Beyond the Dark Production - ‘The Strata’ - Chapter 4 | Original audio drama

Project Overview
The Strata is a gritty sci-fi / horror series and requires serious, grounded performances.
Format: The podcast consists of a series of interwoven stories in a persistent universe and there is an opportunity for voice actors to take on recurring roles if interested. There are over 50 episodes currently planned, broken up into chapters of around 5 episodes each. Please take a listen to previous seasons of The Strata for an idea of the overall tone at
***Payment Structure for Returning Characters - Per Chapter (4-6 Episodes) - in USD***
Narrator (over 5000 words) : $250
Major Character (over 1000 words) : $50
Minor Character (less than 1000 words) : $25
Setting: In a sprawling future metropolis called The Strata, society has continued to segregate between the classes. The wealthy live in Highgate City, a place full of dazzling skyscrapers and creature comforts. Organic body augmentations that allow citizens to extend their life for hundreds of years have become commonplace. At the other end of the spectrum lies Dockerton, a slum area filled with crime, drugs and poverty. Disease is rampant and basic facilities are almost non-existent. There are many checkpoints maintained by police that help to keep the city segregated, and most citizens don’t bother straying from their own neighbourhood.
Disclaimer / Content Warning: This project contains mild profanity and some portrayals of violence (gunplay, drug use).
Rules for auditioning
1. A quality recording. I can't use poor audio no matter how great your performance might be.
2. Commitment to deadlines.
3. Willingness to take direction and provide pickups if necessary.
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Emily is the narrator and protagonist of the story. She is a caring and good-hearted young woman who has fallen on hard times due to circumstances outside of her control. After growing up in the slum area of Dockerton, Emily was witness to a brutal crime involving some dangerous and high-ranking criminals, and this forced her to leave The Strata behind and cut all ties with her family. She has now gone into hiding in a small coastal outpost called Greywater, where she and her best friend Curran spend their time repairing boats and other vehicles that pull into port. She shares a strong bond with Curran and views their relationship as the most important thing in her life, and in many ways she feels like his protector since he has lived an insular life, never venturing beyond the small wasteland communities. The two of them are very comfortable with each other and often joke and tease good-naturedly. Even though Emily maintains a pessimistic view of the outside world - and the bustling cityscape of The Strata in particular - she still dreams of escaping the drudgery of Greywater and doing something more with her life.
Voice is medium pitch.
Strata - strah-tuh
Ximena - he-MAY-nuh
(Narrated - pensive with an underlying melancholy as she considers how she was forced to go into hiding) What would you find if you walked out of The Strata and headed south? It may seem like an innocuous question - the kind that no one would even bother to ask. But for me, it became the most important question of my life. The answer most people will give you is ‘dust and ash’. Ruin. The Deadlands. But that’s not exactly true. Amid the wasteland there are pockets of humanity - outposts that survive against the odds. And if you stick to the coastline, you might find somewhere like Greywater. It’s the kind of place where people from The Strata won’t bother looking for you - even the ones who want you dead.
(An emergency situation. Emily is short of breath as she drags an unconscious coworker who she knows probably can’t hear her. She is ‘thinking out loud’ for the most part. Her voice is tinged with relief as she reaches safety) “Shit... okay... we made it. Back at Juncture Seven.” (Confusion sets in - something is wrong) “Wait a second... these emergency lights shouldn’t be active. Why is everything so dark?” (Trying to regain composure) “Okay, forget about that. Which way is Medbay? Come on...”
(Vehement as she tells a companion about why she went into hiding) “They killed my brother in cold blood, right in the street. And my sister, she...” (Eases off slightly, becomes more contemplative as she thinks of her sister) “...well, Ximena was always stronger than me. She wanted to stay. But for all I know, she’s dead now too.”

Akintola is a trader who travels between distant outposts in the Deadlands. He is charismatic and good natured and this helps to make him an excellent salesman as strangers are often quick to like him. He is well educated and well spoken. Although he drives a hard bargain he is not the type of person who would take advantage of people less fortunate than himself. Akintola is savvy and understands the vast differences between life in the metropolis of The Strata and the small Deadlands outposts. He uses this knowledge to make good decisions regarding his procurements. For example, he understands that an art relic of little value in the Deadlands can fetch a large sum of creds in Highgate City. Alternatively, a cheap and common component in Midtown can be worth a lot more in the technology-deprived Deadlands. Akintola has established himself as a valuable link between these disparate societies and as such he has developed a large network of contacts over the years.
Voice is low pitch.
(Instructing some workers about how his ship needs repairs. Conveys a sense of humour as he recalls what happened) “My ship hasn’t been running so smoothly of late, especially when I’m using high power. I was chased by some pirates a couple of days back and she started shaking so badly that I thought she might fall apart, right under my feet.”
(Empathising with some young workers who are stuck in Greywater. A sense of regret as he talks about how the world has been ruined) “I know what it’s like for youngsters out here in the wasteland. There’s an inevitable truth - you’re trapped with no escape. It’s not like you can go and cut down trees in order to build something - there are no forests left to plunder, just ash. You can’t hunt wild game and sell furs or meat - we humans have eradicated every species that once roamed these lands. The same goes for the seas - they’re practically empty.”
(Bargaining, trying to set up a deal) “I’ve known the captain for a long time now. He trusts my opinion. And for a small fee I’d be willing to offer... an endorsement to help convince him of your worth.”

Renae is an intelligent and well-spoken biologist who is about to embark on her first deep space voyage. She is well educated, charismatic and conversational. She has a good grounding in human psychology and has an excellent understanding of personalities and behaviours. Although she presents herself as likeable and influential, she can also be manipulative and deceptive if the situation demands it. Beneath the surface she has very strong political convictions and viewpoints on the use of technology in humanity’s expansion across the galaxy, but tends to keep these thoughts well guarded unless confronted. In private she gives time to humanitarian causes that she feels are important. There are certain injustices in particular that cause her to feel a great deal of anger and frustration, however she does not share this with anyone but her closest companions.
Arcturian - ark-TOO-ree-en
Tau Ceti - tow (rhymes with ‘cow’) SET-ee
(Talking to a couple of inexperienced crewmembers who have come to pick up her cargo) “Wait a minute, is this the first time you two have ever seen the Overlook?” (They don’t respond; she goes on, finally understanding; teasing, playful) “Ohhh... great, real great. I shell out the creds for a high priority shipment and who do they send for the pickup? A couple of kids who just got their first paycheck and blew the lot slamming Arcturian Mai Tai’s at the Overlook.”
(Calmly discussing the opposition from some groups in regard to humans colonising new worlds) “Well, even in a place like Tau Ceti Station, you won’t have to look very far to find them... people who think that colonising the far reaches of space is a bad idea. Not just for humans, but for all the creatures we find every time we establish a new colony. I guess they have a point, in some ways. There’s a lot of indigenous species that have suffered at our hands.”
(Passionate, vehement and accusatory as she argues with a crewmate about the inhumane slaughter of animals that occurs as part of the colonisation of new worlds) “Think about it. Think about the system you’re a part of - a system of genocide against innocent alien creatures... and their only crime is to inhabit worlds that have been marked for settlement. That’s the legacy you’re leaving for humankind.”

Alvarez is an experienced and sensible captain of a deep space freighter. He is responsible for commanding a crew of around ten people on long haul flights to distant regions of space. These journeys can take weeks and with little entertainment on board crewmembers will often clash, especially when there are strong personalities in play. Alvarez runs a tight ship and although he tries to be accommodating, he does not tolerate insubordination and will act to discipline crewmembers if things start to get out of hand. He has a friendly, albeit businesslike manner and likes to get to know his subordinates on a personal basis in order to establish a rapport. All the same, he knows not to get too close to them and will usually refrain from participating in leisure activities when they occur.
Voice is medium to low pitch.
MacGavin - mack-GAV-in
(Businesslike as he addresses prospective crewmembers who are preparing for evaluation) “This is my operational overseer, MacGavin. He’ll run you through a few scenarios, test your skills. Is that okay with you?”
(In a personal moment tells a crewmember about his past and how he escaped the slums of Dockerton) “I was one of the lucky ones, I guess. Came into an inheritance and moved to Highgate City with my family. Got into a good school and never looked back from there. I still have some friends in Dockerton, but... can’t say I’ve been there in a long time.”
(Urgent, breathless as an emergency situation unfolds) “Emily! What’s going on? I can’t reach anyone on comms. Has anyone seen Slayton? We need to make sure our nav hasn’t been sent out of alignment.”

Gullgoa runs a small workshop in the outpost community of Greywater. He is old, in poor health and can be heard coughing a lot of the time. Even so, he still keeps a close eye on his workers as he tries to ensure that standards are met. He pushes the workers hard but in his own way he is fair and tries to ensure that those in his employ are looked after. His voice is somewhat gruff and he has a prickly demeanour most of the time.
Voice is medium to low pitch.
(Begins this line with a couple of coughs. Complaining about workers not getting through a task as quickly as he would like) “Back in my day I’d have had her back on the waves long before this, running better than ever.”
(Muttering to himself. Peering into the distance, trying to make out a boat approaching on the water) “Hmm... that’s... that could be a trader. I have to go and get my things together. And I’ll need one of you to prepare food, right away.”
(Calling over his shoulder as he moves away. Leaving instructions for his workers to prepare a meal for an important new arrival who is on their way to the outpost) “Something hot! And not the garbage you made last time. That was an utter embarrassment, not worthy of a fine outpost like Greywater.”

Kerrigan is an obnoxious and overbearing security guard who works on board a deep space freighter. He is self-important and likes to power trip, frequently reminding others that he has the last say in all security matters. Even though security threats are rare in his line of work, Kerrigan likes to believe that he is the most important person on board the ship and that everyone else would be lost without him. In reality he is viewed as a nuisance and an unnecessary bureaucrat. He is easily angered by those who don’t follow his rules. At heart he is not particularly brave and when confronted will usually back down.
Voice is gravelly, low pitch.
Rigel - RYE-jel
(Ranting to the crew about a terrorist organisation who he believes are a threat to security. Passionate, voice tinged with disgust) “Terran Loyalists. A bunch of misguided troublemakers who want to get in the way of progress. They’ve been undermining colonisation efforts for years. Started with a few minor skirmishes in the outer reaches, but now they’re moving onto bigger targets. Took out a Viper warship in the Rigel system a few weeks back. Planted a bomb on board, ruptured the hull. Killed twenty people.”
(Self-important as he lectures crewmembers about his role on this ship) “There are ten crewmembers on board this ship, and only one of them is responsible for security. Only one gets to carry a weapon, and it’s not Captain Alvarez.”
(Making an announcement over the intercom. Breathless, panicky as an emergency situation arises) “Attention all crew, we have a... a situation. We’re moving into lockdown. Immediately. Get back to your quarters and stay there.”

MacGavin is an experienced technician aboard a deep space freighter. He is responsible for maintenance and repairs aboard the ship Kotona. This is a somewhat daunting task considering the age of the vessel and MacGavin therefore usually has at least one subordinate to assist with the work. It’s an unglamorous vocation but MacGavin enjoys working with his hands and travelling to the far reaches of space and he has never once considered giving it away. He is good natured and amiable when dealing with others, but he sets high standards and does not tolerate substandard workmanship. He knows that in the emptiness of deep space there are no second chances and a poorly maintained ship can be a threat to the lives of everyone on board.
Voice is medium to low pitch with a rough edge to it.
(Advising the captain about some new recruits that he has just finished assessing) “Well, they’re not bad. They’ve got a firm hold of the basics, I’ll give them that. Power alignment and component matching is good. But neither has a clue about anything above a Class Five engine.”
(Advising the captain about a new recruit who has excellent credentials, but who MacGavin suspects might be a drug user - something that MacGavin has no tolerance for) “That guy? Well, he’s worked on everything, best as I can tell. Over a decade of experience, even has some Class Nine under his belt. But he zoned out right after the test. Real sudden. Think he might be on something.”
(With a note of concern as an emergency situation arises) “Looks like a power issue down in Delta Storage. I’ll go and take a look. One of you meet me there ASAP, huh?”

Stone is the commander of a Colonist warship that patrols and polices deep space trading routes. This is a prestigious posting and Stone takes his role very seriously. He is honourable and dutiful and tries to uphold these values in all situations. He understands that there are some dangerous factions that are trying to undermine the Colonist agenda of populating new worlds. Stone has a particular dislike of the Terran Loyalist group that has begun to take violent action against the Colonists, carrying out terrorist attacks that have resulted in the loss of life on more than one occasion. He knows that any lack of diligence on his part could result in the loss of countless lives. Although he is not a cruel man, he takes great satisfaction in taking down Terran Loyalists wherever possible, since he knows this action will in turn save innocent lives.
Voice is medium to low pitch.
Kotona - co-TOE-nuh
Tau Ceti - tow (rhymes with ‘cow’) SET-ee
(Interrogating a witness to an incident where a terrorist committed a heinous act and then escaped) “Yes, we know about her. There’s no sign of her - or the pod she escaped on - anywhere in the system. We believe she must have made a rendezvous with her Terran accomplices and shot through. But there’s something else I need you to tell me.”
(Offering a technician a job on his vessel the Valiant. Upbeat, he assumes this news will go down well) “You’re going to be offered a new position, right here on the Valiant. An OpTech role, like your old one, but far more prestigious.”
(Providing information to an injured crewmember who has just awoken from a coma) “We picked up a distress signal from your ship, the Kotona, en route to Tau Ceti. A good thing. You could have been drifting out there a lot longer.”

Gregory is the freight overseer on board a deep space cargo ship. He is an amiable crewmember who is easy to get along with. He is a conscientious worker who takes his job seriously. However, his job does not pay particularly well and so Gregory likes to hustle goods on the side. It’s not uncommon for him to purchase an item at one station and then try to hock it off at another for a highly inflated sum.
Kotona - co-TOE-nuh
(Amiable as he introduces himself to some newcomers) “The name’s Gregory. Freight Overseer.”
(Outraged when he finds out an item he owned was sold off for a meagre amount) “Are you kidding me, Mac? That’s half what I told you it’s worth.”
(Advising some newcomers about how the crew quarters are relatively small in comparison to the size of the vessel) “Don’t be fooled. Most of the Kotona’s bulk is dedicated to storage bays. Cargo destined for the colonies.”

The Guard is an official who runs a checkpoint that leads into the starliner precinct of Highgate City. It is his job to make sure that no contraband or dangerous goods pass through his area. This is an important position and the Guard takes his job very seriously, since he knows that allowing dangerous goods or items through the checkpoint could endanger the safety of starliner passengers. He is curt and businesslike and is not prone to chit-chat.
“Place your possessions here for inspection.”
(Confronting two citizens who are attempting to pass without luggage, a somewhat uncommon occurrence) “What about you two? Where are your bags?”
“Walk through here.”
Public Submissions