Best Chef: Live! [Gacha Club Series]

Project Overview

(Caution: If you are 13+ ONLY, you may audition. AND, if you can't handle blood or say foul language [Not the 'F' or 'B' words] I recommend you don't audition for this series.)

What's This Series About? (Not the actual Plot) This series is about a group of very good chefs/ cooks competing each other to win the title "Best Chef", win $10.k, and win there own small restaurant! There are a total of 12 contestants in this competition, striving to win, but there's something very twisted about this. The host of the series, Carla, decided to change up the show/ competition:

How The Show Will Run: There are 2 rounds of cooking; the first round, everyone cooks whatever the host requests them to; whether it's a theme, a certain food, or a special family recipe from their household. After each round, there would be taste testing, of course. There are 3 taste testers/ judges; Mrs. Chris, Mr. Launzon, and the host. In Round 1, after each dish was tasted and criticized, each judge chooses one person with the dish they least liked, and then all the judges together will then choose one person that had the best dish. The 1 person with the best dish is saved from being nominated for the next competition (not the second round). The 3 people who were chosen by the judges for the worst dish will then compete in the second round. No one competes in the second round unless they are nominated with the worst dish. This seem pretty normal, right? Here comes the twist. The 3 with the worst dish, are competing for their lives! After taste testing, 2 will be saved from elimination and will continue to live for the next competition, while 1 will die with the worst dish, and will never become the "Best Chef". This event happens every other day. The days between will consist of a mini competition. The competitions are random, and would probably fall under one of these categories; prepping and seasoning a raw meat, hunting, organizing/ decorating their dish, etc. (restaurant stuff). In short:

  • Round 1- Everyone Cooks according to the Theme or Specific Food requested by the Host.

  • Round 1 Taste Testing- 3 Nominated, 1 (Not from the 3) Saved for the Next Competition (Not round 2).

  • Round 2- Nominated 3 Cook to Save them from being Executed.

  • Round 2 Taste Testing- 2 Saved, 1 (Not from the 2) Die.

  • Next Day- Mini Competitions (They don't really do anything; in terms of being nominated... but maybe some will die.. in these mini events).

Rules for the Contestants: Contestants may not copy another contestant's dish or dish layout; or else they'd be automatically nominated (if this happens in the second round, they'd be automatically executed). Contestants may not sabotage other contestant's dishes while or after cooking; or else they'd get automatically eliminated. Contestant's may not quit or leave campus; or else they'd get automatically eliminated. Contestants may team up with certain events or with Host permission (the Host usually doesn't accept), but shall not team when prohibited; or else they'd be automatically nominated. Contestants may not commit suicide on campus; because why would you want to avoid participating such a fun experience and become the "Best Chef"! Contestants may not hurt another contestant at any time; or else... you get the idea right?..

Plot (Summarized): The main protagonist, Almonn Turroi, is trying to win while trying to figure out a way to save people from dying, and finding an escape. Pretty simple.. but it's also complex. (And no, the "Mastermind" is not a contestant or whatever... it's clearly the Host.)

Anyone With a Role: If you have a role or want to support this series, click on this link to join my "Best Chef: Live" Discord Server:

If there's any other information that you want to know that I didn't add, please comment in the discord server linked above, thank you!

Lol, this series has such a basic crew.

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Almonn Turroi


Almonn is a kind and caring person. He's usually calm, and worries for others. 

Voice Type:

He should have a medium to medium-high voice.


Favorite Food: Soup

Favorite Drink: Sweet Tea

Favorite Color: Grey-ish Blue

Hated Food: Anything from the Ocean (Accept Shrimp)

  • (yelling with excitement) "W-Wow! This place is really fancy! I can't believe I'll be staying here; cooking on Live TV!"

  • (talking quietly; nervous) "I hope... that the judges will like my dish."

  • (speaking quietly to himself; scared) "So, there can only be one survivor? And.. that survivor would whoever wins. God... what have I got myself into?"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Nina Kurisaki
Role assigned to: deleted542958


Nina only cares about the people she's truly friends with. She can be a little hot-headed, and she likes being alone.

Voice Type:

She should have a medium to medium-high voice.


Favorite Food: Crab

Favorite Drink: Coke

Favorite Color: Teal

Hated Food: Eggs (Doesn't matter how you cook it, she hates eggs; period)

  • (talking with confidence) "Heh, I get my cooking skills from my parents, and they're the best; that's why I'm going to win!"

  • (talking normally) "So what if I don't like eggs. Do you really eat that stuff?"

  • (yelling with anger and fear) "No way in HELL! I-I can't compete in this! Not if there's dying involved!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Zane Journin


Zane doesn't care about anyone but himself. Literally anything would make him "explode". He also easily gets jealous.

Voice Type:

He should have a low to medium-low voice.


Favorite Food: Salads

Favorite Drink: Coffee

Favorite Color: Red

Hated Food: Rice

  • (minor yelling) "I don't burn my food! Your food is the one that's charcoal black! You should've took that piece of bacon off the pan before you decided to talk to me, idiot."

  • (yelling loudly with anger) "Shut up you mutt! I bet I can cook better dishes than you!"

  • (talking casually but still with aggression) "Whether it has death or not, I'm still winning this thing. And I'm not gonna get distracted because of someone that I don't even know died. I'm going to be the Best Chef." 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Jiuri Dana
Role assigned to: Béatrice Lavigne


Jiuri loves to brag about herself and her family sometimes. She's really passionate and she talks really loud and fast. And when the time is needed, she'd be there for her friends.

Voice Type:

She should have a medium to high voice.


Favorite Food: Burritos

Favorite Drink: Orange Soda

Favorite Color: Dark Purple

Hated Food: Cold/ Raw Broccoli

  • (talking loud and quickly; bragging) "Oh, you'll wish you can taste my grandmother's homemade vanilla ice cream sugar cookie sandwich! It might be basic but it's the bomb!"

  • (talking loud and quickly; bragging) "I might not be the best chef but I'm the best at baking! This one time, I made homemade vanilla cupcakes filled with lemon creme with a glaze frosting with yellow crystal sprinkles and a cherry on top! Sound delicious right!?"

  • (yelling with anger and fear) "Holy sh*t... what kind of TV show is this!? Isn't this on LIVE TV!? How has no one shut this down or called the police!?" [Don't say this part: If you don't want to say Holy sh*t... say Oh my god... instead]

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Austin Korell


Austin is a calm guy, who like to cheer people up when needed. He always puts everyone before him and usually lightens up the mood around him.

Voice Type:

He should have a medium-low but soft voice.


Favorite Food: Dumbo

Favorite Drink: Flavored, Carbonated Water

Favorite Color: Green

Hated Food: Raisins (Me too; Ew)

  • (talking normally; calm) "Don't worry man, you'll do just fine! After all, the competition isn't just for the prizes, it's also for experience, learning, and for fun! Or at least that's how I think of it."

  • (talking quietly to himself; stressed) "Damn it... I don't remember all the ingredients I need.. this is going to be a disaster." [Don't say this part: If you don't want to say damn it say dang it instead]

  • (talking quietly; scared) "I... I take back what I said earlier, this competition.. isn't for fun."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Cellrana Jelher
Role assigned to: TheFinalBoss


Cellrana is a self-centered kind of girl. She is over-confident in herself and takes pride in her work, unless it ends up being a total wreck.

Voice Type:

She should have a medium to high voice.


Favorite Food: Donuts

Favorite Drink: Energy Drinks

Favorite Color: Light Pink

Hated Food: Chocolate

  • (talking with aggression) "Tsk... whatever. But just to let you know, I'm going to win this competition, and you're not gonna get in my way while I do so!"

  • (talking casually; pridefully) "Ha! What a laugh! All of you are arguing over who's the better chef. It's obviously me! I'm going to dominate everyone here and earn the title 'Best Chef'!"

  • (quivering in fear; talking quietly) "What's going on here?... I don't want to compete in this anymore... knowing if I lose I'll die... earning the title 'Best Chef', winning $10 grand and a small restaurant... is it really worth dying for?"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Janar Kae
Role assigned to: harunooffline


Janar is a shy person, who really cares about his family and friends. But he also gets scared easily.

Voice Type:

He should have a medium to medium-high voice.


Favorite Food: Rice Rolls

Favorite Drink: Pepsi

Favorite Color: Light Sky Blue

Hated Food: Any Flavored Jam (He hates the texture)

  • (talking casually) "At this rate, I can't doubt myself. My family always tells me that I'm such a good cook, sometimes I'll even cook dinner. So I can't really tell myself 'I'm not a good cook'. So yes, I think I'm a very good chef, in my opinion."

  • (talking nervously and thankfully)"Y-You really think so? U-um... thanks! I tried my best to make a delicious dish for you and the other judges."

  • (breathing heavy; talking casually; terrified) "Oh my god... I might die here. My Mom... my Dad... they're watching me, knowing that I might die.."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Jasmine Califlower


Jasmine has a soft heart.

Voice Type:

She should have a medium-high to high voice (soft).


Favorite Food: Tuna Steak

Favorite Drink: Sweat Tea

Favorite Color: Teal

Hated Food: Peanut Butter (Not allergic)

  • (talking casually) "My name? It's Jasmine. Jasmine Califlower. What's your name?" ___ "Wow, I like that name! Do you want to be friends, maybe?"

  • (talking casually) "Technically, I'm not suppose to be here. I'm a year younger than the age group aloud to join the competition. I was only accepted because of how well of a cook I am for my age."

  • (talking quietly; scared) "D-Die? I thought th-this was a cooking show..."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Omar Kojani


Omar is one of those people who try acting like the smartest person there. He also tries to stay calm all the time, but his stomach is very sensitive especially when seeing blood.

Voice Type:

He should have a medium-low to medium voice.


Favorite Food: Ramen

Favorite Drink: Water (That's all he drinks, most of the time)

Favorite Color: Red

Hated Food: Pineapples and Mushrooms (I know it's two but whatever).

  • (talking casually) "I do agree with you myself, this place is really fancy. Although, it looked so much smaller on the outside, I wasn't really expecting this."

  • (talking calmly but annoyed) "Yes, I am allergic of mushrooms, both if I eat it and touch it. And first of all, I'm not eating this dish, the judges are. And second of all, if you haven't noticed, I'm wearing gloves; dumb ass." [Don't say this part: If you don't want to say dumb ass say idiot instead]

  • (talking casually; while shaking) "I'm not trying to say that I don't care that people are going to die, but I have confidence in myself, so I know I won't die. I'll try my best to win this stupid competition."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Yinao Garrett


Yinao is stubborn but doesn't talk that much. Although she never lies, and says whatever she's thinking out loud, even if it's bad.

Voice Type:

She should have a medium to medium-high voice.


Favorite Food: Fish

Favorite Drink: Wine

Favorite Color: Yellow

Hated Food: Chips (Any kind)

  • (talking casually) "I'm mainly here for the restaurant. I don't care for the title 'Best Chef' nor do I care for the money, I'm already rich."

  • (talking casually; annoyed) "Do you mind if you keep yourself in your cook station? Cause I'd very much appreciate it."

  • (talking quietly and nervously) "I don't understand. Why? Why would you do something like this?" (starts yelling with anger) "What are you trying to achieve!?"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mia Omiya


Mia is a gentle girl, but is usually under a lot of stress. She always loves listening to music, especially while cooking. And she doubts herself a lot.

Voice Type:

She should have a medium to medium-high voice (not bratty... please).


Favorite Food: Sushi

Favorite Drink: Lemonade

Favorite Color: Pink

Hated Food: She doesn't know. (-_-)

  • (talking casually; calm) "Cooking in the kitchen is like my calm place. It lets me relieve stress when I'm cooking, I don't exactly know why. But I'm usually listening to music, maybe cooking with the music makes everything calm."

  • (yelling with frustration) "Give me back my headphones! I can't cook without my music! It helps me concentrate! Please!"

  • (talking quietly and quickly; panicking) "I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Tsunoi Yomega


Tsunoi is a pervert ... period (Well, he's not that bad. The most he does is flirt with the girls). And yet he never kissed a girl nor ever got a girl friend. How "sad".

Voice Type:

He should have a medium-low to medium voice (gentleman-ish?).


Favorite Food: A Bacon Sandwich

Favorite Drink: Root Beer

Favorite Color: Grey

Hated Food: Cheese

  • (talking casually; flirting) "Hey cutie~ What are you up to?" ... "No response huh." ...  "Leaving me on hold, how rude. I just wanted to be friends."

  • (yelling in shock) "Y-You're underage!? I-I'm so sorry about that! Wait... underage? Then why are you here?"

  • (talking casually) "So... this might be the last moments of my life. And yet I've still never kissed a girl." [Don't say this part: He's not taking it seriously..]

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mrs. Chris (Judge)


Trinora (Mrs. Chris) is a cheerful and upbeat person. She is always happy, almost never lets go of her big smile. She always help and cares for the contestants after they realize they might die, but after they die, she doesn't care about them anymore.

Voice Type:

She should have a high and cheerful voice. Scroll Down to Extra!


Favorite Food: Anything (She loves "every" food)

Favorite Drink: Strawberry Milkshakes

Favorite Color: White

Hated Food: "I don't hate any food!" (She says).


She wears the exact same outfit bit the color changes each episode/ day. When there's 10 minutes before taste testing she'd put her hair down and change her outfit to a black professional cook-looking suit and HER VOICE changes to a medium to medium-high voice.

  • (talking casually; welcoming) "Hello Chefs! My name is Trinora Chris, but you have to call me Mrs. Chris because I'm an adult, but I'd prefer you call me by my name. Anyways, Welcome to the Best Chef's Studio! I'll be one of the judges who'll get to taste and criticize your food! If you'd please follow me, to your rooms so you can unpack your luggage!"

  • (talking cheerfully) "Like always, there's only a limited amount of time to cook your dish! And I hope it's delicious!"

  • (talking with disappointment; with a big smile) "Oh yea. Quite disappointing... I would've loved all of you to live but unfortunately each 'Cooking Day' has to have someone die. What a shame."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mr. Launzon (Judge)


Mr. Launzon is a gentleman. He's sweet and kind, especially to children. He wants to help the contestants but he "can't".

Voice Type:

He should have a medium-low to medium voice. (soft)


Favorite Food: Spaghetti

Favorite Drink: Wine

Favorite Color: Orange

Hated Food: Canned Ravioli


He signed up to be a judge to the show, unaware that there would be dying in it. He wants to quit and help the contestants escape but he's always threatened by Carla (The Host) and the whole campus has intense security/ cameras on it. He always tries to convince Mrs. Chris that killing the contestants is wrong. Mrs. Chris cares about the contestants too but when they die, she doesn't mind or care at all.

  • (talking casually) "I can take the tour from here, Mrs. Chris. Since everyone is unpacked and ready to move on, I'll show you your cooking stations. But first let me introduce myself. My name is Mr. Launzon, and I'm pleased to be with you today. I'm another judge that'll be criticizing your dishes, now follow me if you'd please."

  • (talking casually) "I'm sorry, but we can't change where you're assigned stations are. Each station has you're name that can not come off unless you have the tools to. Why do you want to move your station?"

  • (yelling with fear and anger) "Wait WHAT!? I-I didn't sign up as a judge to watch the contestants die! Carla! Tell me what's going on!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Carla Lafountain (Host)
Role assigned to: GallicatVA


Carla only cares for her own entertainment and always wants to have (what she calls) "fun". She's mean to the judges off stage and loves watching the contestants die.

Voice Type:

She should have a medium to medium-high (dark-ish?) voice.


Favorite and Hated Food: "I'd accept any food. Anything that's not sour at least." (She says)

Favorite Drink: Diet Coke

Favorite Color: Black (Lol, she edgy)

  • (talking casually; excited) "Hello! So I finally have all of my contestants! Wow! Look at you all! I'm your host, Carla Lafountain, but just call me Carla. Now, before we get into action, Mrs. Chris will give you a tour around campus! Oh, and unload your luggage. I'll see you at 5:00!"

  • (talking casually) "You have to cook a breakfast, and I'm not gonna be specific about what to cook for breakfast. I want you all to use your imagination, think of something that doesn't look as plain as a waffle with scrambles eggs and bacon on the side. You only get an hour, now COOK!"

  • (talks casually then starts yelling with excitement; like a crazy woman) "Since I have my nominated 3 for round two, I might as well tell you. You're all playing for you lives!" [starts laughing like an evil witch] "Whoever has the worst dish in the second round, with die!" [starts laughing again]

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Dina Turroi (Almonn's Mother)


Dina (Mrs. Turroi) is a kind and caring person (She's where Almonn got his kindness from).

Voice Type:

She should have a medium to medium-high voice.


Favorite Food: HER Homemade Soup

Favorite Drink: Coke

Favorite Color: Blue

Hated Food: Anything from the Ocean [She's allergic] (Almonn hates it because his Mom is allergis; he's not).

  • (yelling with joy; knowing Almonn would like it) "Almonn! Look what's on the news tonight!"

  • (talking casually; excited for Almonn) "It's a new cooking show! They're gonna start their first season soon and they need people to audition! It's for ages 14-16!"

  • (scared and worried) "A-Almonn you're seeing this right!?"


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