Black Haze [Comic Fandub]
voicemish for Seren's Friend.
Description: Like Seren she probably shows up in Episode 1, and maaaaybe somewhere else? Her name wasn't mentioned in Episode 1, and I'm not reading all the way through to find her name, if it was mentioned. So now she is "Seren's Friend."
Voice: Any, as long as the emotions are portrayed. Requires some screaming-in-terror skills.
Aha... But still it was really a great performance. Everyone was mesmerized by your singing, Seren-nim.
Chapter 1: Placating, trying to console Seren. Because barely anyone showed up to the performance.
The thing is... a demon warning was issued in the Lupen Woods which is the direct way. A couple days ago, a carriage going by the woods was ambushed by a demon and received heavy damages.
Chapter 1: Serious. Explaining why they didn't go "the direct way."
...Seren-nim... I-is it just me, or does it look spookier than usual...?
Chapter 1: probably terrified, scared, nervous.