RWBY: Battle of Beacon

Project Overview

The Battle of Beacon is a RWBY x Clone Wars crossover taking place in the Ray-verse, yes this is an alternate timeline of RWBY Volume 3. This project is very open minded and is very battle driven. Of course this is 15-20 minutes long and will focus on Blake and Ruby. We will also be seeing the Red Rose Battalion/55th Assault Division as well.

If you have any questions: contact me on Discord: Ray2003

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Yang Xiao Long

Yang Xiao Long is the older sister of Ruby Rose within Team RWBY. She's the most sociable and extroverted characters while at times she has a very brawler/angry side when she uses her semblance. For this project, Yang will be more kinder, still have her energetic style mixed with a bit of flamboyant personality. She has a soft CHINESE ACCENT for this project. 

For reference here is how she sounds like in the show by Barbara's voice:

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • female teen
  • asian
  • (Joy) "Oh, I can't believe my baby sister is going to Beacon with me! This is the best day ever!"

  • (Stern) "You could spout off what you want, but NOTHING is going to keep me from my sister."

  • (Sarcasm) "Great, the gang's all here. Now we can all die together."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Summer Branwen Rose

Summer Branwen Rose (Yes she's married to Qrow) is the mother of Ruby. She's a very passionate and loving mother who is very wise and generous. She's passionate and shows great care for those around her and even her husband.


  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • asian american
  • female young adult
  • (loving/kind) "I love you Ruby, just the way you are."

  • (stern) "Step away from my daughter!"

  • (Wise/focused) "Your closest friends are your siblings and family members. They're always around to guide and be there for you."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
White Fang Soldiers/Atlas Soldiers

It's obvious these grunts are going to be speaking a lot. Both male and female soldier leads. You can be creative in their voice tones, just make sure it's professional soldier lines.

Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • female adult
  • male young adult
  • male adult
  • Make up your own lines for soldiers speaking.

Music Composer

The music in RWBY is always a mix of Rock and heavy metal. And for Clone Wars music, it's mostly heroic and strong. You can be creative and mix up a bit and have a lighter tone. 


  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Cinder Fall
Role assigned to: Pentaclipse

Cinder Fall is the main antagonist of this project. She's docile, fearful and submissive in  her personality when dealing with someone who is superior to her. 


  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • female young adult
  • (stern/submissive) "We have big plans for you, Roman... All we ask is...a little cooperation."

  • "It's unfortunate you were promised a power that was never truly yours. But take comfort in knowing that I will use it in ways you would never had imagined."

  • "I want to be strong. I want to be feared. I want to be powerful."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Blake Belladonna
Role assigned to: LostDreamer

Blake Belladonna is one of the members of Team RWBY. In my series, Blake HAS A FILIPINO ACCENT and is required for this project specifically and future productions. She's soft, kind, timid, calculated but when she opens up due to so much pressure she can be emotional. 

For reference here is how she sounds like in the show by Aryn's voice:

NOTE: Blake doesn't need to have a hard Filipino Accent. Her accent could be a soft one. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • female young adult
  • asia pacific
  • (focused/reserved)"Yes, It's Lovely. Almost As Lovely As This Book... That I Will Continue To Read... As Soon As You Leave."

  • (worried/afraid) "No matter how many times I've tried to run away from the bloodshed, it always seem to follow me."

  • (kind/generous) "My team are family, sisters in arms, and I could never be grateful enough to have them."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Whitley Schnee
Role assigned to: EquesTron

(MINOR CHARACTER) Whitley is Weiss's younger brother. He's careful to maintain of appearing calm through tough situations. He is very polite and conscientious about what emotions he lets show, usually outwardly projecting a friendly and agreeable demeanor.


But I do prefer if he sounds more mature. Stern. And even if he's young, a bit confident. 

Better Reference:

Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • male teen
  • If being kind to my big sister is some sort of crime, then I suppose I'm guilty.

  • That girl needs a doctor. I didn't do it for you.

  • I've already gone through the city layouts for the SDC evacuation. Maybe I can help?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Weiss Schnee
Role assigned to: LostDreamer

Weiss Schnee is one of the members of Team RWBY. In my series, Weiss still retains her same sassy attitude and confident in her abilities. The only thing that's changed about her is that she's become less snarky and more passionate towards her team. Her voice should still similar to Kara Eberle's Voice.


  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • female young adult
  • "This will be perfect! The smartest girl in class combined with the strongest girl in class! Together we will be unstoppable! I can see it now - we'll be popular, we'll be celebrities, we'll get perfect grades! Nothing could come between us now!"

  • "Remember your training Weiss. Head up, shoulders back, right foot forward - not that forward! - slow your breathing, wait for the right time to strike, and... Now!"

  • "I don't want to hear it. I only want to know the next time that something this big comes up, you come to your teammates. And not some... someone else."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Sun Wukong
Role assigned to: Daniel Droid

Sun has a energetic and silly attitude in the RWBY show. His voice should sound similar to the show.  

REFERENCE: (0:07, 1:50, 2:30) 

  • english
Voice description:
  • male teen
  • male young adult
  • *Say something you think would fit*


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