Call of the Wild 2020: Dubbed Ep 1

Project Overview

This is basically about a dog named Buck who has a spirit guide, ghost wolf, who leads him to the right path of his journey. Buck faces tough challenges but manages to get through them all no matter how difficult it was. (credit to the original owner of the movie this is just a fandub/dub if the dogs actually spoke)

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Brave, Never gives up, Cares about everyone.

  • Hi Spitz, its nice to meet you, whats that on your neck?

    (Spitz tells him to back away) ok... *walks off to see the other dogs*

    (leash gets put on him) huh? hi So-leks.

    *gets his paws stuck in his leash/collar, tries to get it off but his new owner tells him to do whatever spitz says* *struggles* ok, i’ll do that- just need to- woah *falls over* woah!! Oof! *the sled starts to move and buck gets stuck on the sled* Oww! *gets up hits the other dogs* oof! *gets up , starts bumping in to So-leks* Sorry ow! Sorry again! Ow! oh no- *falls on his face* OWW! *spits the snow out of his mouth*
    *stands up and starts running* oh there we go, i got it! Huh? *sees a bunny/rabbit, lose focus, *then slides to the edge of the hill*  oh no... Woooaaaaahhhh!! *Spitz gets mad at buck* S-Sorry guys... *Perrault tells him they are all tied up together and fall as one* yeah ok... im sorry... *Perrault says they'll try again* 

    *panting* *grunts* *passes out* *tired*

    *wakes up, then eats the salmon thats next him then gets up* that was nice... hmm where is everyone? GUYS?! WHERE ARE YOU?! *sigh* *sees a tent, walks towards the tent* whats in here? oh. i guess i sleep here. Excuse me. *pushes Francoise* *grunts, then lies down and yawns* nice and- *pushed out* Woah!

    *sigh* if we sleep out here... where is everyone? Huh? Oh wait theres someone over there. Uh are you- *realizes its his spirit from his dream* *gasps* *his spirit tells him to remember who he is* I... I- *steps on Pike* Woah! *looks back* huh? Where did- *Pike yells at him to watch where hes going* S-Sorry Pike I didnt mean to-

    *Pike walks away* *sigh* I guess i’ll sleep here... goodnight i guess *snuggles up*

    *wakes up, yawns* huh? 

    *trying to run on the ice with the team but slips over everytime* oh crap! i cant- uh oh *hits a branch because Spitz made him hit it* OW!

    *Slips a bit* oh gosh.

  • Finally food! time to- huh? *sees Spitz steal Dollys food* hmm... *walks over to Dolly* here Dolly you can have mine. Yeah, yeah im sure im not that hungry. *walks away*

    *stands up tall* Good morning Spitz, Im ready today!

    *hanging off the cliff* Oh Geez!

    *Spitz yells at Jo then to everyone else to back off from his water* *sigh* huh? Oh i’ve got an idea. *walks to the other side of the ice and tries to get everyone a drink* hey guys! *trying to break the ice, grunts* over here! *out of breath because of breaking the ice*

    *dogs thank him* no problem everyone! 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Selfish, always thinking for himself, aggressive, jealous.

  • Hi...*Buck sniffs him* woah! Uhh personal space much?! *buck hits his face with his tail* *grunts* *sees buck fall over* *scoffs*

    Everyone Ready? Go! Go! Go! Hey! Get back in line! *owner tells him to move right* Everyone move this way!! *everyone falls down the hill* oh no... *grabs on the branch but lets go* Woah! You absolute idiot! I Can’t believe you! Why couldn’t you just turn like the rest of us! Huh?! Yeah you better be sorry!

    *owner tells him to slow down* everyone slow down!

    *sees buck still sleeping* Get up! Now!!

    Keep on going everyone! *sees Buck struggling* Hmm... *sees a Branch, turns right so the branch hits Buck* *mean laugh*

    Don’t mind if i do *tries to steal Dollys food* Give- *struggling* me. That! *manages to steal her food* Thank you! *evil or nasty laughs*

    *wakes up* *grunts* huh? *looks behind him, buck says goodmorning to him* uhh hi?

    *drinks water, Jo asks to have a sip* NO!! BACK OFF!! ALL OF YOU!! THIS IS MY WATER GO FIND SOME YOURSELVES YOU LOW LIVES!! hmph! *sees Buck make water for the others* *shocked* uh... *So-leks asks if he should join them* NO!!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

A bit shy or quiet, afraid of Spitz

  • Uhh hi i guess... *turns away from Buck*

    *Buck starts bumping into So-Leks* Hey! Ow! Oww! *falls down the hill* Wooooaaaahhhh! Oww ugh! *gets up looks at buck rolls his eyes* tch.

    huh? *sees buck still sleeping* *sigh*

    *Spitz yells at them* *sigh* im so thirsty... *sees buck breaking the ice to get water* *starts to walk over to buck and the others* should i go- *gasps then backs away*

    *sees Spitz take Dollys food* Poor Dolly... huh? Woah did Buck just give his food to Dolly? *looks at Dolly*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Playful, Kind, funny, respects Buck.

  • Hi Buck! *bows playfully* 

    *Spitz asks if everyones ready* yeah! We’re ready! 

    *falls down the hill* Woooaaaaahhh! Oof! *everyone telling Buck off* Guys go easy on him hes new!

    *wakes up* whats the fuss about? Nevermind *goes back to sleep*

    *sees buck Still sleeping* guys dont talk about him like that...

    *sees Spitz take Dollys food* really? He always does that... *sees Buck give Dolly his food* Yeah he gave his food alright.

    *asks Spitz if he could take a sip of the water* Spitz... im really thirsty can i- *Spitz yells at him and the others* o-ok, ok... *Dolly comforts him* thank you Dolly... *sees buck break the ice* Hey guys! Bucks got some water!! *runs over to him* thank you buck, you’re a life saver!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Kind, also respects Buck

  • Hi buck... *spitz ask if eveyones ready* yeah!

    * falls down the hill* wooaah! *Jo tells everyone to go easy on him because hes new* yeah! come on guys...

    *sees buck is still sleeping* yeah dont talk about him like that!

    *Spitz tries to steal Dollys food* Hey! *tries to pull it back* that. Mine. *struggles to pull it back, lets go* *sigh* this isnt fair... im literally starvi- huh? *Buck offers his food* a-are you sure? *buck says hes sure then walks away* thank you buck! 

    *Spitz tells Jo and everyone else off*  hey its ok Jo we’ll find some.

    huh? *sees buck trying to get water for them* What a nice guy. *walks over to buck avoiding Spitz* Thank you buck you’re so kind.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

A bit judgemental but warms up to Buck eventually.

  • Hmph *looks away from Buck*

    *the dogs push him infront of Spitz* woah! *Spitz tells him off* Sorry Spitz... *falls down the hill* oh gooooddddd!!
    seriously buck?! You can’t even... *angrily sighs*

    *buck steps on him* OWW!! *yells* WHAT THE HELL?! Watch it will you?! fine! I’ll just sleep here! *mumbles* *looks at buck then turns away* Hmph!

    *looks at buck* seriously hes still sleeping! Hes soo lazy...

    *sees buck give his food to Dolly* Wow... did he just...

    *Spitz yells at Jo* *sigh* I hate this so much... *sees Buck trying to get all of them water* Hes so cool *walks over to him* Thanks man!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Strong, a bit judgmental to Buck

  • *introduces himself to buck* Hey there.

    Pay attention everyone! *owner tells him to pay attention to* ok. 

    *Looks at Buck* try to keep up...

    *falls off the hill* OWW!! *sigh* Buck really need to learn how to control his speed and turning...

    *sees Spitz steal Dollys food* What a jerk...

    *spitz yells at all of them* really Spitz we are all thirsty! *sigh* huh? *sees buck getting them water* *walks over to him* thank you buck!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Tired most of the time.

  • Hi... *yawns* 

    *falls off the hill* AHHHH!! *yawns again* im so tired...

    *sees buck sleeping* well i dont blame him... im also tired to.

    *sees buck offer his food to Dolly* woah...

    *Spitz Yells at everyone*

    *sees buck getting everyone water* *gasp* Yesss!! *walks over to him* thank you soooo much buck!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ghost Wolf

Ghost, Bucks Spirit guide

  • *ghost type of voice like an echoing voice* Hello Buck...You must remember who you are, and what your destiny is...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Male, very curious about Buck and a bit judgemental.

  • *sneezes* ah achoo... geez its cold...

    *sees Buck fall over* huh?

    *falls off the hill* oh nooooo!! Yeah buck really need to learn...

    *sees buck getting them water* *walks over to him* thank you