I'm outta here! .... Man I shoulda just taken that job at McDonalds washing dishes .. at least then I wouldn't risk losing my life. "

A friendly and helpful guide to start any night, and he should come across as such. A male voice is preferred to keep to the original material, while also adding a phone effect to the audition.
" Hello? Hello Hello! Um.. well welcome to your new job posting here at Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria. I've recorded this message for you to help you get started. "
" Keep an eye on Foxy, he seems to dislike being looked at and it'll keep him in place for a longer period of time. "
" .. Think you could check those suits in the back room? There was a yellow one that went missing ... a bonnie suit. Someone used it. "

This man is to blame for the murder of 5 innocent children in the restaurant, using a spring bonnie suit to lure them away and kill them, stuffing the bodies into the suits. He works with the establishment still, currently a manager but keeps his distance pretty far. Obviously his voice needs to fit his character while also being male, a threatening and short tempered man with no care for others. Especially children.
" You're the new night guard tonight right? Make sure to not miss those door buttons .. last guy left too many stains. ... What? You're chicken-ing out already? Don't be such a baby. "
" -Damn robots possessed by children, who woulda guessed. .. Gotta keep my distance .. If they get their hands on me .. God the little bastards must be pissed. They shoulda listened to mommy and never followed a stranger.. " *evil laughter*
( Imagine this as the scene in where he gets trapped with the spring bonnie suit from FNAF 3, in where he is cornered by the ghosts, so make him sound fearful. ) " Oh you think you caught me huh?? Are you're souls finally gonna go to rest now, or are you just gonna float there you creepy little bastards! - Hey, don't get any closer, I'm warning you! I killed you once and I'll sure as hell find a way to do it again!! "

She's the reason the children have their suits and knows more than she let's on. As seen from the scene in where she died in a back alley the Puppet saved her, and now is possessing the animatronic fully to hunt down the Purple Guy and put the children's souls to rest. She's tired and vengeful, but calming and caring for the poor souls.
" The others are animals. They're vengeful, and they want to hurt you. I know exactly why you're here. "
" Shh.. you don't need to be alone anymore. I know it hurts, that bad man hurt you didn't he? .. Don't worry, I have a suit for you. A new body. It's temporary, I promise. I'm here to protect you. "
" .. You can keep running all you want. The past is coming to get you. You will never get away with the murders you've committed. "

Poor thing would be pulled apart at the end of almost every shift. Clearly it's voice box isn't going to do well, so it's voice is going to be a dismantled pile of words. Two voices are required for this one much like in UCN, both heads speak as one. God, who's idea was it to give it two heads in the first place??
" I'm going to make you beautiful just like me! I finally get to play ' take apart and put together again! ' "
" .. Oh? .. You didn't see me? I was on the ceiling above you! Just waiting for you to let your guard down! "
" Finally I get to talk! And - " (voice box breaks, insert mangle noise and then clears throat) " -Ahem! Sorry, stupid vocal box .. "

Any gender can have this role, for the character is pretty supernatural. Having such a large role in FNAF 3 as some sort of glitch isn't much of a character trait, so the same can be said for Shadow Bonnie with making up the character itself. Keep it rational of course.
" I saw him. I saw him do it. I was right there behind him, and he didn't even wince when it came to how ... vicious he played. "
" .. Those aren't robots. There vessels. Angry little things .. they just want to be free. Guess we all can't get what we want. "
" Blink. Go on, I dare you. You might not like what happens next when you open your eyes. "

He seems as aware as Golden Freddy would be but who knows. He lead the core 4 to their demise in FNAF 3, so it's hard to tell if his intentions are to save the children or simply put this whole thing down in flames.
" You keep coming back. Like you have a burden on your shoulders. Are you really only here for minimum wage? Or is there something your hiding from all of us ... ?
" I am ... whatever you conceive me to be. A hallucination. A glitch in the system. A figment. Maybe I'm the devil. You won't survive to find out in the end. "
" ... If you have common sense .. you'll never come back here. Or they'll hunt you down, catch you, and put you down. So run little toy. Run. "

Childish goblin, something like a gremlin that's around to mess with you and crawl around like a little creep. And no, they are not related to Springtrap, just wanna make that clear. Inspired yes, but not some odd family pair or something. Also hates lights.
" Should of been a bit more aware with that flashlight! Talk about slaking! " *creepy laugh*
" Oh I almost got'cha! Next time I get close I'll take a bite outta your hand! They don't call me a fingertrap for nothing kid! "
" -Hey! Put me down ya big lug! Ow ow ow watch the ears!! "

Is an absolute nightmare and hates children, his teeth is covered in the blood of the crying child and wouldn't hesitate to get them dirty once more. Deep gravely voice for this one, something out of a horror movie or super villain with a death wish against the world. Hard to say if they know anything about Golden Freddy or Fredbear ...
" How long would it take to tear you limb from limb? Hours? Minutes? ... I'll do it in seconds. "
*laughter* " I am a fearful reflection of what you've created. The stage was such a long time ago .. now I run this household. "
*low growling noise* " .. Ready or not, here I come ... Let's hope you hid well or this won't be any fun. "

A large collection of all the endoskeletons of the funtime animatronics made into a horrendous spaghetti robot, so it's hard to say what his voice would really sound like. This is up for improve and debate, so any reasonable or interesting ideas will be accepted. Maybe mutliple voices? Who knows.
" You aren't leaving without us. You don't mind if we wear your skin along the way do you? "
" .. There is a little of us in every BODY. "
" This maze you built under ground .. this never ending labyrinth of corners and lights .. I't sickening. You've became what you created, a monster. Elizabeth will never forgive you. "

This is the voice of Lefty himself, not the puppet from within. Because he is one of my favorite characters, I'd prefer if he himself had a voice rather than be a whisper of the puppet's voice, so ideas on what he would sound like are accepted. Imagine him as a bootleg Freddy who knows more than what he seems.
" Hello kids! Time to - ... shhh. There's some room left inside here. Join my prisoner in eternal silence. "
" .. Just because I was made to lure and capture your precious beacon in the dark .. doesn't mean I am made to be silent. "
" ... The fire will consume this building soon. Are you sure you really want to bring them all together in here? "

Not exactly William Afton but close enough. This odd glitched entity seems to be a coded interpretation of the Purple Guy, some odd creature that lurks within the newest game in the franchise FNAF VR: HELP WANTED. What his voice would sound like should be a mix of deceiving and manipulative towards children.
" Ho ho ho! Well hello again kids, it's your best bouncy friend Bonnie! There's another one on stage you say? Call me Spring Bonnie then! Now come with me ... "
" .. It's just back here. A little further. You didn't tell your mommmy did you? Because it's a surprise of course! Just me and you kid .. I want to give you a special gift. "
" .... Not so comfy in there is it? Don't worry .. you'll die of starvation soon in that suit. A nice slow death. Doesn't that sound fun? "
Public Submissions