Beyond the Dark Production - ‘The Strata’ - Chapter 4 | Original audio drama
MichelleHanVA for Renae

Renae is an intelligent and well-spoken biologist who is about to embark on her first deep space voyage. She is well educated, charismatic and conversational. She has a good grounding in human psychology and has an excellent understanding of personalities and behaviours. Although she presents herself as likeable and influential, she can also be manipulative and deceptive if the situation demands it. Beneath the surface she has very strong political convictions and viewpoints on the use of technology in humanity’s expansion across the galaxy, but tends to keep these thoughts well guarded unless confronted. In private she gives time to humanitarian causes that she feels are important. There are certain injustices in particular that cause her to feel a great deal of anger and frustration, however she does not share this with anyone but her closest companions.
Arcturian - ark-TOO-ree-en
Tau Ceti - tow (rhymes with ‘cow’) SET-ee
(Talking to a couple of inexperienced crewmembers who have come to pick up her cargo) “Wait a minute, is this the first time you two have ever seen the Overlook?” (They don’t respond; she goes on, finally understanding; teasing, playful) “Ohhh... great, real great. I shell out the creds for a high priority shipment and who do they send for the pickup? A couple of kids who just got their first paycheck and blew the lot slamming Arcturian Mai Tai’s at the Overlook.”
(Calmly discussing the opposition from some groups in regard to humans colonising new worlds) “Well, even in a place like Tau Ceti Station, you won’t have to look very far to find them... people who think that colonising the far reaches of space is a bad idea. Not just for humans, but for all the creatures we find every time we establish a new colony. I guess they have a point, in some ways. There’s a lot of indigenous species that have suffered at our hands.”
(Passionate, vehement and accusatory as she argues with a crewmate about the inhumane slaughter of animals that occurs as part of the colonisation of new worlds) “Think about it. Think about the system you’re a part of - a system of genocide against innocent alien creatures... and their only crime is to inhabit worlds that have been marked for settlement. That’s the legacy you’re leaving for humankind.”

Thanks for the auditions!