Call of the Scarecrow

Project Overview
Call of the Scarecrow is a Sims 2 horror/slasher movie I'm making for YouTube. It tells the story of a dying young man (Joe Winko) who has became homeless and who's been taken to Arkansas. Meanwhile, a magic scarecrow possessed by the spirit of an evil serial killer is on the loose in the town Joe is in, killing everyone. Will Joe be able to stop the scarecrow? Or will everyone in town, Black Ridge Arkansas, die a horrific death?
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I updated the deadline again... I didn't notice how long I've been searching for voice actors for this. I just need a voice for Pat and Officer Tushas now. Please audition everyone <3
I extended the deadline
I extended the deadline and updated the parts available. Please audition everyone ♥ -
the deadline has been extended
the deadline has been extended again. Please audition everybody :) ♥ -
I extended the deadline
again... -
I added a new character to the casting call
I added a new character to the casting call. Female role.

VOICE TYPE: He talks in a southern accent/mature male voice which is somewhat sad and depressed. But also very warm/loving/caring.
“Come sit down. Are you feeling alright buddy?”
“Are you feeling ok buddy?”

Jeff is one of the workers at the Black Ridge medical center. He is mostly a calm soft spoken man there to do his job.
“What’s going on?”
“Well, it’s time for my fifteen minute break. I’m gonna go outside and smoke for a bit. I’ll be back soon.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever.”

VOICE TYPE: Mischievous/Deranged/Playful Raspy voice with slight southern/texan accent
“Because all of you people do not deserve to live. You poisoned our earth and ruined our world. All of you deserve to die!”
“Hehe, you’re dead wrong Sheriff Lanaville. You may have killed me now, but you will never stop me.”

VOICE TYPE: Masculine Adult male voice with a slight southern accent.
“Officer Lard and I are going to be out and around town tonight.”
(STERN VOICE): “Drop the axe and put your hands up!”
(STERN VOICE): “Freeze or I will shoot!”

VOICE TYPE: Masculine male voice with a southern country accent
“Yeah, Sheriff Lanaville says that something really bad happened earlier tonight in northern Blackridge. A bunch of people were savagely butchered at diner.”
“We just want to tell you that Officer Tushas and I will be patrolling the town all night. If anything happens here, just dial 911.”
“I haven’t seen anything. Why would a serial killer be on the loose in this hick town.”

VOICE TYPE: Masculine young adult male voice with a slight southern/Texan accent.
“You would think they would contact the FBI for this sort of stuff.”
“He’s in his office… what happened at the diner?”
(SHOCKED): “What the hell!?”

VOICE TYPE: Mature adult male voice with slight southern accent.
(SERIOUS/CONCERNED VOICE): “It’s bad Officer Kimball, really bad…”
“There were four victims. Three of them killed inside the diner and one unidentified victim found dead near the road. She had died from multiple gunshot wounds.”
“She was wearing a red sweater with gold stars.”

Pat is a sweet lady who talks in a high-pitched voice with a SLIGHT country/southern accent.
PAT: “Angela? Wendy? Matt? Jeff? Are any of you guys in there?”
PAT (SCARED): “Oh my god! Jenna! Patrick! Help me!”
PAT (SCARED): “No! Please! What are you doing! Don’t leave me! No!”

Patrick is a chilled laid back man who works at the Black Ridge medical center. He takes his job seriously but never really stresses about anything, UNTIL he's in grave danger!
“Have you guys seen Jeff, Wendy, or Matt?”
“I’ll check for them outside. You girls can check Angela’s office.”
(SCARED): “Pat!”

Sheriff Lanaville is an old sheriff who’s deeply haunted by the memories of Cedric Morgeburn’s killing spree 20 years ago. He talks in a normal north-american voice with a scared and paranoid tone.
“Dark magic is real. I remember reading in one of his journals that if he was ever killed, he would come back to life in a new form to seek revenge.”
“Your killing spree is over Cedric Morgeburn!”
(TERRIFIED): “You… WE BEAT YOU BEFORE! You can’t come back! You’re DEAD! DEAD!”

Fiona is a classy and sophisticated young female with a very laid back personality. She is also can be very critical without getting angry or aggressive or rude. She talks in a laid back female voice.
“Let me guess, you both are trolling the expert law web forums aren’t you?”
“That’s not the point guys. I’m just being completely honest here. It seems like both of you just get off on posting stuff on the expert law web forums to make people angry. Almost like your whole life revolves around that.”
(TERRIFIED): “Please! Someone help me!”

Robin is a crazy old lady who enjoys being the burden of bad news and telling people things they do not want to hear.
“I’ve heard about you. You’re the boy who’s dying no because you didn’t take any insulin. Such a stupid boy.”
“Life has many doors Pretty Boy.”
“You really like him don’t you, pretty boy… Little do you know, he’s gonna end up tossing you aside and trading you in for the next younger pretty boy in line.

Matt is a chubby and lazy man who works at the Black Ridge medical center. He spends most of his nights stuffing his face with fried chicken while Wendy is going around doing all the work.
“Wendy, it’s time to do rounds. Can you please go?”
“It’s the only exercise your gonna get tonight.”
“We don’t get that everyday.”

Connie is a miserable middle-aged bitch who works at the Black Ridge medical center. She comes off as bitter and unpleasant.
“What a stupid boy. If you’re diabetic you need insulin to live. Does he have a death wish or something?”
“What was that all about?”
“Yep, apparently a bunch of folks a couple miles away from town at diner were butchered by some maniac. The police think the killer is on the loose here for some reason.”
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