Black Haze [Comic Fandub]
![Black Haze [Comic Fandub]](
Project Overview
What is this project?
After reading a manhwa/webtoon series, Black Haze by Yong Yong (or Dydydd17), I decided I wanted to make a fandub. Why? In my opinion, it's a really good comic, but it's not very popular. And since I have experience with comic fandubs, I thought I'd try to make my own. It is unfortunate that the comic is on indefinite hiatus with 228 episodes.
Black Haze is a fantasy, comedy, and action series. And probably some other genres. The 14-year-old main character, Rood Chrishi, is secretly the world's youngest and one of the most powerful magicians. He then gets sent on a mission to protect a duke's second son at magic school. Undercover.
Besides the main character, there's a whole ton of hidden identities, if you're into those, this might be the series for you. And there are tons of characters. Lots and lots and lots. So many it's hard to remember even their names.
I do have comic dub video experience, as well as directing experience, which I am sure will help. Hope everyone enjoys the project as much as I do! More roles will be added. There are tons of characters in the cast, and it's hard to keep track of them all. Deadlines will be moved back consistently, I won't cast until I find a suitable person. We all hope this doesn't take too long.
Currently, characters for up to and including Episode 9 are added. There are *so many* more in the upcoming chapters, I may just need to make a separate casting call. But. Let's see what reception this gets first.
1) Be willing to stick around for a long time, especially for voice actors. I am unsure how long this will take, but I do hope to dub all 228 episodes, and any future ones should they be released.
2) Voice actors: Decent mic, no background noise. Self explanatory- all auditions with too much background noise will be rejected. Others I may be able to remove with some audio editing. Being able to turn in lines within two weeks is important, as well as good communication, so that if you need longer to turn in lines, or something happens, you don't just disappear mysteriously. You can ask for extensions to the two weeks, but you have to actually ask for it.
3) Discord recommended, but not required. Organization and communication will be much smoother if we can contact each other faster.
4) (Not necessarily a requirement) - Voice actors: If you're willing to play another role your voice may fit, please let me know!
5) Optional: Reading the comic. Everything makes a whole lot more sense, lines have context, and it will be easier to portray the characters, though I will do my best with writing the character descriptions.
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Latest Updates
Started contacting and casting voice actors yesterday. I have sent PMs via CCC's messaging system if I have something to say to you. Scripts will hopefully be written and sent out within a week! Today I finished setting up the second casting call: Uncasted characters from this casting call have been moved, along with 24 new characters and even more Extras. Two of the 24 new characters are our last two "main character"s, and some are important supporting characters as well! Go out and audition if you have time and are still interested. If you didn't make it in the first round, you can ask me why- there could be a number of reasons, and I'd be willing to work with you to improve, or it could just be that your voice didn't fit what I imagined. Either way, I'm willing to talk. With all that being said, have a nice day!
Update 4 - August 5, 2020
Ahem... Are there too many updates, or is this cool because you get to figure out what's going on? Anyway, current update is I am 25% done with the chapters trying to figure out which characters appear when, any lines to add, etc. Well, first of all, Shicmuon, Lispen, & co. finally showed up at around Chapter 60. Secondly, there are *way too many* students. So, for anyone who is interested in playing an extra student character, as long as your mic quality is decent, you will probably get at least a few lines every ten chapters and a lot of background chatting. If you're interested in this, please let me know! Of course, there is also the possibility you will be cast as a main character or supporting character, in which case ... you could still potentially be a background character, if you wanted to. Thanks for reading if you did! Have fun. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Have a nice day! -
Update 3 - July 26, 2020
There does not seem to be a lot going on, but trust me, there's a lot going on behind the scenes. I am currently rereading the entire story, while taking notes and listing each character by chapter and just in general. Believe me there are a lot of minor student characters who are all part of a nice crowd. And there are a whole ton of other characters who are important but don't show up until a bit later. I'm reading approximately 5-10 chapters a day, due to having a lot of work in real life, which means it might take quite some time before the next step. Although it will seem as if nothing is happening for another month or so, I have already started on this, so yes, it will happen. Auditions/Casting: For some auditions as I mentioned, I already have shortlists, and will possibly contact people for some more information so I can get the final cast. For some characters, I didn't provide enough lines because the character didn't show up enough in the first nine chapters. I will probably send out the messages after going through all 228 chapters so I can make a better decision. Thanks for reading! And enjoy :) -
Update 2 - July 16, 2020
Hey there again! For the next wave of characters, I will open a second casting call, due to the new rule that casting calls won't show after a certain period of time. All characters uncasted from this time will be moved to the next one. As for the current characters, I have begun shortlisting, and it's a tough process (why are people so good?). For the roles which I need more information for (more lines and more emotion expressing), I will contact the voice actors via Casting Call Mail, the PMs, and ask that way. Good luck to everyone! I should have messages sent out within a week. -
Update 1 - July 8, 2020
Ahh... What can I say? I'm very surprised there have been so many auditions. Glad people are also interested in this. And I do hope some of you have decided to read it. ;) Anyway, this has been up for about two weeks, so I will begin adding Episode 10 and on characters. Plus I will cast for a few roles that I think fit, but others will be left open. Some characters will have more lines added. (If you haven't already, go ahead and read the manhwa, it's quite entertaining. Then join me in sad hiatus land.)

Video editor. Preferably has experience with comic dubs, if not, you can always make a quick test and send that. Please let me know how much experience you have, and your time commitment.
For this comic dub, I would prefer having the text fade in as the character speaks, it doesn't have to be word by word, usually just by phrase or natural pausing. If this doesn't make sense, don't worry too much right now.
Say something you think would fit

It would be cool to have a music composer, for maybe a short (30 seconds or less?) theme song, or maybe for some epic background music, but this is optional.
Although the budget does say up to $30 per project, I'm not good at anything music related, nor do I understand budgets much, nor do I actually have a lot of money. If you would be okay with working for free, please let me know. Otherwise, state your prices?
Plus I can always use my nonexistent music composing skills to do this myself, but it would really be better for someone who actually knows what they're doing to do it.
Say something you think would fit

For this role, I'd be looking for background noise removal, and/or adding reverb to some audio to make it sound cooler and more echoey. This will be done for both "thinking" lines and for non-human spoken lines, because obviously it has to sound cooler. :)
I could probably do this myself and make it sound awful, so I would like some assistance if possible.
Say something you think would fit

Possibly looking for someone to help direct. This may require you to hunt down voice actors to ask them to turn in lines, find character pictures, read the entire manhwa and help fill in character descriptions, message people a bunch, etc.
If you have any previous experience with any of this, you may be The One I Am Looking For. Go ahead and apply.
Say something you think would fit

Description: Rood Chrishi is a 14-year old boy and the main character of the series. He is also one of the youngest and most powerful magicians, as the famous "Black Magician," Blow. Since his Awakening causes his appearance to change drastically, no one has figured out the connection between Rood and Blow. (As part of a comedy series, he does have his comedic moments.)
Voice: Since there are two 'personas' for this character, I'd be looking for a younger, higher-pitched voice for Rood, and a slightly deeper, more mature, "cool" voice for Blow. Doesn't have to sound too different.
You're the one bullying me!!! Look at that thing! ... Are you...! kidding me?! Making something like that without permission...! It's already noisy enough wherever I go!
Chapter 2: In Blow mode, yelling, all-caps, angry, annoyed. Emphasis on "me" in the first sentence.
Hold him and...?
Rip his arms off? Strangle him? Stab his eyes? Fist fight him? Grab his arms and-
Chapter 3: As Rood, first line asking, second line thinking/considering, muttering
...No, I can't. The people's auras are all mixed up...
He might not be here because of some accident... (Hopeful, he doesn't want to meet the aforementioned "he")
Then... I guess I'll get ready.
My name is [Blow]. [Awaken]
Chapter 3. As Rood. Serious.

Description: Known only as "Master" for a very long time, this character is, well, the Master of Opion (and by extension, the Black Magician). As with most characters, he also has his moments of comedy. He's a pretty cool guy.
Voice: Nothing in particular, just not too deep or too high. Probably somewhere around medium range. He's probably around 24 years old, I could do the math to calculate his age, but I'd have to find the chapters of reference first.
Hahaha. It's gone~ I don't know what you're telling me to look at~
Chapter 2, just threw poster that was offending Rood out the window. Happens in between one of Rood's audition lines: "Look at that thing!" and "Are you kidding me?"
[Shic] of the Magician's Association is especially out to get you. From now on... It's going to get even more dangerous. It's different from how it's always been. I'm... worried about that.
Chapter 2: sounding worried, and serious.
I couldn't even show him. If he sees this...
... He'd get really mad, right?
Chapter 2: sweating nervously, he has something worse than that previously mentioned poster.

Description: Seren shows up in the first episode, and I'm not entirely sure where else she shows up. Maybe in the future. Maybe in chapter two?
Voice: Any, as long as the emotions are portrayed!
God~! I'm so pissed! They said it was a meeting for magicians! And only one or two showed up! What is that!
Chapter 1: Probably pissed.
Anyways! When are we arriving?? When do you think we left?! Are we crawling there or what!?
Chapter 1: All caps, yelling, annoyed.
What... Why...Is this... Happening to me? Please... Anyone's fine...! SAVE ME!!
Chapter 1: Scared and thinking.
The [Black Magician]...? Y...yeah... There's no doubt... You are, right?!
...m, s-so... I.... uh...
Chapter 1: Awestruck, o_o, possibly stuttery, "it's the world-famous Black Magician! Right there!"

Description: Like Seren she probably shows up in Episode 1, and maaaaybe somewhere else? Her name wasn't mentioned in Episode 1, and I'm not reading all the way through to find her name, if it was mentioned. So now she is "Seren's Friend."
Voice: Any, as long as the emotions are portrayed. Requires some screaming-in-terror skills.
Aha... But still it was really a great performance. Everyone was mesmerized by your singing, Seren-nim.
Chapter 1: Placating, trying to console Seren. Because barely anyone showed up to the performance.
The thing is... a demon warning was issued in the Lupen Woods which is the direct way. A couple days ago, a carriage going by the woods was ambushed by a demon and received heavy damages.
Chapter 1: Serious. Explaining why they didn't go "the direct way."
...Seren-nim... I-is it just me, or does it look spookier than usual...?
Chapter 1: probably terrified, scared, nervous.

Description: Just about any extra that doesn't have too many lines. There are many extras, even besides the ones listed. Just have a chance to say a few words :)
Voice: Depends on the character.
Carriage Driver (male): AWA..!!
Carriage Driver 2 (male): Hii.. Hiik..! S-save me...
probably both of them: AAAAAKK!!!!!
Also they probably both died. So they won't be showing up again. Chapter 1.
Crowd People: *mutter, mutter, incoherent muttering*
Crowd People: It's the Black Magician! | The famous... | ... Is he coming back from his mission? | Kyaa I want to try talking to him~ | Wow. | *more muttering*
Chapter 2. Before Black Magician arrived and after.
Crowd: The association...? | A beast's ears and tail... there's only one famous magician with those... | Who was it? I knew he was... | Who?
Crowd Person: Ah, I remember! The association's loyal dog, Lanoste's [Dog]!
Chapter 4: This evil laughing magic stone stealer got injured, and the crowd recognizes the magician!
Bullies: Huh? | What? | There's a magic circle drawn on it. | He's staring at us. | ... What's up with that kid? | What's up, kid? | A you lost??
One Bully: Isn't it your dream to become a magician, kid? I know quite a lot about magicians. Want me to teach you? Of course... It won't be free.
(at least one will require cursing later as they get defeated)
Episode 8, bullies pick up the magic circle sheet that Rood dropped, and they meet. There's four of them. They look male but you never know.

Description: Ren, an important person with Opion, knows Rood and Master of Opion quite well. Probably manages stuff. Has some importance throughout the story, though she doesn't show up *that* often.
Voice: Anything works!
Huh?? This?? Nothing!
Chapter 2: Holding posters, trying to keep those hidden from Black Magician-nim. Sounding like a flustered tsundere or something.
... It's surprising every time I see it. I've never seen a magician change so much like you. ... How can such a kid in his awakened form turn into such a handsome young man"?
Chapter 3: Rood turned into Blow. She comments on it.

Description: The guy selling a magic stone at an auction in Episode 3 and Episode 4. Possibly Episode 2. He also auctions other items besides the magic stone.
Voice: Any would be fine, possibly sound like a salesman of a sort.
Ladies and gentleman. Thank you for the long wait. Now... For what you've all been waiting for. Let the auction.... Begin.
Episode 3, announcing the start of the auction.

Description: Princess Yutarien of the kingdom, a young girl, or at least she looks young. Is a very important and influential person. She does have more lines besides the audition lines, however, they're later in the story, so I didn't put it for now.
Voice: Higher pitched, possibly cute.
Kyahaha ahahaha~ I'm so excited! There's so many people~
Episode 3, very excited.

Description: Accompanies the Princess Yutarien at an auction, he keeps her in line sometimes. He might show up later, if he does, he does. End of story. Respectful to the Princess, of course, despite her potential childish antics. His name has something to do with "Rom" because the Princess calls him that. (He's not actually a guard, or at least, he's not a powerful fighter)
Voice: Any
... Princess, we aren't here to play around. We're just here to watch.
Episode 3, at an auction.Princess... We should really go back now. Tessiana who was supposed to be your guard is fighting right now, so...
We already came here secretly... If something were to happen to you, Princess... my head will get cut off. So... let's go home before anything else happens.
Episode 5, Tessiana went off to fight, so he's trying his best not to end up dead.

Description: A protector of the Princess Yutarien, and nicknamed "Tessi" by her, Tessiana (her Awakened name) is a cool character.
Voice: Any.
I... Came to participate in the auction fair and square. I even brought 1 silver...
But... you're in my way.
Episode 4, Shicmuon ruined things and she's facing off against him. Second line more threatening and angry.

Description: Lapis' father, shows up at the auction in Episode 3, most likely shows up later. His name wasn't mentioned early on, so he is known as "Lapis' Father" for now.
Voice: Fatherly, serious, mature.
Lapis. Focus and look closely. With this many magicians gathered at one place... Something interesting will happen for sure.
Episode 3, educating his son Lapis.

Description: The son of "Lapis' Father," this teenager was at the magic stone auction. Last I checked he also attends the magic school, Helios.
Voice: Any, medium range.
The building will collapse at this rate.
Fa... ther...? Rune, where's Father?
I should leave now as well. But...! A duel between two top class magicians...! I want to see it!!
Episode 6, line 1 thinking, worried; line 2 "fa..." he turns to look at his father, but his father isn't there; line 3 he's a little worried at first, but excited for the duel.

Description: A member of the association, known as Lanoste's [Dog] because of his ears and tail in his Awakened form. He hates being called a dog though. He may or may not be the guy accompanying Shic in Chapter 3. He shows up after Chapter 3, that's for sure.
Voice: Medium.
! DOG!!! I'm not a dog!! You bastards!! WHO THE XXX CALLED ME A DOG?! WHO?!
Chapter 4: Was called a dog. Very annoyed. All caps.
*angry fuming noises as he fumes about being called a dog*
Chapter: whenever he does this.

Description: As the name says, this is the guy who tries to steal a magic stone at an auction, in Episode 4. Chapter 4? He probably doesn't show up again either.
Voice: Be able to do evil laughing in weird syllables.
Chapter 4: Evil laughing in various syllables.
Kukuku... The magic stone!!! Is ours!!! ... Really, it's so~ boring. I can't wait any longer. Kuhuhu... So-- we'll be taking... this magic stone.
Chapter 4: He's taking the magic stone.
W-what? Who're...? AAAAAK!!! MY ARM... !!! MY ARM!! KUK! You...! That robe...! Are you the association's magician?!
Chapter 4. "Who're" is not "whore" with an extra apostrophe, it stands for "Who are" - confused at first, then injured in the arm, and then he looks up and sees the association magician.

Description: Shicmuon is one of the only two Rank 1 magicians known in the comic, the other being the Black Magician, who Shicmuon hates with a burning passion. Or maybe not, but as soon as Shicmuon sees the Black Magician his only thoughts are "attack Black Magician." Can annoy others (including the Black Magician himself) especially because he seems to forget what he's supposed to be doing. Although his real name is not Shicmuon, that's the name everyone really knows him by.
Voice: Be able to yell, medium voice probably, sound super angry and mad, and veeeery obsessed with a certain Black Magician.
If you don't... I'LL EAT IT.
Episode 4, Shic sensed Black Magician.Yells a lot especially when facing "Blackie." Super threatening in the last line, he's actually going to eat the magic stone if Blackie doesn't come.
Why come out like an idiot... And... make me mad? I'll make you regret that decision for the rest of your life.
Episode 4: Threatening Tessiana who decided to fight him and accidentally distract him from the Black Magician.
Do you know how long I've been searching for you since that day? Opion's been busy trying to hide you as if you were a jewel. ... So I went around to every mission where you might show up. But I couldn't even find you at all. Now. You're right in front of me. So... Show me again. That day. The power that gave me the shudders...! Before I... KILL YOU.
Episode 6, long monologue. He's gotten talkative. He's super obsessed with Black Magician. So much that he's begun monologuing.

Description: Dan Marshell, a 23-year-old Rank 3 Magician, the target of revenge by someone, and the target of the Black Magician's latest mission - at that point in the story. His magician name (Awakened name) is "Cloak."
Voice: Any. Also be able to do evil laughing in various syllables.
The magic stone... Is already in my hands. If you get in my way... I'LL KILL ALL OF YOU! Starting... WITH YOU!!!
Episode 5, he tried to steal the magic stone but it got revealed, now he's ready to kill the hooded figure that revealed the stone.
KUHAHAHA! ... The magic stone!!! Is mine...!
... these small fries!
Episode 5, magic stone stealing in progress again, but then he gets interrupted by more magicians.

Description: May need various for the non-human demons. Creepy demon noises?
just, do something. no words.

Description: Rune knows Lapis and helps him sometimes. Doesn't show up too often.
Voice: Any
... You're going to fight? I won't stop you, but you're...

Description: Rubymonter is a very powerful demon. She's cool.
Voice: Medium-low range.
Just... Because of this little thing, they're so noisy. ...Lowly things. Humans are more boring than I thought.
Episode 7, just attacked a bunch of humans with some low class demons.
It's called a Book. "9999 Ways to Seduce Men."
Episode 7, answering question of "what are you looking at so intensely"

Description: A demon whose demon form looks like a fish. But he's not a fish.
Voice: Medium-low.
... Interesting. Don't you think so? Rubymonter-nim.
Episode 7, thoughtful, considering.
... Um... I've wanted to ask this for a while. What are you looking at so intensely?
Episode 7, questioning, possibly a bit nervous about asking.

Description: Ben is a cute little kid who serves drinks at some cafe. He writes letters to his older sister who is attending Helios
Voice: Your typical young child voice.
Yeah~ Here is the drink you ordered! It's been a while, Brother Rood!
What's with all these books? I haven't seen you around lately. Have you been studying? EK--! It's hard! *Just looking at it makes me dizzy!*
Ooh~ my sis said immodest men aren't popular!
Episode 8, teasing

Description: Lispen is an attendant of the noble Artian family. This character... becomes quite significant later. :)
(More lines may be added)
Voice: Medium-deep.
... Lady Dayner. Are you really all ri...?

Description: Lady Dayner of the Artians, she is Lidusis' mother and part of the reason why Rood ends up attending Helios.
Voice: A sort of noble regal voice.
I'm fine. How many times will you ask before you're satisfied? If you ask one more time, I'll kick your face. So stop worrying.
If it can help that boy just a little bit... I will do anything.
Episode 8, determined.
This carriage is very sturdy. Anyways... Since we're close to our destination, and since the weather is so nice... i would like to take a walk.
Episode 9, someone just jumped onto the carriage roof.

Description: Someone who talks to Lispen. He might show up later.
Voice: Any
Haha! He sure knows how to apologize. Why would you point your sword at a kid like that~?
How about it? Getting an apprentice, while we're on the topic... Well, with Lispen-nim's temper, I'm not sure if that's possible...
Episode 9, more casual chatting
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