Bleach Musical English Cover

Project Overview
Closed this project due to personal matters interfering.
I apologize to those who applied, and I wish you the best in your endeavors!
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Renji's lines require a Tenor-Alto voice.
See 0:13 to hear Renji's lines in original Japanese
Check your vocal range here
Some parts are sung, some are spoken.
Please do takes in ABC format, with 2-3 takes per line. For takes, try different octaves/harmonies/emotions of the same line.
A: Tell me..
B: What am I..
C: Who should I...
If you have a singing and character demo, you may try to provide those links as well.
- english
- singing/vocals
- male adult
- tenor
- singing (alto)
Tell me why, oh tell me why, oh moon (sung to "Tsuki yo oshiete kure")
What am I going to do? (sung to "Dou shitainda?")
Who should I fight now? (spoken, with some emotion of fear of not knowing what to do next)

Kira's lines require a Tenor-Alto voice.
See 1:10 to hear Kira's lines in original Japanese
Some parts are sung, some are spoken.
Please do takes in ABC format, with 2-3 takes per line. For takes, try different octaves/harmonies/emotions of the same line.
A: Why did I, after all this time...
B: Tell me what..
C: Why did I hurt...
If you have a singing and character demo, you may try to provide those links as well.
- english
- male adult
- tenor vocals
- alto
Why did I, after all this time, choose a side, shinigami? (sung to "Boku ga shinigami ni natta bakari ni")
Tell me what I have done? (sung to "Ittai boku wa”, full of regret)
Why did I hurt my friend? (sung to "nante koto wo", full of regret)

Momo's lines require a Alto-Mezzo voice.
See 2:12 to hear Momo's lines in original Japanese
Some parts are sung, some are spoken.
Please do takes in ABC format, with 2-3 takes per line. For takes, try different octaves/harmonies/emotions of the same line.
A: Tell me moon..
B: I might be...
C: What is...
If you have a singing and character demo, you may try to provide those links as well.
- english
- female adult
- singing
- alto to mezzo soprano
Tell me moon, would you tell me moon would you please? (sung to "Tsuki yo oshiete hoshii" at 2:07)
I might be to blame (sung to "Nani mo kamo" at 2:14)
What is it? (spoken with some worry in voice and concern)

Sado's lines require a Tenor-Mezzo voice.
See 0:40 to hear Sado's lines in original Japanese
Some parts are sung, some are spoken.
Please do takes in ABC format, with 2-3 takes per line. For takes, try different octaves/harmonies/emotions of the same line.
A: I won't...
B: LOVE, is overflowing...
C: LOVE, is what I promise...
If you have a singing and character demo, you may try to provide those links as well.
- english
- male adult
- male young adult
- tenor vocals
- alto to mezzo soprano
I won't give up (Sung to "yume wo" at 0:48 of link in description)
LOVE, is overflowing my heart (Sung to "LOVE, kokoro afurete" at 1:18 of link in description)
LOVE, is what I promise to you (Sung to "LOVE, kimi ni chikau yo" at 1:23 of link in description)

Gin's lines are all spoken, but for future songs, a singing voice will be required.
See 1:47 to hear Gin's spoken lines (in Japanese)
Bengara Koushi: See 0:46 for Gin's singing lines (in Japanese)
Please do takes in ABC format, with 2-3 takes per line.
For takes, try different octaves/harmonies/emotions of the same line.
A: This is terrible!
B: Poor thing, all worn out, aren't you?
C: So elusive, so evasive...
- male adult
This is terrible! (Sarcastic)
Poor thing, all worn out, aren't you?
[sung] So elusive, so evasive, that's a woman's heart! (Timestamp: 0:41, Bengara Koushi)

Aizen's lines are all spoken for the two songs for this casting call, but for future songs, a singing voice will be required.
See 3:29 to hear Aizen's spoken lines (in Japanese)
Catharis of Eternity: See 1:02 for Aizen's singing lines (in Japanese)
Please do takes in ABC format, with 2-3 takes per line.
For takes, try different octaves/harmonies/emotions of the same line.
A: I'm probably...
B: That is why...
C: There's no way to know...
- male adult
I'm probably no longer alive. (sincere tone, trying to reveal everything)
That is why I am entrusting you with this letter...
[sung] There's no way to know... Catharsis of Eternity. (1:02: Enunciate "Carthasis" like in song, but w/o accent)
Public Submissions