Afiq Hisham
Afiq Hisham
@afiq-d-hishamA voice actor with a keen eye on building more experience in character work and audiobook narrations. Considerate nerd, video game goofball and karaoke fan extraordinaire at heart.
While my professional and academic background involve different aspects of Communication, I've always had a interest in acting and voiceover. That showed throughout university, where I got involved in theater plays, student television productions and a couple of Kickstarter videos as narration.
I used to think back then that voiceover revolved around doing good impressions of characters or having fancy-sounding dialects. Thanks to classes I've taken since at Closing Credits and other sources though, I now know better, and I'm looking to improve further and add on my experience towards making this a more viable, serious career path.
Looking to do character work or audiobook narration, depending on opportunities that show.