BIONICLE is a toy line originally produced by the LEGO group. Throughout 2001-2010 it featured a storyline where legendary heroes known as Toa worked together to revive their creator, Mata Nui. They would unite against the forces of evil, led by the traitorous Makuta Teridax, who aimed to take over the world as they knew it.
BIONICLE: Iliad is a small group of members in the BIONICLE community who are joined together by one goal; to retell the story of BIONICLE through a fully CGI 3D animated web-series.
To finish casting for the first arc of the show we're gonna need more voice actors. That's where you come in! We're looking for skilled voice actors to bring this project to life! In addition, we are looking to bring on additional artists and technicians to join the project in our various open departments.
Familiarity with BIONICLE and its characters is not required to participate, we're only looking for the best talent available.
This casting call currently covers Episodes 3 - 6.
The Casting Call is open from now until March 11th at 11:59PM EST (UTC - 5).
You may direct any and all questions to the Bionicle: Iliad Fan Discord Server. []
Bring your energy and enthusiasm to the role. We are NOT looking for impressions or imitations of any existing BIONICLE Media. This includes voicing the Matoran with higher-pitched voices like they’re children. Barring the Turaga characters, who should sound older, all characters will fit in the generic adult voice range.
You may notice that some of the characters speak in a pattern different from common English, this is due to their specific dialect, Treespeak. Treespeak is a fictional dialect that the people of the jungles of Mata Nui speak. They compound nouns and adjectives and shorten their sentences to achieve efficiency of speech. We’ve adapted the fictional dialect to better suit voice-acting and comprehension. If you would like to hear a sample of what the dialect may sound like, you can listen to the following audio cuts.
[]: A frustrated matoran spills his heart.
[]: A hushed turaga explains the situation.
[]: A matoran pleas with an ally.
Regardless of speech patterns, we do not have set accents in mind for any given role. We invite everyone to bring their own unique, enthusiastic take to bring the characters to life.
We also have open positions for other aspects of the project. These range from concept artists to audio engineers. You will find information about each role in their respective section below.
Most importantly, above all else, we hope you have fun!
These aren’t just suggestions. If you don’t follow these instructions, you’re not likely to be cast.
Applications for roles other than voice actor must include a sample of previous work. Further information will be available below per role.
We’re looking for solid mic quality, you don’t need to have a $1000 Microphone or anything, just preferably not a tin can.
No Background noise or reverb. Pretty self-explanatory, we don’t want to hear your whole house or neighborhood, just your lovely voice.
No Slating. Don’t say your name before the takes, we can read it. Just go straight to the lines.
3 takes maximum for each line and read each line at least once. Make sure each take is unique.
Ad-libbing to change a line is allowed so long as you give us a take of you not ad-libbing alongside it. If you don't, we'll consider you as having not read all the lines.
You may attach a demo reel as part of your audition.
Auditions must be sent in by the deadline, we may grant exceptions if reasonable. We reserve the right not to grant exceptions.
We will not send individual rejection emails. If you don't hear from us within a week or two of the deadline, sorry, you did not make it.
All Roles will be Live-directed.
Discord will be required for live-direction during recording sessions.
If we enjoyed your audition, but think you could fit a different role better, we may contact you with an invitation to audition for said different role.
Feel free to audition for as many characters as you'd like, auditioning for one won't disqualify you for another.
Ahkmou - OHK-moo
Boreas - BOR-ee-us
Gukko - GUH-koh
Hafu - HAH-foo
Huki - HOO-kee
Jala - JAH-lah
Kapura - kah-PUR-ah
Koli - KOH-lee
Kongu - KON-goo
Kopaka - Koh-PAH-kah
Koro - CORE-oh
Le-Koro - LEE-CORE-oh
Lewa - LEE-wah
Makuta - Mah-KOO-tah
Mata Nui - MAH-tah NOO-ee
Matau - MA-tau
Matoran - Mah-TOR-an
Matoro - Mah-TOR-oh
Nuju - NOO-joo
Onepu - OH-neh-poo
Onua - Oh-NOO-uh
Onu-Koro - Oh-NOO-CORE-oh
Po-Koro - Poh-CORE-oh
Rahi - RAH-hee
Rama - RAH-mah
Shu - SHOO
Taipu - TAI-poo
Tamaru - Ta-MAH-Roo
Toa - TOE-uh
Turaga - Too-RAH-gah
Ussal - UH-sohl
Ussalry - UH-sohl-ree
Vakama - Vah-KAH-mah
BIONICLE and its characters are property of THE LEGO GROUP. AFTER PARTY ENTERTAINMENT and its affiliates claim no legal ownership over any of the copyrighted materials featured in BIONICLE: ILIAD. BIONICLE: ILIAD is a non-profit fan project made from the passion of BIONICLE's community. LEGO does not sponsor this project in any way.