Hello! This is Spencer, the creator of the upcoming AOT parody series currently in development. First of all I just wanted to thank you for all the auditions that have come in. It’s been truly wonderful to see so many people interested in my project! With though out of the way let’s get into the updates.
As of right now we’ve added casting calls for 15 new characters for this series. If you are at all interested in voicing Marco, Pyxis, Hannes, Miche, Moblit, Petra, Oluo, Gunther, Eld, Kitz, Keith, Zachary, Grisha, Carla, or Nick please consider auditioning within the coming weeks!
I’ve had a few questions regarding how this series will work so I decided I’d clarify as to how this series will be formatted. Rather then just a generic fan dub which can often be the target of copyright issues, my vision is to make this a truly transformative work that, while telling the story of AOT, takes a bit of creative liberty with the formatting of things. Arcs will be condensed together into episodes formatted like comedy sketches complete with original stories that gives lesser characters more screen time. We will still be dubbing the series, just taking a more creative spin to do so. If you have any questions or concerns about this format please let me know, I’m also open to talk!
This project closes on August 2nd but I may cast roles before then, probably beginning at the end of this week. I’ll be sure to let everyone know when that takes place so stay tuned for more updates.
I am willing and fully prepared to edit this series myself, however I’m putting out a casting call for anyone interested in helping me with the editing process. It’s not a priority role or anything, but it doesn’t hurt to have as much assistance as possible
Seriously, thank you again for the support! I can’t wait to see this project grow further and hope to have all of you along the ride with me!
Until Next Update,