Voices Of Fazbear Entertainment (FNAF VA Tumblr Blog)
Basedweaboo for Endoskeleton

This is one of those characters that doesn't get involved too much; I'd envision him with a rather Papyrus-like voice, or just a character that makes quips and thinks highly of himself. Isn't possessed or anything, but it's hard to say how he became sentient in the first place. Some spectate he is Golden Freddy's missing endoskeleton ...
" Nobody expects the skeleton! Nobody I tell ya! They stuff me in a closet and I never get to have any fun like the others .. sure I don't have a suit but I can still bash your head in! "
" ... What're you staring at huh? Never seen whats under those giant furries? It's all crossbeams and wires. You have no idea how difficult it is to untangle these damn things .. "
" Oh sure the other endoskeleton appears in his game, all I do is sit on a bench and maybe stare at the camera from time to time! .. Talk about unfair. "

You fit the character pretty well, let's see if anyone else auditions and maybe you'll get the part in the end. Try out some others if interested!

Glad you like it. I'm having an issue with my voice changer that keeps leading to some annoying static in the background. I can edit it out in audacity but I figured you wanted something a bit more raw.

I could barely hear it tbh, but it's up to you if you want it to be crystal clear. The static adds to the roboticness of it.

So long as it pleases you. I have an ear for detail, but if it pleases you and others that is all that matters.